Cucumbers for pickling and preservation: photos of the best. Description of the best varieties of pickles for pickling for open ground and greenhouses with a photo


Winter pickles are a favorite treat of many summer residents. Therefore, everyone thinks which variety is best grown so that the cucumbers turn out to be crispy, in the pickle, they do not lose taste and color. There are many such varieties, it remains only to choose.

How to choose the right cucumbers for pickling and preservation: a description of the best varieties, gardener tips

So that after preservation the cucumbers do not lose their taste and remain crispy, you should choose the appropriate varieties. Early and super-early varieties will not work here, they have thin skin and not so pronounced taste, after processing they lose their elasticity.

Experienced gardeners are advised to grow mid-season and late cucumbers for open ground, which are most suitable for further salting and preservation. Zelentsy are distinguished by a dense skin, the presence of pimples, there are no voids inside the cucumber. The taste of these varieties lacks bitterness, they are sweet and crispy. However, in the northern regions, late varieties of cucumbers do not have time to ripen even in greenhouses, so universal early varieties that are suitable for salads and pickles have been developed for them.

The best bee pollinated cucumber varieties for preservation and pickling

Bee pollinating varieties are considered the best for pickling, they are much sweeter, give good yields, but in the rainy summer there is a risk of being left without cucumbers. To prevent this, the gardener has to pollinate the flowers on his own. Among gardeners, the following varieties are popular:

• "Nezhensky";

• "Monastic";

• "Altai".

Old checked grade "Nezhensky" remains popular today. Cucumbers of medium ripening, suitable for growing in open ground and film shelters. Bushes are vigorous, climbing. Fruits to the very frosts, the crop has a presentation, well tolerates transportation. Zelentsy small sized, aligned, covered with black spikes. According to gardeners, the taste is excellent, the structure is dense, after pickling, the cucumbers remain crispy. The variety tolerates drought well, while the yield does not suffer.

Mid-season variety "Monastic" Suitable for growing in all regions of the country. Bushes are wicker, they give better results when planting on trellises. Productivity is good, at least 3 kg of green leaves are obtained from one square of a bed. Cucumbers are suitable for sale, they are small in size, even in shape, with a tuberous surface. The taste is pronounced, without bitterness, the pulp is dense. In salting, the variety does not lose its qualities. Harvest keeps up amicably, the collection is carried out regularly so that the marketable qualities of cucumbers do not deteriorate.

Variety "Altai" considered the best of bee pollinated cucumbers for the Urals and the Far East. This is an early ripe variety, resistant to any weather phenomena, its yield is good. Bushes of medium weaving, shoots reach 1 m. Flowering begins 35-40 days after planting seeds, a massive harvest occurs in mid-June. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and the cucumber mosaic virus. Zelentsy Zelentsy type, with excellent commercial characteristics, bright green, slightly pubescent. The pulp is dense, aromatic, without bitterness. Productivity up to 3-4 kg per square meter.

Detailed description and photos of the best self-pollinated varieties of pickles for pickling

Along with bee-pollinated varieties, gardeners also grow self-pollinated hybrids of cucumbers. They produce unprecedented yields, which is especially true in regions with a changing climate and rainy summers. The varieties that remain popular are:

• "Boy with a finger";

• "Goosebumps";

• "Siberian salting."

Mid-season grade "Boy with a finger" earned the recognition of gardeners is not accidental. Bushes are hardy, medium-braided, unpretentious and high-yielding. Flowering begins on the 40th day after emergence, the fruits are formed by bunches of 5-6 pcs each. The maximum yield is about 13-15 kg per meter of beds. Zelentsy are small, saturated green, lumpy and white spikes. The pulp is without bitterness, juicy, dense. However, cucumbers are prone to overgrowing, so the harvest is carried out every 2-3 days.

Variety "Goosebumps" It is considered mid-season, the bushes grow small, do not require pollination, begin to bear fruit a month and a half after germination. The variety is resistant to most diseases, grows well in any soil, suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country. Zelentsy with a bunch type of ovary, small, tuberous with black spikes. The skin is green, the tip is white. The taste is pronounced, without bitterness, the pulp is dense, aromatic.

Early ripe cucumber variety "Siberian salting" Bred for regions with difficult climatic conditions. Bushes are hardy, resistant to diseases. Begin fruiting early. Zelentsy are small, bright green, dense and not bitter. The value of the hybrid is that cucumbers do not outgrow, retain their presentation for a long time, and are well transported.

The best universal varieties of Dutch hybrid pickles for pickling

Hybrids of Dutch breeding are grown not only on an industrial scale, but also on personal subsidiary plots. The value of these varieties in long-term fruiting, good immunity and high yields. However, the seeds do not retain their properties, in the future it is impossible to get a good crop from them.

The most popular among gardeners are cucumbers:

• "Masha";

• "Bettina";

• Dolomite.

Variety "Masha" considered the most fruitful among the Dutch hybrid cucumbers. From a meter of a bed not less than 10-15 kg of greens are collected. The bushes are medium-braided, do not require pollination, the type of ovary is bouquet. The fruiting is stable, long, the first cucumbers are picked in one and a half to two months after germination. Bushes bear fruit until the fall. Zelentsy are small, with excellent commodity characteristics, dark green, pimply. The pulp is dense, crunchy, aromatic, without bitterness. The variety is grown on an industrial scale throughout Russia.

No less popular Bettina variety. This is an early ripe gherkin hybrid. The variety is suitable for open ground and greenhouses, does not require pollination by insects. Bushes are medium-braided, well leafy. Zelentsy aligned, dark green with white stripes, pimply. The pulp is fragrant, without voids. Mass harvesting occurs in the first month of fruiting. From a meter of a bed collect up to 15 kg of greens. The variety is resistant to cold, lack of lighting, major diseases.

Variety "Dolomite" gives no more than 5 kg per meter, but the bushes are unpretentious, resistant to disease, cold snap, do not require pollination. Bushes of medium vigor, good yields when grown on a trellis. Zelentsy are small, brightly colored, slightly pubescent with white spikes. The pulp has a pleasant cucumber taste, does not lose qualities after salting, remains crispy and fragrant. The variety is universal, suitable for greenhouses and open ground.


Watch the video: How to Can Pickles in a Water Bath Canner. .so Easy! (July 2024).