Merits starting with "not" and "eat." How do we eliminate in shortcomings in the complex with advantages


How do people value each other? From what they already have, maybe what they are capable of, or from what they do not. When two people begin to meet, they value each other from the perspective of what they have. “He makes a decent living,” “She has a great sense of humor,” “He has a house and a car,” “She knows how to cook deliciously,” etc.

People are met by what they have. We can say that a man and a woman begin to love each other precisely for what they have, what they do and give.

Everyone has disadvantages

As time passes, and partners begin to notice flaws. All people have their own shortcomings. For some reason, all the advantages that were previously noticed, lose their relevance, and shortcomings that need to be eliminated come to the fore. And if this turns out, then those aspects of the personality that a person has changed in himself will already be considered as virtues.

All the advantages begin with the "not": does not drink, does not smoke, does not play, does not hit. And when will they begin with "yes", "eat"? When will a person stop getting rid of something and begin to acquire, have, do?

The fact that quitting smoking, for example, is good. But what else does a person do? He created a void where there was something negative. Is there anything positive about him? For example, does a man continue to earn a lot of money, as it was before? Does the woman continue to delight the man with her beauty, as she did at the beginning of their relationship? Having ceased to pay attention to those virtues that you fell in love with when you met a person, and began to struggle with the partner’s shortcomings, you will soon notice that the initial virtues also disappeared. You have eliminated not only the shortcomings in yourself and your partner, but also the virtues that you possessed, for which you fell in love.

Questions for Reflection

Now what to be proud of? Merits starting with no. And when will there be virtues beginning with "eat"?

When will a person stop giving up something and begin to create, create, gain, have something?

When will a person stop not only getting rid of bad habits, but also begin to lead a healthy lifestyle?

When does a person stop losing weight and start eating in moderation?

When will a person stop running from poverty and start earning as much money as he needs?

All people are fleeing from something. And when will they begin to find, live as they want, have what they need, and give the world all the good?


Watch the video: Merits S-132 Mobility Scooter "Start" Up, Tour, Walkaround and Test Drive (July 2024).