The cat bit, the swollen arm: what to do and when to see a doctor. First aid and treatment for cat bites


Favorite pets are not always adequate and can bite for no reason. This type of injury should not be underestimated, as there are many pathogenic bacteria in the cat’s saliva that can greatly harm human health.

What is the danger of cat bites?

Cats do not bite so often, unlike dogs. They have small teeth and weak jaws, so they are not able to cause serious damage. However, the bites of these animals are quite dangerous. If bacteria that are in the oral cavity enter the bloodstream of a person, serious infection can occur that will pose a threat to human health and life. The worst case scenario is when a finger, face or neck is injured. Scars and scars may remain in the damaged area.

Statistics show that ninety percent of pets and all street cats are carriers of dangerous bacteria. Therefore, infection will occur in nine out of ten cases. It is not so easy for a cat to bite through human skin. But in an aggressive state, she can do it. Despite this, the majority of people bitten and scratched by cats remain completely healthy. In this case, this means that there are not many bacteria that have entered the bloodstream, and human immunity has dealt with them. The infection will be removed from the wound along with blood. The stronger the bleeding as a result of a cat bite, the better. If the immune system is weak or there is some kind of infectious disease, the probability of infection will be higher. In addition to edema, redness occurs in the infected area and pus appears.

Cat bitten, swollen arm: causes and factors

If infection occurs after an animal bite, nausea, temperature, vomiting, fever, swelling of the infected area, pus in the wound may appear. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor who will carry out the required diagnosis and prescribe medication. Many believe that if the cat is domesticated and vaccinated, the swollen arm will pass by itself. But the infection can get not only with the saliva of your favorite pet, but also from the outside. The risk of contracting an infection increases if a person suffers from diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases, if there is a malfunction in the functioning of the liver. If you consult a doctor later than fifteen hours after the injury, the likelihood of complications increases.

The danger from a bite lies in the following reasons:

- sharp teeth of the animal can seriously damage soft tissues. When the epithelium is torn, pain occurs, joint mobility decreases. Deep wounds of the closed type - an excellent environment for the appearance of inflammation and suppuration;

- bacteria and viruses in the oral cavity. When deep in the skin, they lead to an inflammatory reaction in the form of edema or a tumor at the site of the injury;

- some cats are carriers of the causative agent of benign lymphoreticulosis. In this case, chlamydia can penetrate human tissues, both through scratches and after a bite. First, the damaged area swells and turns red, then the development of infection begins, which affects the lymphatic system in the body;

- Quite often, animals tolerate the causative agent of pasteurellosis. A bite can contribute to the appearance of septic phenomena on the background of infection with streptococcus and staphylococcus;

- the probability of contracting tetanus when bitten by a wild stray cat. Cats bite deeply, the surface of the wound begins to heal quickly enough. And this leads to the development of anaerobic conditions for the tetanus pathogen;

- the ability to catch rabies. An unpleasant deadly disease virus can most often be transmitted with saliva when bitten by a sick animal.

If a cat has bitten, a swollen arm, the reasons may be different. This can not be neglected. Indeed, with weak immunity and concomitant ailments, the lack of therapy can contribute to the appearance of sepsis, which is very dangerous.

When to see a doctor

“The cat has bitten, the arm has swollen: reasons and whether it is necessary to run to the doctor?” - this question often arises. In general, injuries sustained from pets are not dangerous. But there are times when qualified assistance from a specialist is required.

When to see a doctor:

- when there is heavy bleeding that does not stop, and if the veins in the wrist area are damaged. Although cat's teeth are not large, they can still contribute to damage to the arteries in the arm. When the blood flows and does not stop after applying the bandage, it is important to go to the hospital immediately;

- if the cat bit the house, the arm is swollen, what should I do? Even if your favorite pet does not walk on the street, and after a bite a swelling and redness develops, medical attention will be required. The doctor must exclude an infectious disease, and if necessary, a tetanus vaccine will be prescribed as a prophylaxis;

- with a wide area of ​​injury;

- when the wound is in the neck, face or joints;

- with increasing temperature and worsening general condition;

- if the last vaccination was given to an animal more than five years ago;

- bit the street cat;

- if pus began to appear on the wound.

What is not recommended for bites

To ensure that the consequences of cat bites are minimal, you need to know what to do is not advisable. There are times when it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, because there is a real threat to life. An urgent need to go to the hospital if the temperature rises, swelling and redness progress, and through the skin you can see pus that does not stand out from the wound. If swelling and redness are minor, you can be treated at home.

The usual antiseptic, like iodine, is not recommended because it often causes burns and can lead to edema. Without a recommendation, do not use ointments, even anti-inflammatory. With capillary bleeding, you do not need to apply a tourniquet.

Cat bitten, swollen arm - what to do and how to treat

If the cat bites, the arm is swollen, what should I do? If the injury is not serious and you do not need the help of a doctor, you can try to improve the condition yourself. To begin with, thoroughly wash the wound with soap. No need to run to quickly stop the bleeding. You can hold your hand under flowing water and let the blood drain. This will help cleanse the wound of bacteria and germs. Next, you need to treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. If the blood does not stop within fifteen minutes, you will need to apply a tight bandage. The skin around the wound can be greased with alcohol or brilliant green. The skin is bandaged on top with a sterile dressing, but not so that the air can get into the wound.

If you need to see a doctor, but there is no way, you can use Levomekol to impregnate the dressing, which will have to be changed periodically. After two days and no signs of infection, further therapy may not be required.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cat bites have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. To treat the wound, you can use tincture of calendula on alcohol. If a cat bites, the hand is swollen, what should I do with compresses? Compresses with decoctions of calendula and chamomile are suitable. Inside, you can take the infusion of the immortelle. But these methods will not help protect against rabies and tetanus. Therefore, they do not exempt from visiting a doctor. In order to speed up the healing process, you can prepare a product from two parts of honey and nuts, and one part of onion and salt. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and consume several times a day in a spoon.

Preventive measures

Any disease or problem is better to prevent than to solve it for a long time. And cat bites are no exception.

How to protect yourself:

- should not be in contact with wild and stray animals;

- regularly examine your favorite pet at the veterinarian;

- correctly raise a cat, suppressing her attempts at aggression;

- on time to do the necessary vaccinations;

- do not let the animal out into the street, if there is a threat of infection;

- Do not do what the cat does not like, so as not to provoke aggression;

- purchase interesting toys for playful pets.

If a pet cat has bitten, it is not recommended to let it drift. Although not all bites are dangerous. But if there is pain, swelling, redness, you need to seek help at a medical institution. This should be done immediately if a stray cat has bitten. We must not forget that there are dangers such as rabies and tetanus, which are very dangerous.


Watch the video: Cat Bites and Wound Care - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).