Grapes "Buffet": description. Advantages and disadvantages of the "Buffet" grapes, especially varieties


Grapes "Buffet" refers to table varieties, it is consumed fresh. This is a relatively new variety that has become famous for its large and juicy berry.

It is not difficult to grow it, it is enough to take into account the characteristics of the vine.

Description of "Buffet" grapes: characteristics of the variety and its history

The grapes were bred in 2008 by Ukrainian breeder Zagorulko V.V. In his work, he used varieties "Kuban" and "Gift Zaporozhye". The vine obtained as a result of crossing differs in early ripening of berries. Harvest is already ripe in early August.

Bushes of this variety are powerful, shoot formation is good. One sq. m. vineyard gives up to 14 strong shoots. They fully mature by the end of the growing season and tolerate frosts well up to -22 ° C. The root system of the variety is well developed, the leaf cover is bright green. The leaves are large, curly.

Buffet grapes are famous for their berries. They are collected in large clusters of up to 1 kg each. The berries are elongated, purple or blue, with a characteristic waxy coating. The weight of one berry is up to 12 g. The peel of the grapes is thin, but dense, almost not felt when eating. Harvest tolerates transportation, the variety is interesting from a commercial point of view.

The taste of berries is no less interesting. This is a cross between raisins and mulberries. The pulp is quite elastic and aromatic, practically does not contain seeds.

Productivity is high, with proper care, it is possible to collect up to 20 kg of grapes from one bush. Due to the wax coating on the skin, the berries do not crack, they are resistant to the usual diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of "Buffet" grapes

The variety has several advantages, which makes it popular in the market, but it could not do without flaws.

The indisputable advantages of grapes are:

· Large size of berries;

Unusual taste;

· Lack of peeling;

· Good crop mobility;

· Frost resistance of the vine;

· High productivity.

But when growing it is worth knowing about the minuses of the variety. There are few of them: the tendency to overload the crop, strong growth, which leads to thickening of the bush.

Features of the cultivation of grape varieties "Buffet"

Experienced gardeners recommend planting this grape variety at a distance of at least 3 m from each other. This is due to strong shoot formation.

A vine is shaped like a fan, cut into 5-8 eyes. Up to 50 eyes are left on one plant. In addition, old shoots are cut, leaving up to 30 young.

Grapes are grown in a well-lit and open area so that the berries receive maximum sunlight and heat. From this, the taste will be more saturated.

Planting vines in open ground

Grapes grow well on fertile soil. The wetland is completely unsuitable for planting vines. Groundwater level should be below the root system. If there is a risk of flooding, the wells drain well.

The soil is prepared in advance. It should be loose and moisture-resistant. The site is cleaned of plant debris, dig well with the addition of mineral and organic fertilizers. Then leave until the moment of landing, so that the soil is a donkey. If planting is planned in the fall, then soil preparation is carried out in summer or spring, but not less than a month before the vine is planted.

The planting dates of this variety are extended, since the seedlings tolerate short-term night frosts well. In some areas, vine can be planted already in March. In May, all planting work should end.

Grapes can be planted in late autumn, from mid-October to late November. But it depends on the region of cultivation. Do not forget that after the autumn planting, seedlings need to be sheltered for the winter.

The photo shows a grape planting scheme

How to choose good grape seedlings

You can buy grape seedlings "Buffet" in specialized stores or from trusted people. Only in this case, the vine will meet all varietal characteristics. Refuse to buy seedlings in the market, you may be sold low-quality goods, as a result, the crop may disappoint.

When buying, pay attention to the condition of the plant:

· The root system must be well developed and “lively”. If the roots are dry, then they can no longer help.

· The place of vaccination should not cause concern.

· The leaf cover should be green, with no visible signs of disease.

It is better to buy seedlings in the season of mass trade.

Full-fledged grape varieties "Buffet"

Having planted a bush of grapes in your area, you should not rely on a large harvest if you are not ready to care for the plant. Basic vine care comes down to standard procedures.

Watering organization

Grapes are a moisture-loving plant, but everything should be in moderation. Immediately after planting, seedlings are abundantly watered, spending up to 20 liters of water per plant. Further watering is carried out as necessary.

As a rule, the vine is watered when ovaries are formed and grapes are poured. In dry summers often watered, you can build an automatic watering system. It is important that the soil is saturated with moisture throughout the depth of the roots. After irrigation, the soil is maintained in a loose state to ensure the flow of oxygen to the roots.

Grape top dressing

The first two years, seedlings do not feed, if during planting the hole was filled properly, the soil contains enough nutrients.

In subsequent years, top dressing is done several times per season:

· in early spring;

· During the formation of ovaries;

· In the fall.

In early spring, before the buds open and during the formation of the ovaries, mineral fertilizers are applied. Superphosphate, ammonium sulfate are used. These top dressings provoke the growth of the bush, increase the yield, make the berries more sweet.

In autumn, it is useful to feed bushes with organic fertilizers. You can mix them with mineral ones.

Bush quotation

An integral part of the work is the quotation of the bush. It will allow you to get rid of the old bark and roots that made their way through the soil.

Old bark is removed manually or with special devices. This contributes to the formation of a new protective layer, the shoots will breathe better. The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to injure the plant.

Pest and Disease Control

Buffet grapes are distinguished by good immunity, but protective measures will not hinder him. The main problem during cultivation can be fungal diseases.

For the purpose of prevention, bushes are treated in early spring and as necessary. Spraying is carried out before the kidneys open, in some cases they are processed according to the sheet.

List of drugs for spraying:

· "Topaz";

· "Quadrice";

· "Delan";

· "Chorus".

Carefully inspect the leaves from the ovary to avoid damage to the crop. Spray not only the outside, but also the inside of the sheet.

Sometimes the plant is affected by pests, the Vermitek drug and others are used against them.


Watch the video: $1,977 Japanese Grapes (June 2024).