Is it possible to treat an abscess exclusively at home? The best recipes for treating boils at home


It is difficult to find a person who has never had to face an abscess in his life. It can arise as a result of an abscess, a boil, a cut, sometimes very small. Most often, such problems are solved operatively, but at the same time it is widely used and brings good results for the treatment of an abscess at home. Sometimes, when specialist assistance is not available, only this method can save a person’s life. But only an abscess that forms on the skin of a person can be treated with such treatment; an internal purulent abscess can be cured only with the help of surgical intervention.

How is an abscess formed?

Subcutaneous abscess is formed as follows:

1. When the integrity of the skin is violated, access to a variety of infections is opened inside the body, including for staphylococcus.

2. Trying to prevent the spread of infection through the tissues, a capsule is formed at the site of infection, which is characterized by soreness, redness and hardening.

3. Dead microorganisms and tissues accumulate inside. They turn into pus.

4. In order for the abscess to break through and pus to go out, it will take about a week. After this, the wound is healed, tissues are restored.

But still, if the wound was deep, the channel is narrow, pus can get into the depths of the tissues. As a result, sepsis begins, and treatment becomes longer and not always effective.

That is why doctors, especially surgeons, insist in the case of even a small abscess on his autopsy. Such a procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The wound is opened, cleaned, and then drainage is established, a sterile dressing is applied. During the examination, her doctor regularly changes, and when the inflammation passes, the drainage is removed, and the doctor prescribes preparations that promote healing of the skin to the patient.

Such treatment is the most radical and effective. But if the damage is shallow or surgical care in this area is not available, you can use recipes to cure an abscess at home.

Folk remedies that treat abscesses at home

For centuries, our ancestors treated abscesses on their own. It is for this reason that many such recipes have come down to our time. The main reason why they are used today, despite the rapid development of medicine, is their ease of preparation and effectiveness. In addition, most of the ingredients are ordinary food, so such funds are cost-effective.

The most affordable and effective are the following tools:

· Tea brewing, always in the form of heat;

Raw or baked onions;

· Only blossoming birch leaves;

· Leaves of plantain or burdock, wormwood.

Also, with the goal of treating an abscess at home, they have proven themselves well:

· Carrots, potatoes, beets, chopped on a grater;

· A fresh leaf of cabbage;

Aloe leaf, Kalanchoe;


In all of the above funds there are substances that can stretch pus, relieve inflammation, and promote the healing of damaged tissues.

Next, we consider examples of the preparation of such funds.

Mummy abscess treatment

To prepare the solution, take half a teaspoon of mummy, add a teaspoon of boiled water. In this mixture, a cotton swab should be moistened, applied to the wound, and on top of the dressing soaked in sea buckthorn oil. Change once a day for 4 days.

Sugar treatment

To 50 g of sugar add a teaspoon of water, turn on a fire into a candy. The color should be dark brown. After cooling, attach the lollipop to the wound, fix it.

Abscess home ointment

To prepare such a tool, it is necessary to prepare the following ingredients:

· Chicken yolk - 1 pc.;

· Honey - 1 tablespoon;

Butter - 1 tablespoon;

Flour or cosmetic clay.

Method of preparation and use:

All ingredients, with the exception of the latter, should be mixed, add flour or clay so much to get a soft dough. Store the prepared medicine in the refrigerator. Apply a cake to the wound, change it to a new one throughout the day. Discontinue treatment when the wound is completely cleansed of pus.

How to deal with an abscess on the gum at home

An abscess in the oral cavity is not uncommon. In the event of its occurrence, treatment should not be postponed. If the suppuration spread greatly, the surgeon could not do without it. After opening the treatment should continue to be carried out at home. Thus, the use of such procedures in parallel with medical devices can enhance the effect.


Take a glass of water, previously better boiled and chilled. It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of table salt in it. Rinse your mouth once a day.

Linden blossom and oak bark as one of the effective treatments for abscesses on the gums at home

The bark of oak and the color of linden should be taken in the same amount, pour boiling water, for several hours, insist, drain, strain, in other dishes.

Methods of using such a drug 2:

Rinsing the oral cavity;

· Lotions: wet cotton swabs, apply to the wound.

How to relieve pain from boils

Those who have come across boils know how unpleasant and painful their appearance is. They begin to get especially sick when the boil matures and opens in the near future. The best way to relieve pain is to attach a napkin dipped in warm water to the boil, and a heating pad on top of it.

Such a procedure can not only relieve pain, but also increase blood circulation at the site of the abscess, which is very important, since in this way the number of white blood bodies will increase, namely they resist infection in the body.

Another excellent method can be used when the boil is on a part of the body that can be immersed in a basin of warm water. You can enhance the result by adding sea salt.

How to treat boils at home

Turmeric is able to relieve inflammation, acts along with an antibiotic. From it you can make an excellent ointment, and to enhance the effect, take it inside. To do this, pour one teaspoon of turmeric with a glass of water. Take turmeric with a glass of warm water. Repeat the procedure for 5 days.

A contraindication to taking turmeric is blockage in the bile ducts, and in the case of taking anticoagulants, turmeric should not be taken inside. Eating turmeric can also cause dehydration and constipation. Therefore, during the treatment should drink plenty of fluids.

Drawing ointment and other drugs for the treatment of boils at home

A drawing ointment is applied to the boil for the earliest formation of the head of the boil. After that, the teal opens itself, the pus comes out.

Important! In no case should you press the boils or try to open it yourself. So the infection will only spread.

Next, we consider examples of ointments that can be prepared at home.

1. To prepare such a tool take:

Melted butter - 4 parts;

· Beeswax, finely chopped - 1 part;

· Laundry soap, grated (if the skin at the site of the abscess is rough).

The ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, heated before use. The film should not be used. Withstand the skin for 2 days without changing.

2. Ingredients:

· Turmeric, powdered - half a teaspoon;

· Honey - a tablespoon;

· Salt - a pinch.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, put on cheesecloth, fasten to the boil. The compress should be warm, so it is advisable to fix the cling film on top, covering it with gauze.

3. In order to accelerate the maturation of the boil, clover grass in sunflower oil is widely used. Prepared as follows: take part of the crushed grass, add 9 parts of sunflower oil. The hot product must be filtered through a cotton swab, applied.

4. Well-known remedy from plantain. Its fresh green leaves have an antimicrobial effect. They need to be washed, laid on the wound in several layers, secured with a bandage on top. Change every 2 hours.

5. Rye bread should be well salted, carefully chopped, attached to a boil.
