Why the dog has a fever or a fever: we are looking for reasons. How, why and why to measure a puppy’s temperature


Our four-legged friends can also get sick. And the main indicator of their well-being is body temperature. Its deviation in one direction or another is a clear sign of ill health, which in no case can be ignored.

When the temperature is normal

Normal in dogs is a temperature of 37.5 to 39.5-39 ° C. But there are nuances that must be taken into account when measuring it. So, the puppy's body temperature can be 39-39.5 ° С. Such "heating" is necessary for young animals for better thermoregulation, or in case you have to wait a long time for mom in the cold. Temperature indicators differ in dogs of different breeds and different weight categories. The smaller the dog, the higher its body temperature. You also need to know that the temperature may rise briefly:

  • after heavy loads
  • during estrus
  • in very hot weather
  • from nervous tension

Knowledgeable people can pinpoint when a dog will begin to whelp. To do this, you need to regularly measure rectal temperature. As soon as its performance drops to 36.9 - 36.5 degrees, you can be sure: the dog will bring offspring in the next day. At the same time, if the temperature before childbirth becomes high (above 39.5), this indicates a strong inflammatory process. Urgently see a doctor to avoid big trouble.

Measuring, do no harm

It is not so difficult to measure the temperature of your favorite pet. For this, a mercury thermometer or its electronic analogue is suitable. The electronic device is used most often: with it the procedure is faster and calmer. But the familiar temperature meter is no worse. The main thing is to use it correctly.

In order to measure the dog’s temperature, you must:

  • make sure that the values ​​are reset to zero on the thermometer
  • grease the tip of the device with petroleum jelly
  • put the dog on its side
  • raise tail
  • carefully insert a thermometer into the anus 1.5-2 cm
  • keep the mercury thermometer for up to five minutes, electronic - until the sound signal
  • pull out the thermometer and record the result
  • wash the thermometer thoroughly and wipe it with alcohol

It is very important not to be nervous when measuring temperature: negative emotions can be transmitted to the dog and the result will become inaccurate. It’s better to cheer up the pet, gently talk to him, pet. He should feel that nothing terrible is happening. After the procedure, treat the dog with some delicacy, if, of course, health allows.

What temperature will tell

Usually, high or low temperature in dogs is accompanied by other symptoms that need attention. Among these symptoms: lethargy, lack of appetite, refusal to walk, desire to hide in a secluded place, dry hot nose. High temperature usually indicates a viral, bacterial or parasitic infection. It is impossible to procrastinate in such cases; any delay can lead to the death of the animal. A rise and fall in temperature, lasting a long time, can signal hormonal problems, oncology, vascular and heart diseases. Sometimes the cause of a rise or fall in temperature is toxins resulting from poisoning. Low temperature occurs with helminthic invasion.

If the dog is seriously diagnosed, temperature should be taken daily - morning and evening. It is important not to forget to write down the indicators in a notebook: they will help the doctor in the diagnosis and preparation of the treatment regimen.

Attention! Not always raising or lowering the temperature is a pathology. With changes in normal indicators, it is important to assess the situation in the complex. Analyze if the dog was stressed, if there was any serious physical exertion, what she ate the day before, how much time she spent in a stuffy room. Sometimes it’s enough to eliminate the reasons to bring the pet’s condition back to normal.

Action algorithm

With problems with temperature, many pet owners rush from one extreme to another. Someone is trying to find answers to questions on the Internet and in forums, someone is asking friends for advice. Sometimes, after such treatment, the temperature really manages to normalize, but the disease does not go anywhere and eventually begins to progress, reducing the chances of recovery. Therefore, the first thing to do with any suspected illness is to contact qualified veterinarians. The doctor will prescribe the correct treatment regimen, which will reduce the risk of complications and qualitatively solve the problem.

If it is not possible to quickly come to the clinic, in any case, you must consult your veterinarian by phone.

At high temperature (below 40 ° C) you can:

  • give cool water to drink in small volumes
  • apply a towel moistened with water to the sides and back
  • wrap ice with a towel and apply to paws and nape
  • ventilate the room, avoiding a draft
  • put cold water containers on the floor

When the temperature goes over 40 ° C, you need to act promptly. Urgently go to the vet clinic where the dog can be helped.

At a temperature below the norm of 1-1.5 ° C at home, you can apply the following measures:

  • periodically give a warm drink
  • make warm compresses to the sides and back
  • to put heating pads to the paws.

In the event that the temperature drops below 37 ° C, you need to urgently contact the clinic without wasting precious time.

Important! Do not treat the dog with human medicines: they can do harm.

If at elevated or lowered temperatures the dog behaves as if nothing had happened, enjoys life, moves actively, perhaps it is absolutely healthy. You just need to understand what could provoke this imbalance and try to eliminate the cause. But just in case, it is still better to play it safe and show your beloved pet to the doctor to exclude the disease. After all, the best medicine, as you know, is prevention.


Watch the video: How to Take a Childs Temperature (June 2024).