Why dream drunk? The main interpretations of different dream books - why drunk


In a dream, you may encounter a wide variety of situations. You may run into problems, or find out good news. Why dream drunk? How to interpret such a dream?

What drunk dreams about - the main interpretation

If in a dream you saw yourself drunk - do not rejoice and think that such a dream promises you joyful events and relaxation. Most likely, you will simply be immersed in chores that will not directly depend on you.

For a full interpretation of sleep, you need to understand some of its details:

· Who exactly did you see in a dream drunk;

· Have you talked to a drunk person;

· Did he create inconvenience to you;

· What emotions accompanied the dream.

If in a dream you constantly lost your balance, lost your guiding line and fell, got up, fell, because you drank alcohol - in reality you won’t be able to achieve the goal, because you will constantly go forward, then roll back. Stability will not be soon in your life. You will increasingly succumb to petty experiences and suffering. It will seem to you more and more that the problems are endless and it is simply impossible to get out of them.

If you dream that one of your friends is drunk, try to have nothing to do with this person in the near future. Because you are likely to hear a lot of unflattering words addressed to you. You will see a detached attitude, a relation, as to a person who interferes with everything and in everything. Try not to find out why this is how they began to relate to you, perhaps there is nothing personal and biased towards you. You just want to think so.

If you dream that someone drunk knocks on the door and you don’t open it, you’re afraid - you’ll be afraid of someone who doesn’t represent anything special, but who tries to seem very important. He will even convince you that your whole life depends on him. Do not pay attention to this and give great importance to such a person. Most likely, he is simply trying to show himself better than he really is. Trying to somehow influence your life.

If you see in a dream that someone drunk is sleeping under your door, try to think ahead of all your steps. In reality, random events that should not occur will bother you. Try to pay more and more attention to the clues of fate and at the same time, do not allow anyone to interfere in the course of your daily life.

If you see a drunken brawl in a dream - in reality you will be drawn into some kind of conflict, which should not have happened. This will be an empty showdown, a showdown, which could easily be avoided.

If you dream that you yourself started a drunken fight - watch your emotions and do not let anyone provoke you. Otherwise, you will lose your reputation and will try to restore it for a long time. If you dream that someone is trying to interfere in your life, give you advice while intoxicated - in reality, a person who does not understand anything will intervene in your life. He will try to help you, but, in the end, he will do harm. Try to continue to not allow anyone into your life and not allow strangers to influence you.

If you dream that a drunk man is trying to get to know you and you are trying to get away from him in a panic, to hide - in reality you will also try to hide from an obsessive boyfriend who will pester you for a long time. It will be very difficult for you to cope with him and explain that you are very busy, do not need to communicate with him.

But the man will not back down, he may even bring some panic into your life, because he will try too actively to become a part of it. Do not fall for such actions and offers. Simply look at the whole situation and try not to get nervous over trifles.

If you dream of a man who asks for your hand and heart, while he is drunk - in reality you will wish for a long and tender relationship with a person who is not worthy of you. It will seem to you that you are doing everything right, but in the end, you will understand that you connected your fate with the wrong person.

If in a dream you see someone actively trying to open a bottle of champagne to drink - you should not hope for a holiday, this dream will most likely foreshadow you dubious rest and dubious joys. As a result, you will not want to have anything to do with your past friends. You will seriously consider acquiring new connections and acquaintances.

If you dream that someone is trying to get you drunk, it’s worthwhile to be wary of cunning people who will seek to win you over and benefit from it. A dream in which you see someone trying to kiss you, and you understand that a person is drunk - that means you will hopelessly hope for help, but the person will turn out to be a fraud, will not evaluate you properly and will not help in that situation, in which he promised to help.

If you dream that someone is breaking the roof of your house, and you see drunk people who just wander about it - in reality someone will want to gain power over you. Someone will want to solve your problems for you. Avoid such acquaintances and such connections.

The dream in which you see someone descending the stairs falls, and you understand that the person is drunk - it also promises you a fall in the eyes of others. You will fall low and will not be able to rise again in their eyes. Try not to quarrel with any of your loved ones in the near future.

Why dream drunk on Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book, if you dream of a drunken man, you will be surrounded by troubles and difficulties in the personal sphere. You may have only recently hoped for one of your friends to help them, but the dream book says that no one will help you in a difficult situation.

If a lonely woman dreams that she is drunk, she is tired of loneliness and is ready for any relationship, just not to feel lonely. But the dream book does not advise dramatically changing the state of her life. The dream book advises Bole to actively engage in those matters that she once put aside for later and now she needs to solve them as never before.

If in a dream a pregnant woman sees herself drunk, she will make a huge number of mistakes due to her carelessness. She may be inattentive to her loved ones. It may be inattentive to others who need it, it may be inattentive to those on whom its life depends. The dream interpretation advises to look closely at the predictions of the dream interpretation. Do not make hasty actions. Avoid unreasonable choices.

Why dream drunk on the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said, if you see yourself drunk - in reality you will not be able to make the right and so important decision. You will constantly doubt yourself, those around you, it will seem to you that you are not yet ready to make such decisions and assume such responsibility. In fact, it will be only your speculations and attempts to try your luck.

Why dream drunk if he started a fight? You will be involved in a rather complicated business and you will not be able to make the right decision. The dream book advises not to stop there and do not blame anyone if you do not succeed.

Why dream drunk on other dream books

In the dream book, Grishina says that a drunk friend may dream of revelations with him, but they will not bring you joy. On the contrary, you can be very disappointed in this friendship and no longer want to continue it.

If you dream about your drunk ex-man - in reality you will encounter him in a rather unpleasant situation, you will have to justify yourself and justify his behavior, because it will be unacceptable. You can even seriously quarrel, or even quarrel.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that a drunk colleague is dreaming of big problems at work that you are not at hand right now. They will take away a huge amount of time and effort from you. It is better to try to minimize negative moments at work.

If you are dreaming that someone is trying to break the doors to your house and that this is a drunk person - be prepared for a difficult relationship and difficult to find out. As a result, you will remain with your opinion and will not go far in solving many problems. But, if you need to urgently make some decision - try to do it right now and on your own. In order not to rely on anyone and not to rely on anyone. Otherwise, all your hopes for a long and bright future will be blown away, will not give you the opportunity to objectively evaluate your life.


Watch the video: Smoking & Drinking in Dreams - Dream Interpreting Lesson 7 (June 2024).