Celery Chicken - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook chicken with celery.


Celery is a fairly common spicy vegetable crop. Another couple of decades ago, he was rarely mentioned in cooking aids, and today every self-respecting hostess is simply obliged to have at least a couple of recipes based on this wonderful plant in her arsenal. Moreover, the list of its useful properties is very impressive. In addition, celery is a powerful natural spice, which is able to shade almost any dish. It goes well with any vegetables, cereals and, of course, chicken.

So, what can we cook from chicken and celery? Yes, whatever you like! Be it baked chicken in the oven with vegetables, light vegetable and meat salad, soup, the second or stew. Meals based on these two ingredients, there is a huge amount. For example, the stalked celery will be very tasty to fry or bake together with chicken meat, vegetables and cheese, and the leaf celery can serve as an excellent condiment for chicken salads and flavored soups.

From the root of a plant, grated or cut into strips, an excellent and nutritious vegetable salad is obtained. Celery root can also be boiled, baked and made a component of any of the above dishes.

Celery Chicken - Food Preparation

Recipes from chicken and celery are very diverse, so the preparation of products should take into account the ingredients that make up the dish. For example, meat, any vegetables and greens should be strictly washed in running water. The same goes for celery. It is washed, peeled and prepared according to the recipe.

If you use celery root for culinary purposes, it should be dipped in slightly acidified water or sprinkled with lemon so as not to darken. You should not immerse the spice for a long time in cold water, it is better to throw immediately into the boiling broth (if you cook soups), and the leaves for salads should be cut immediately before laying the product in a salad bowl.

Best Celery Chicken Recipes

Recipe 1: Salad with chicken and celery "Temptation"

This recipe will help diversify your diet, pamper your family with a delicious and delicate salad, which consists of only healthy ingredients. Sour cream is traditionally used as a dressing for a dish, but we advise you to fill the salad with natural yogurt without additives.

Ingredients Required:

- Chicken fillet 100 gr.

- celery stalk 50 gr.

- Lettuce 50 gr.

- a pair of handfuls of walnut

- green grapes without seeds 50 g.

- natural yogurt 30 gr.

- pepper, salt

Cooking method:

1. Boil chicken fillet, cool and cut into thin strips. Celery and lettuce also cut into strips.

2. Peel the nuts (or get them immediately peeled), crush them in a mortar. Vineyard divide knife in half.

3. Now combine all the ingredients in the salad bowl, season them with pepper, salt and pour the salad with yogurt. Mix gently. Voila, your "Temptation" is done!

It remains to put the salad on beautiful plates, decorate with grapes, a leaf of lettuce on top and serve.

Recipe 2: Chicken with celery in the oven

For cooking, we need thighs or chicken wings (at your discretion). You can also purchase a whole bird carcass and cut it into small portions. This dish refers to all the adored French cuisine. It will conquer you from the first piece!

Ingredients Required:

- chicken 1 kg

- fresh or fresh frozen mushrooms (any at the discretion) 300 gr.

- 5 tbsp. flour

- four celery stalks

- one onion

- oil grows. for roasting

- 250 ml of cream

- universal seasonings for chicken

- salt (if not contained in the seasoning)

Cooking method:

1. Rinse prepared, portioned chicken pieces, dry, season with spices, salt, seasonings and leave them for 20-30 minutes. At rest.

2. Next, roll the pieces in flour and fry them to grow. oil until golden brown (within 10 minutes on each side).

3. Place the fried pieces in a baking dish in one layer. Fry chopped onion, sliced ​​celery and mushrooms separately. First we fry the onions, then we throw celery, mushrooms, sliced ​​plates, salt into the pan and pass the ingredients under the lid for 3-4 minutes, not forgetting to stir.

4. Distribute the frying in the form of chicken. Mix the cream with seasoning (you can optionally add garlic) and pour our chicken on the creamy sauce. Send the form to the oven, bake the dish for about 25 minutes. at 180 C.

Recipe 3: Celery Chicken Stew

We present the recipe for the original goulash soup with a slightly sour and fragrant, delicious chicken. For the preparation of this gorgeous dish, we need a deep thick-walled pan.

Ingredients Required:

- 0.5 kg chicken

- 3 teeth garlic

- 2 tbsp flour

- one sharp onion

- 3-4 tbsp. olive oil

- 3 potatoes

- half a cup of white dry wine

- 1 liter of water

- two kurin. eggs

- Celery celery 4 pcs.

- 100 ml of lemon juice

- Lavrushka (1 sheet), pepper, salt

Cooking method:

1. Peel the potatoes, onions. Cut vegetables, respectively, into cubes and thin half rings. Wash the celery, cut it into pieces of 2 cm. Cut the chicken into 6-8 pieces, season with spices and salt, then roll in flour and fry on high heat from all sides until it is polished. No need to fry meat until tender.

2. When the chicken is fried, add onions, chopped garlic, mix everything, add salt and reduce heat to medium. After three minutes, add potato and celery cubes to the pan. Pour in the wine and, while stirring, simmer on medium heat until the wine evaporates.

3. Next, pour water, add Lavrushka and dry herbs if desired (for example, oregano), cover the pan with a lid and simmer until meat is ready. If the liquid evaporates - add a little more to cover the meat completely with broth.

4. Separately, beat the egg with salt, lemon juice and 5 spoons of broth from the pan. Gently, stirring, pour the egg mixture into the main dish. Bring the chicken to a boil and immediately remove it from the stove. All is ready! Spoon and enjoy your health.

Celery Chicken - useful tips from chefs

1. Save the celery leaves for the winter will help one simple way: wash them, be sure to dry and finely chop the knife. After that, the leaves should be mixed with salt at the rate of 200 g of salt per 1 kg of raw materials and tightly packed in earthenware.

2. Remember, the smaller and thinner celery is sliced, the more aromatic it gives when cooking.

3. Fresh celery leaves should be stored only in the refrigerator. Remember to wrap the leaves tightly with cellophane.

4. To revive the spicy leaves of the spice, lower them for thirty minutes into ordinary water (the water temperature should be room temperature).


Watch the video: Chinese Recipe : Stir-fried Chicken with Celery (July 2024).