Sweet potato - the benefits and gastronomic advantages of sweet potatoes. Who should include it in the diet and what harm can be from sweet potato


An exotic alternative to sweet potato, it is extremely tasty, easy to prepare and very healthy. And in order to successfully treat them with health disorders and generally strengthen the body, it is useful to know what is special about it and in what cases it can be harmful.

What is sweet potato and how does the composition affect the benefits of sweet potato

In fact, sweet potatoes are not potatoes, they come from different families - potatoes from Paslyonovy, sweet potatoes from Convolvulus. But expressively their similarity is in appearance, partly in taste and in the ways of eating.

The herbaceous creeper of sweet potato bears fruit in very different shapes - from a ball to spindle-shaped, in size and weight - from 200 g to several kg.

In the cuisine of South and Central America, even leaves are eaten at sweet potatoes, blanched in boiling water to add to the salad.

Sweet potato varieties also differ in the color of the peel and pulp, and in taste:

• canteens with almost no sweetness, dry and hard, reminiscent of something like a zucchini or chestnut;

• dessert is sweeter, softer and more juicy, remotely resembling, for example, pumpkin, banana, melon.

Tubers with orange flesh are dessert and are superior to carrots in beta-carotene content. Purple sweet potato is rich in anthocyanin - a pigment and a substance with the properties of a powerful antioxidant that can slow the aging of the body, lower cholesterol, improve eyesight and increase immunity.

Vitamin A and C contained in sweet potato also have a similar effect, as antioxidants they resist damage to cells by free radicals.

Sweet potato is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, copper, iron and phosphorus, vitamins E and K, folic acid.

Vitamin B6 contained in sweet potato reduces the manifestations of air and sea sickness, and also lowers the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which is responsible for the development of many diseases of the cardiovascular system.

During heat treatment, sweet potato is cooked faster than potatoes, and some of its varieties can even be eaten raw. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are used interchangeably in many recipes.

Sweet potatoes can be boiled and mashed in garnish, mashed in olive oil slices, baked tubers stuffed with something, stewed or added to soup.

It makes sweet and unsweetened casseroles, desserts and salads.

Sweetness of sweet potato slightly reminiscent of frosted potatoes is well shaded by citrus and seasonings like curry.

Any dish with sweet potato is easier to digest than a similar dish with potatoes, and it also turns out to be very satisfying, despite the fact that the energy value of the root crop is only 60 kcal per 100 g, which makes it an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight.

Fiber as a part of sweet potato has a positive effect on intestinal function, and the starch contained in it (like in potatoes!) Acts as an emollient and enveloping agent, which makes root crops a good choice for sensitive gastrointestinal tract.

What diseases and disorders are the benefits of sweet potato

For those who are diagnosed with diabetes, sweet potato is a valuable product - characterized by the lowest possible glycemic index, it does not cause an increase in blood sugar, and in addition, thanks to the carotenoids contained in it, it increases the body's sensitivity to insulin.

With regular use, sweet potato manifests itself as a tonic, as well as:

• serves to prevent and treat rheumatoid arthritis due to the high content of beta-cryptoxanthin;

• strengthens the skeletal system and prevents the development of osteoporosis;

• regulates the water balance in the body and relieves swelling in diseases of the kidneys;

• relieves symptoms and accelerates recovery from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for example, with bronchitis.

The anti-inflammatory properties of sweet potatoes, which are manifested at the most "subtle" levels of the body, have been proven - it is able to reduce inflammatory processes in nerve tissues and the brain.

The effect of sweet potato on the blood and vascular system is diverse, in particular, it is capable of:

• increase blood flow;

• stimulate blood oxygenation;

• give elasticity to the walls of blood vessels and strengthen them;

• normalize blood pressure.

The root crop contains phytonutrients that affect blood coagulation in such a way that sweet potato has a positive effect on wound healing, and in the case of serious injuries, it prevents excessive, dangerous blood loss.

How else is the benefits of sweet potato

The ability of sweet potato to increase immunity not only due to the content of anthocyanin in violet-colored fruits is not directly manifested - the sweet potato rather improves metabolism, contributing to better absorption of useful elements from other products, it facilitates their transportation throughout the body at the cellular level, and also activates the work of the spleen - one of the most important organs of immunity.

Sweet potato stands out among other root crops with its unique property of influencing the human body's production of electricity, which is necessary for the functioning of all vital systems and, in particular, for the health of the cerebral cortex.

It is possible to use something tasty from sweet potato as an antidepressant - potassium in combination with other biologically active substances can increase resistance to stress, relieve fatigue and reduce anxiety.

Sweet potato is useful for beauty - the already mentioned beta-carotene rejuvenates the skin, helps it absorb nutrients from the same cosmetic care products and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, sweet potato promotes collagen production.

With significant physical and sports stresses, the benefits of sweet potato are manifested in relieving muscle cramps and pains, improving the extensibility of ligaments, and also in supporting muscle building.

Due to the content of phytoestrogens, sweet potato is able to normalize the hormonal background of the female body, which ultimately affects the reproductive function, the health of the mammary glands and the prevention of premature menopause.

In what cases is harm from sweet potato

In order to fully benefit from sweet potato, it is enough to put it on the table only 2-3 times a week, and it is important to remember that an excess of this root crop in the diet is fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis A.

In diseases of the bladder and kidneys, damage to the sweet potato, manifested in their exacerbation, can occur, since sweet potato contains oxalates that contribute to the formation of stones with an appropriate predisposition to this organism.

Despite the fact that sweet potatoes are a good tool for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, with its serious diseases (for example, gastritis, ulcers, colitis), yam can be harmful, since it contains acids that can irritate the mucous membranes.

To date, there is no accurate picture of the interaction of substances from the sweet potato composition and a number of medications prescribed in serious cases, such as, for example, antithrombotic and anti-stroke drugs. Therefore, so that there is no harm from sweet potatoes, it is better to abandon this vegetable at the time of their intake.


Watch the video: Sweet Potatoes (July 2024).