All about the benefits of walnut jam. What you need to know about its composition and characteristics of use


One of the most unusual nutty desserts, walnut jam, reveals the beneficial properties of this product from a new, surprising point. Being a storehouse of useful substances and qualities, this delicacy should be included in the diet, if not for therapeutic purposes, then at least for the prevention and preservation of excellent health.

What explains the benefits of walnut jam

The fruits of a walnut (also called Voloshsky, tsarist, Greek) in the stage of milk ripeness are not at all like ripe ones - the peel has not yet had time to harden and differs in juiciness and tenderness, and the oily and crunchy nucleolus in the future resembles a gelatinous mass, and, in fact, at an early ripening stage, walnut is a completely unique product in terms of taste and positive qualities.

Eat them for food:

• in the form of pickle (excellent seasoning for meat and cheese);

• in the form of jam (in it, the nut skin darkens almost to black, and if you cook the nuts peeled from a green peel, you will get light jam, but its use will not be so bright).

The processes of forming the chemical composition of the nut during the period of immaturity are in full swing and all the vitamins (and these are many of group B, as well as K, F, A and C) and minerals are characterized by high bioavailability and proportional compatibility, enhancing the effectiveness of each of the elements.

Therefore, it is recommended to treat yourself to green walnut jam to prevent (and treat) vitamin deficiencies, strengthen immunity and improve overall health.

And iodine is worth mentioning separately - walnuts in this regard are no worse than fish and can even replace seafood in the diet (the main suppliers of this substance) if they cause allergies. And maybe just very unpleasant to taste.

In addition to ensuring the functioning of the thyroid gland (in particular, it protects a person from pathogenic microflora), iodine is also invaluable for vitality.

We also note that a high concentration of iodine is observed only in a green walnut peel, that is, when it hardens, it will not be possible to extract iodine (and its concentration also decreases with ripening).

The complex of biologically active substances (including essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids) in the composition of green walnuts helps to restore, normalize the metabolism, especially in cases when it was disturbed by unbalanced, depleting diets or improper medication.

A large concentration of vitamin E, combined with other antioxidant substances, gives green walnut jam benefits for:

• quick cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins;

• Prevention of premature aging (which is reflected not only externally, for example, the skin fades, but also internally, for example, diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop).

The energy value of walnut jam is about 248 kcal per 100 g, but since it is recommended to eat a little for optimal assimilation and maximum benefit, in fact, this indicator does not pose a threat to a slim figure.

What it is with is a matter of taste, but scientists have proved that this nut jam will be more useful if you drink it with green tea.

This jam can also be used to make desserts and sweet cakes.

And in combination with honey, sweetness is recommended for influenza and acute respiratory infections - to get rid of the symptoms of fever and reduce swelling, sore throat.

Jam made from green walnuts is very useful for the nervous system - due to glycosides and tannins, plus it is sweet with sugar, so it’s quite realistic to fill the saucer with it and count on improving mood and supporting brain activity with a rush of energy (as well as increasing concentration , improving memory and perception of new information).

When will walnut jam be of particular benefit?

It is known that walnuts are useful for the cardiovascular system, but the benefits of green fruits in this regard are more pronounced and they, in particular:

• increase the strength and elasticity of blood vessels;

• cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol;

• improve blood circulation;

• normalize blood pressure;

• Prevent a number of dangerous diseases, including varicose veins.

Nuts also support the functioning of the kidneys and the entire urinary system, preventing the retention of excess fluid in the body and, in addition, prevent disturbances in the water-salt metabolism.

A few servings of walnut jam ways to restore the intestines affected by diarrhea (especially if it provoked poor food).

Walnuts are not only green, but generally in any form, nutritionists like to advise for the prevention and treatment of anemia, to get rid of the feeling of chronic fatigue and frequent dizziness, a fainting condition.

How else are the benefits of walnut jam

Green walnut jam is recommended to be included in the diet when living in ecologically unfavorable territories, and we can even say that it can effectively protect against radiation, both solar and that which comes from sources created by man.

And even though sweets are generally not good for teeth, green walnuts and in the form of jam can improve the condition of the gums (including reduce their bleeding) and, as a bactericidal agent, destroy caries pathogens.

Also, the use of walnut jam contributes to:

• building muscle mass and reducing pain in the body during physical (sports) loads;

• improvement of cerebral circulation;

• wound healing and tissue regeneration in general;

• normalization of the adrenal glands (releasing hormones, in particular those that are important for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as adrenaline, which supports the body in extreme situations, moreover, it is not only a physical condition, but also psycho-emotional stress);

• strengthening bone tissue (including teeth);

• adaptation of the body to cold (which is especially invaluable in frosty winters and off-season, which threatens overcooling and, as a consequence, colds);

• improved sleep.

Can there be harm from walnut jam

According to nutritionists, the positive impact of goodies significantly exceeds the theoretical harm of walnut jam, which is also virtually eliminated if it is consumed moderately - just a couple tablespoons a day.

And you should definitely take into account that nuts, even green ones, are highly allergenic products, and in particular, children under 12 years old and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding should not get involved in them.

But in general, for women expecting a baby, such nuts with their reasonable use are useful, especially if the future mother is diagnosed with a deficiency in iodine.

Despite the fact that in order to avoid harm, walnut jam according to classical recipes is contraindicated in case of diabetes mellitus, it is not necessary to refuse it - you just need to cook it with a suitable sweetener in the individual case.


Watch the video: Peanuts vs Peanut Butter. Which is better? Info by Guru Mann (June 2024).