The benefits of tourmaline products: mineral treatment. Are there any contraindications and side effects?


Tourmaline has many healing properties, so the mineral is actively used in medicine. Tourmaline is a crystal that formed during volcanic eruptions for tens of thousands of years. The stone helps to clean the air of dust and acts as an emitter of infrared rays. Despite all the positive properties, the mineral also has contraindications.

The benefits of tourmaline: scope

Areas where mineral treatment is applied are sufficient. These are gynecology, immunology, neuropathology, urology, cardiology, gastroenterology and others. There are a number of diseases that the mineral fights against. Among them:



· Diseases of the endocrine system;

Connective tissue diseases

Neurosis, neuralgia, chronic nervous disorders;

· Regular stressful situations;

Clogged capillaries and varicose veins;


· Problems with metabolic processes;

Arthritis and chronic joint diseases.

Tourmaline is also used to increase overall tone, strengthen immunity. The stone is also effective in such a direction as disease prevention, suspension of the aging process due to the natural support of metabolic processes.

The value of the stone is explained by the fact that it contributes to normalizing the functioning of tissues. Tourmaline makes the body cope with all diseases on its own. That is why the cause of the disease disappears, and not just the symptoms.

The healing properties of tourmaline depend on its shade, since it is determined by the composition of the mineral. Blue stone has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, yellow is able to affect the gastrointestinal tract. Red helps to normalize blood circulation, strengthens the reproductive system.

What is the benefit of tourmaline?

Tourmaline products are characterized by the following effects:

1. Normalization of the body’s biocurrent.

2. The allocation of infrared rays. In this case, the vessels expand and blood circulation speeds up. Due to this, the oxygen content in the body increases.

3. The formation of negative ions. These negatively charged ions improve air quality, improve appetite, and eliminate fatigue. Also, these ions are characterized by a disinfecting effect.

4. Cell activation using a natural energy field. Crystals can accumulate solar energy and process it into heat.

5. Highly effective protection against harmful radiation.

6. The presence of a huge number of useful elements and the management of the physiological functions of the body. The stone contains a huge amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the body. These substances can maintain normal nutritional balance and physiological functions of the body. When using mineral products on the affected area of ​​the body, an exchange of field energies occurs. The stone gives its energy to the person, and the reflected spectrum from the person is transferred to the stone.

The benefits of tourmaline products: joint treatment

Joint problems are associated with a lack of nutrients. deficiency of substances associated with improper circulation of blood and insufficiently effective metabolic processes in the tissues. The longer the imbalance is observed, the more joint problems. No matter how much the patient takes the usual remedies, the effect will not be noticeable. Exchange processes come back to normal very slowly.

The advantage of tourmaline is to saturate the tissue and blood with oxygen and useful elements that are necessary for their recovery. The mineral contributes to the rapid recovery of diseased joints and the elimination of stagnant processes.

Due to this effect of the stone, natural cleaning of capillaries occurs, as a result of which the supply of the necessary elements in the right amount does not subsequently decrease. After a certain period of time, you can completely abandon therapy, since tourmaline is not addictive. If at the time of treatment a person additionally takes vitamins and any drugs, then they will be much better absorbed. The healing process is much faster. Tissues, after returning to normal operation, are not susceptible to relapse for many more years.

Benefits of tourmaline products: belt application

A variety of belts are the most popular and popular tourmaline products. It is recommended to use it in such conditions:

· To get rid of overvoltage after a hard day's work;

· With ailments of the musculoskeletal system;

· To relieve pain in the back and limbs;

· At the time of long flights and travels;

· For the treatment of intervertebral hernias;

· With stretching and fractures.

The first sessions should last no more than 10 minutes. If there is a burning sensation, then under the product you can put a thin piece of cotton fabric. Or you should put it on a T-shirt. Up to two treatments per day.

After a week, the time of one procedure can be increased to a third of the hour twice a day. Increase each procedure by one minute. After another week, you can bring up to a third of the hour three times a day. This regimen should be maintained for three months. After a break for a month and again undergo a course of therapy. In the case of normal tolerance of tourmaline products, they can be used within 8 hours at the time of sleep. Such a duration should be achieved gradually.

It is important to remember that the result from the use of products will never be momentary. To obtain a guaranteed result, you will need to take a long course. The use of the mineral also implies a reasonable approach to dosage. It is necessary to start with minimal exposure and gradually increase the dosage. With prolonged use, the body can react negatively to a rush of blood. It is only necessary to purchase mineral products and stones themselves from a trusted supplier in order to avoid all the negative consequences.

Harm of tourmaline: contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of tourmaline products is the presence of tumors. The stone gives a warming effect on the affected area of ​​the body, which is unacceptable for oncological diseases. Such an effect will cause an increase in education in size and a faster growth process. For this reason, it should be checked for cancer before using mineral products. This recommendation is very important for men who have symptoms of prostatitis.

In addition, it is forbidden to use products from tourmaline in such cases:

· With lactation and pregnancy;

· Young children, especially babies up to the first year of life;

· People with high blood pressure;

In case of cardiovascular diseases;

· Patients with a tendency to bleeding.

In extreme cases, use mineral products only after consulting a specialist. Otherwise, the harm of tourmaline will be colossal. The active influence of ions on the human body can cause bleeding. Other pathological processes in the body may also begin to progress.


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