Spontaneous abortion: how to avoid a miscarriage? Causes, features of the course and prevention of spontaneous abortion


Spontaneous abortion is called abortion without any human intervention. It can happen once or repeated many times. In the second case, we are talking about the usual miscarriage.

Spontaneous abortion more often occurs in the first months of pregnancy and can occur for various reasons. Among the predisposing factors are various diseases, the effect of toxic substances on the woman’s embryo and organism, and dysfunction of internal organs.

Reasons for Spontaneous Abortion

The immediate causes of miscarriage include:

1. Infantilism. This term refers to the anatomical underdevelopment and physiological inferiority of the ovaries and uterus. With infantilism, the first and subsequent pregnancies are interrupted.

2. Artificial abortion in the past. This is especially true for the termination of the first pregnancy in young girls, which is due to violations in the still imperfect endocrine and nervous systems. In addition, with instrumental removal of the fetus from the cavity of the small uterus, damage to its neck and body is possible, which often leads to their functional and anatomical inferiority.

3. Chromosomal and gene abnormalities. In 20% of embryos examined after spontaneous abortion, chromosomal abnormalities incompatible with fetal development were detected. They served as the cause of death.

4. Anomalies of the ovum and sperm. Pathologies can be inherited or acquired under the influence of harmful factors. This list contains toxic substances, alcohol, microbial toxins, etc.

5. Acute infectious diseases. Rubella, influenza, viral hepatitis, and rheumatism fall into this category. They carry the threat of a disease with a high temperature - pneumonia, tonsillitis, inflammation of the kidneys, etc.

6. Chronic infectious diseases. Tuberculosis, brucellosis, toxoplasmosis, etc. are dangerous for the fetus.

7. Diseases and malformations of the female genital organs. The risk of miscarriage increases the bends of the uterus, adhesions and scars that form after artificial abortions and other surgical interventions. Tumors and malformations of the uterus are also dangerous.

8. Intoxication of the body with toxic substances. This list includes lead, mercury, aniline derivatives, ethyl alcohol, nicotine, gasoline.

9. Dysfunctions of the endocrine glands. These are the ovaries, pituitary gland, pancreas and thyroid gland. The hormones produced by them ensure the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

10. Ionizing radiation. A human embryo is very sensitive to the effects of radiation. His death can occur from doses that do not cause any changes in the body of adults. For this reason, pregnant women are not allowed to work with sources of ionizing radiation, they are only prescribed as a last resort x-ray and fluorographic examinations.

One of the main causes of miscarriage is considered incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and mother by Rhesus factor and group.

Physical injuries can also provoke a miscarriage: bruises, falls, jumps, body shocks, lifting and carrying weights, bone fractures. Pregnant women should also avoid stress and distress. Mental trauma can cause miscarriage, especially if it occurs suddenly.

Miscarriage can occur due to malnutrition, when the fetus does not receive enough protein and especially vitamins E, A, C and B.

Signs of Spontaneous Abortion

To avoid a miscarriage, every woman should know the causes that cause him and determine the signs. During a spontaneous abortion, the following stages are distinguished:

1. Threatening abortion. A woman complains of heaviness and mild pain in the lower abdomen. The connection of the ovum with the uterus is not broken or slightly broken. Bloody vaginal discharge is scarce or absent.

2. Abortion. In this case, the pains are cramping in nature, the fetal egg exfoliated in a significant area, bleeding from the vagina is pronounced.

3. Abortion is on the move. At this stage, the fetal egg is completely separated and expelled from the uterine cavity. Cramping pains are expressed and frequent. Bleeding can be severe.

4. Incomplete abortion. In this case, part of the fetal egg remains in the uterine cavity, it does not completely contract, which is the cause of prolonged and dangerous bleeding. The biological material remaining in the uterus serves as a good breeding ground for microbes. Infectious inflammation may develop, which if untimely seeking medical help is fraught with death.

5. Full abortion. The uterus contracts, the fetal egg comes out completely. The cervical canal closes and bleeding stops.

At the first sign of malaise, a woman should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. With a threatening and beginning abortion, the correct regimen and treatment will help maintain pregnancy. At stages 3 and 4, the loss of a child is inevitable, and the resulting bleeding poses a great threat to the health and life of a woman. She is urgently hospitalized.

Prevention Measures for Spontaneous Abortion

To avoid a miscarriage, you should refrain from having sex in the first 3 months of pregnancy, as the fetus is still loosely attached to the uterine wall. In the subsequent period of pregnancy, it is necessary to limit sex life as much as possible and conduct it extremely carefully and accurately, avoiding physical stress and severe orgasm. 2 months before birth, sexual life ceases.

After a spontaneous abortion, the body needs to be given time to recover. It will take from 1.5 to 2 years. When pregnancy occurs, it is important to avoid all causes of miscarriage. You can not take hot baths and showers, ride on shaking vehicles (including in the back seat of a bus or trolleybus), drink laxatives, or put cleansing enemas. Constipation should be avoided by normalizing the intestines by eating kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, and high fiber foods.

Before deciding to have a baby, both spouses must undergo a complete medical examination. It is important to eat right, observe the daily routine and eliminate bad habits. After a single miscarriage, the chances of bearing a second pregnancy remain high.


Watch the video: Threatened AbortionGNM III (July 2024).