Scientists: coffee can protect against dehydration


According to the existing opinion, coffee is a drink that has a diuretic effect and lowers the level of fluid in the human body. However, scientists were able to prove absolutely the opposite effect of this drink.

English experts clarify: this provision applies only to those who do not abuse coffee. Only in this case, the diuretic effect of the drink can be compared with the similar effect that ordinary water has.

Nutritionists also share a similar view. By drinking up to five cups of coffee daily, you can increase the amount of fluid in your body.

Experts say that the effect of coffee and other hot drinks on fluid loss is a delusion. In fact, all the water contained in coffee is completely absorbed by the human body.


Watch the video: How Much Water Should I Drink? Stay Hydrated Drink Water. Check Dehydration Is It Bad For Health (June 2024).