The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses are classification. The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses: types, characteristics


When choosing their cucumber variety, gardeners need to determine for what purposes they are needed. Anyone who likes to preserve should pay attention to the gherkins. Those who like to eat fresh vegetables and prepare salads should pay attention to large varieties. This type of vegetable contains fiber, which favorably contributes to the intestines, for people with gastrointestinal problems, it is best to choose varieties with thin skin for fresh consumption.

Differences of cucumber varieties

The main classification of cucumbers is the distinction according to the method of cultivation:

• Varieties of cucumbers for growing in open ground;

• Varieties of cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation

• Universal varieties;

To decide on the variety for your purposes, you need to know a little about the variety varieties. So, the main aspects that you should pay attention to when choosing cucumber seeds:

- Zoning. Each variety has its own characteristics. Not every variety can take root in the same region. One variety is difficult to tolerate climate change, while the other is stress-resistant;

- The period of full ripening. By this quality, it can be divided into early ripe, mid-ripening, late ripe varieties. Also, there are combined varieties;

- Type of pollination, types of cucumbers are divided into: self-pollinated, insect-pollinated and parthenocarpic, which do not require pollination;

- The purpose of the variety. There are varieties of cucumbers that are intended for fresh consumption, and there are ones that are intended for salting, preservation, but there are also combined ones;

- A kind of selection. Cucumbers are varietal and hybrid. Varietal species of cucumbers retain the quality of fruiting for several generations, so you can collect seeds from these fruits for the next year. But, the fruits of varietal culture are larger, less mellow, quickly outgrowing and losing their qualities. A distinctive feature of hybrid cucumbers is the annual seeds. Also, the cost of such seeds is more expensive, but the fruits are more suitable for combined use. More resistant to diseases and pests, subject to long-term storage and well preserve the presentation;

- The size of the fruit. This sign divides the fruits into gherkins and salad cucumbers. The first - the length of the green stuff reaches a maximum of 9 cm. And salad - the length of the fruit reaches 25-30 cm, but sometimes more;

- The color of the fruit. Basically, cucumbers have a green fruit color, but there are varieties of white color. White's advantage is the absence of bitterness;

- A way of growth. On this basis, plants are divided into bushy, short-rippled, medium-braided, long-braided.

Carrying out the selection of seeds, one must not forget about such important qualities as disease resistance and stress resistance of plants. Therefore, if you want to take care of the growth of healthy cucumbers, it is better to choose late-ripening varieties.

Types and general characteristics of the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Self-pollinated and pancreatic subspecies of early cucumbers for greenhouse growth are more in demand for the northern regions. Since, in such places of growth, a fairly short daylight hours and solar heat is not enough for the ripening of late ripening varieties.

The best varieties of early ripe cucumbers for greenhouses include many varieties. The most popular are:

• "Goosebump" - a hybrid, high-yielding, pollination-free variety. Despite precocity, it is steady against diseases. Fertility bush gives 40-45 days after sowing seeds. Bushes indeterminate, medium growth, well leafy. The fruits are beautiful, green, tuberous, have the correct cylindrical shape. The size of the fruit is medium: weight, about 80-100 grams, length up to 13 centimeters, diameter - 4 centimeters. High productivity up to 13 kg / sq.m. The variety is great for pickling and pickling.

• "Masha" - this variety is referred to as gherkins, since its weight is only 80 grams. Hybrid cucumbers, refers to high-yielding, self-pollinating, early ripening varieties. The first fruits appear on about 37 days. The bush is densely leafy, resistant to diseases and parasites. The cucumbers themselves are in the shape of a cylinder, the length of the fruit is up to 8 cm. One of the positive qualities of this variety is its taste, these cucumbers are not bitter. Due to the size it goes perfectly into the can for preservation, but fresh use will bring a lot of pleasure.

