TOP-5 ways to use May nettle for beauty and health. Seize the moment - the most useful nettle in May!


Nettle - annoying weed? And no! May nettle is a super-useful remedy for beauty and health. Why May? Because young.

Especially for the "Women's Opinion" we have compiled the TOP-5 of the most useful ways to use May nettle, according to naturopaths and adherents of traditional medicine.

All these recipes have been tested by more than one generation, there is no doubt in their effectiveness.

Nettle tea

So, as soon as the nettle sprouts appeared from the ground - we tear them, rinse them in cool water and put them in a thermos. Pour raw materials with hot water of 80-90 degrees (not boiling water!), You can add mint, tea or chamomile if desired. We insist for 2-3 hours and drink like tea. The number of nettles in a thermos can be any, get rich tea - dilute.

If during May to drink 2-3 cups of such a drink, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is guaranteed to increase, you will feel a surge of strength and energy. It is said that this drink is even able to increase male potency with regular use.

May nettle is dried for the future, so that useful nettle tea is available all year, but a drink from fresh nettle is many times more useful.

Nettle cooking

Do you not like nettles? You just don’t know how to cook it! Nettle cabbage soup - May delicacy, nettle pies - are not inferior to the spinach analogue in taste, but definitely stand out in terms of benefits.

Salad with may nettle will diversify the menu, normalize digestion, get rid of constipation. No need to think that all these dishes are nasty, believe me, nettles can be tasty!

For dessert, we offer a recipe for healthy nettle jam. Everything is simple.

We boil 100 grams of young nettle in 500 grams of water for five minutes. When the broth has cooled, add 500 gr. sugar, cut into small pieces of lemon (along with the peel) and boil jam until foam appears. When the foam has appeared, remove from the stove, cover with a newspaper and wait for cooling. We pour the jam into jars, store it in the refrigerator, drink tea with it and treat everyone to this delicious composition of healthy substances.

May nettle for hair

This, perhaps, everyone knows. May nettle infusion can be used daily as a rinse for dark hair, and in a month the hair will change: shine, accelerated hair growth, obedience to curls - these are just the main changes that are noted when using nettle rinse.

Attention! Blondes nettle for hair is contraindicated.

Nettle therapy for joints and cellulite

It may be cruel, but very effective. Naturopaths offer mercilessly thrashing themselves with nettles in all "problem areas." It turns out a conscious chemical burn.

Daily, 3-4 minutes, and in the case of problem joints, twice a day. Stinging "bites" of nettles cause the production of adrenaline in the body and a significant rush of blood to the sore knee, shoulder or orange peel on the buttocks.

In the treated place, all metabolic processes are accelerated, while a small edema during the day is the norm.

With the systematic use of nettle in this way, pain in the joint is significantly reduced, the skin of “problem” places is toned and smoothed.

Attention! Before using this method diligently, do an allergy test. At the elbow bend, lightly strike with a small shoot of nettle and observe. Redness and severe itching should normally go away after 2 hours. If there is no strength to endure, the stinged nettle is washed with cool water and soap and smeared with baby cream.

Masks with may nettle for face and body

We buy expensive creams, go to spas, and a wonderful remedy is very close, literally, under the fence.

With nettle scalded with boiling water and chopped blender, you can (and should!) Regularly make all kinds of masks for face and body.

Add oils, oatmeal, sour cream, cosmetic clay to vegetable raw materials as desired. The result is not long in coming - in a month you can significantly tighten the skin, renew it, achieve significant rejuvenation.

The mask should be kept on your face for 20-30 minutes, wrap under a plastic film - 1-2 hours.

Nettle is especially beneficial for thin skin with couperosis, spider veins, and varicose veins.

Beauty, health, youth must be protected and maintained. May nettle is an excellent assistant in this difficult task.


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