An interesting dogwood plant and its health benefits. Is there any harm from taking dogwood, how to store it correctly?


Each diet includes the consumption of natural products. Dogel belongs to such products. This is a natural fruiting plant.

What useful qualities he has and whether harm to the body is possible when consuming such a product, we will consider in the article.

What Dogwood Looks Like

An unpretentious dogwood plant grows in the territories of Russia, Crimea, Transcarpathia, Southern Europe and western Asia, in the mountains of Armenia.

Dogwood can be either a shrub or a small tree. It depends on growth conditions. From soil quality and climatic conditions.

There are many varieties of dogwood. Some of them: white dogwood, wild, amber, Lukyanovsky, Jamaican and ordinary dogwood. Different varieties differ in foliage, tree growth, as well as flowers and size, shape of berries.

The most common was dogwood. The height of the tree can reach 6 m. Berries ripen in September - October. The plant blooms in March and April, before the appearance of leaves. The fruit size is from 1 to 4 cm, weighing up to 6 g. It has an oblong, oval shape. The color of the berries of this plant is red, there is a small, long stone. To taste, the dogwood is sweet and sour, it is slightly knit in the mouth. After freezing, it acquires a sweeter and milder taste.

What can be consumed in a plant

Basically, the berries of the plant are taken as food. But, like any plant, useful properties are not only berries, but also bark, tree leaves and even roots.

Dogwood composition

As a dietary product, cornel has good indicators of BJU and calorie content.

Data per 100 g of berries:

· Calorie content of 45 kcal;

Protein 1 g;

· Carbohydrates 9;

Fat 0 g

The carbohydrates contained in the fruits of the plant are light. They are absorbed quickly, do not burden the body with excessive work. The berry contains useful vitamins of micro and macro elements, which in turn normalize the activity of the body.

Fats in the pulp itself are absent. They can be extracted from the bones of the fetus. Fatty acids also play an important role in the life of the body.

Macronutrients in the composition of the berry:

Calcium 58 mg;

Magnesium 26 mg;

Sodium 32 mg;

Potassium 363 mg

Phosphorus 34 mg;

Iron 4.1 mg.

The composition of berries includes many useful ingredients, such as volatile, tannins, organic acids, pectins, tannins, trace elements, flavonoids.

Ways to use dogwood

Leaves shrubs, they are collected while they are still young and in them the maximum concentration of substances useful to the body. Dry the leaves in the shade. Dry leaves are brewed in tea.

To increase the concentration of substances, the leaves in their raw form are crushed before the juice is released. Allow to infuse for 2 hours (fermentation). Then dried. Such leaves when brewing in a cup will give a darker color of the tea leaves.

Bark the tree gathers at any stage of growth. Preferably in the spring. The bark of branches is mainly used in the application. It is dried. Decoctions are prepared and brewed in a thermos. For further use.

Dried root also used as a decoction. For the treatment of certain ailments. The root is harvested from spring to autumn. They are cleaned, washed and dried in a well-ventilated area.

Berry dogwood has a wide selection of processing. It is used to make jams, jams, marmalades, compotes, dried, and frozen. In winter, preparations from dogwood berries vitamins the body, give it vitality and increase resistance to viruses and diseases.

In addition to consumption in food, dogwood is used in home cosmetology for face masks. The flesh of the berry is mashed, other ingredients are added to achieve the desired effect. Apply on face for 10 - 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Dogwood Storage

Store dried dogwood leaves in a dry place, retain their beneficial properties for 2 years. Dogwood root and bark are also unpretentious in storage. In a dry, dark place they can be stored for up to two years.

The berry has more beneficial substances if it has not been subjected to heat treatment. Consequently, frozen and dried berries will be more beneficial for the body. Keep dry berries in a dry room, for a year. Frozen berry is stored in the freezer, do not re-freeze the berry after freezing. She is losing her qualities.

Berries in the form of jam, jams and compotes are stored in the cellar. In this form, the shelf life is increased due to the preservative - sugar.

Dogwood benefits for humans

The main benefit of dogwood is its composition and natural origin.

· Vitamins have beneficial properties in the vitaminization of the body;

· Flavonoids, normalize blood pressure, help cope with migraines;

· Astringents, tannins, cope well with intestinal upset;

· Vitamin C enhances immunity, which is useful in the winter season;

· Pectins positively affect some indicators of immunity;

· Tannins reduce inflammatory reactions in body tissues;

· Phytoncides inhibit the formation of bacteria and their growth;

· Fatty acids play an important role in the synthesis of hormones, in the absorption of vitamins and minerals;

· Glucose for health has a nutritional and energy function;

· Fructose contained in fruits, reduces calorie content, restores energy costs after training;

· Vitamin A renews the skin, restores cells, improves eyesight.

Dogwood harm to humans

· An allergic reaction to the components of the berry can cause harm;

· A lot of berries eaten can cause problems with the intestines and digestive system;

· It has an exciting effect, it is not recommended, there are fruits before bedtime, sleep problems are possible.

Dogwood during pregnancy

In pregnancy, dogwood is useful in the following cases:



Vitamin deficiency

· Heat;


· Toxicosis;

Low hemoglobin


With insomnia;

With uterine hypertonicity.

What diseases is dogwood indicated for?

· For migraines;

· Under stress;

· Colds;

Bowel disorders;


With hemorrhoids;

With diabetes

With rheumatism.

Dogwood face masks recipes

Mask for oily skin

Grind the pulp of dogwood. To 2 tablespoons of dogwood add protein and 2 teaspoons of starch. The consistency should not be very thick. Apply to face, leave to rinse for 15 minutes.

Mask for problem skin

From inflammation and acne. Pour the cornel gruel with 3 tablespoons of mineral water and add a few drops of lavender oil. Apply to cleansed skin. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Mask for dry skin

To 2 tablespoons of mashed dogwood add a few drops of olive oil.

Hair Mask Recipes

A mask for those whose hair roots are oily and the tips are dry and brittle. Chopped dogwood berry 2 tablespoons is mixed with 1 tablespoon of white clay and 2 tablespoons of linseed oil. The mixture is applied to the hair roots. Wraps with a film and a thick towel. For better absorption of beneficial substances into the scalp. Leaves for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and a suitable detergent.

What is dogwood? This is a plant in which all the substances contained bring only benefits to the body. Natural products are designed to help maintain and prolong the youthfulness of the human body.


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