• "Marinda" - a popular variety of cucumbers. The early maturity of cucumbers is 40 days. With proper care, ligaments of 6-7 fruits are formed. Cucumber color: dark green, with large tubercles of whitish tint. The length of the fruit is 7-9 cm, weight is up to 80 g. The pulp is juicy, crispy with small seeds. Productivity of a grade is up to 30 kg from 1 sq.m. Variety - universal purpose. Resistant to changeable weather conditions.

Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are popular due to long fruiting, resistance to disease. Consider the most popular ones:

• "Raphael" - a hybrid of cucumbers, medium-late type. Large-fruited variety: length can reach up to 25 cm, diameter up to approximately 5 cm, maximum weight - 250 g. Gorgeous taste, juicy vegetable, salad type. The peel is smooth, dark green, polished. With proper care, the yield reaches up to 40 kg per 1 sq.m.

• "White Angel" - a late hybrid of cucumbers. The fruiting stage begins on the 55th day from the first seedlings. Seedlings are harvested around mid-April. Transplanting seedlings into the ground is carried out in early June. The color of zelenets is pale green, 7-9 cm long, weight 50-80 g.

• "Brownie" - this variety bears fruit all summer and almost until the end of autumn. This is a late-ripening variety of hybrid cucumbers. Vegetables begin to sing no earlier than 50 days. Inflorescences are mainly female. Cucumbers of an elongated shape, 7-9 cm long, weighing 75-105 g. They have excellent taste, which are combined in salads, pickling and barrel salting. Productivity - 15 kg per 1 sq.m.

When choosing any garden culture, every gardener wants to get a good harvest, but for this you need to know the best high-yielding varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses:

• "Director" - a hybrid type of cucumber, which refers to parthenocarpic type of pollination. The plant is medium-sized, with a predominance of the female flowering type. This variety belongs to salad. The fruits are dark green in color, the skin is smooth, with small pimples. The length of the fruit is up to 15 cm. On average, the weight of the vegetable reaches 85 g. Cucumbers are crisp, juicy, without bitter taste. Basically, fruits from one bush, the same size, it is very well suited for market sales. This variety is a true representative of high-yielding species of cucumbers.

• "Zozulya" - an early hybrid, after the first germination, the crop begins to bear fruit on day 46. This variety has a genetic feature - the absence of bitterness. This quality remains, even with strong overdrying of the soil. Chic variety for growing in a greenhouse. Its dimensions reach up to 19 cm in length. Weight - 190-205 g. The fruit yield varies from 12 kg to 35 kg per sq.m. This variety is very fond of canning.

• "Pinocchio" - an early ripe, pollination-free hybrid. Fruits of medium size: 9-10 cm long, weighing up to 100-110 g. With large tubercles. A variety that withstands temperature changes is not even a big frost. Productivity is up to 13 kg from 1 sq.m

Features of the care of greenhouse varieties of cucumbers

It is no secret that in order to achieve a high yield of products, it is imperative to adhere to the correct care technique. There are several basic rules for the care of cucumber crops that are grown in greenhouses.

Consider the main rules for the care of greenhouse varieties of cucumbers:

1. To grow cucumbers in the cold season, greenhouses should be equipped with additional lighting and a heating system;

2. If you grow cucumbers that require pollination in greenhouse conditions, you must definitely install an automatic pollination system;

3. The key to a high yield is high-quality, warm watering of bushes. Watering is enough for cucumbers - 2 times a week. Water the plants carefully;

4. Film greenhouses necessarily need ventilation, but without drafts.

5. Drainage of the earth is necessary only after sowing seeds, since the roots in adult bushes are very close to the surface, they can be easily damaged.

6. Natural fertilizers are best suited for a home garden. Bird droppings or mullens, diluted in the correct proportion, give very good results on plant nutrition. But you should not abuse it either. It is enough to feed the plants 1 time in 14 days.

If you follow all the rules, from the choice of seeds, cultivation, care, and ending with the storage of vegetables after harvest, you can get an excellent harvest.


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