Varieties of Belarusian potatoes: advantages, characteristics, photo. The subtleties of planting Belarusian varieties of potatoes


Varietal potatoes from Belarus grow well in different regions of Russia. The yield of bushes exceeds all expectations, and the tubers delight with excellent taste and presentation. In addition, in the care of this potato is not particularly demanding. Which grade to choose depends on personal preference.

Characteristics of early varieties of Belarusian potatoes with photos

Early potatoes are used for summer consumption. These are early ripening varieties that form tubers in 80-90 days. As a rule, this is a universal potato; it is stored well for several months.

The best varieties among early Belarusian potatoes are recognized:

• Lelia;

• Uladar;

• Manifesto.

Variety "Lelya" established itself as the most productive. In the farm, it is possible to collect up to 15 tubers from one bush. Bushes grow straight, compact, well leafy. The leaves are small, slightly wavy, the flowers are white.

Harvest ripens quickly, tubers retain their presentation for a long time. Potatoes are large, about 200 grams, and oval in shape. The peel is yellow, smooth, without potholes. Potatoes have virtually no eyes. In the context of the tubers are light yellow. The variety is recognized as universal, suitable for cooking various dishes. The palatability is excellent; the potato does not darken during processing.

The variety is not reborn, which allows you to collect your seed material. Rarely sick, resistant to many diseases. However, in poor land gives a small crop.

Potato variety "Uladar" less whimsical, gives a good harvest on any soil. Bushes grow up to 60 cm, shoots erect. The leaves are light green, small. The bush blooms with purple flowers. Productivity is high, from one bush collect up to 10-15 tubers, the weight of which is not less than 150-200 gr.

Potatoes are distinguished by good taste. The peel of the tubers is yellow, smooth, without eyes. The flesh of a creamy hue becomes more saturated after cooking.

The variety adapts well to any climate, tolerates drought easily, rarely gets sick. Despite the early ripening period, up to 90% of tubers retain their presentation for a long time.

Potato Manifesto It is intended for cultivation in the Kaluga, Orenburg, Vladimir and Moscow regions. This is a pink variety of high-yielding potatoes.

Bushes reach a height of 50 cm, grow straight. Leaves of a dark shade, small. Lilac flowers with a blue tint.

The fruits are large, about 150 grams, rounded, with a thin pink skin. The flesh is pale pink. The yield is high, the tubers are well preserved. Up to 96% of the fruits are stored for about 6 months. Potatoes do not fall apart during cooking, have excellent taste.

The best mid-season varieties of Belarusian potatoes: their characteristics and advantages

Medium potato varieties are especially popular as the crop is stored for a long time. Tubers ripen for more than 100 days, but get a good taste.

Variety "Yanka" gained popularity relatively recently. Suitable for cultivation in the central and northwestern areas. It is planted both on an industrial scale and in personal garden plots.

Potato has high rates:

• good keeping quality of fruits, up to 98%;

• resistant to temperature changes, easily tolerates drought and frost;

• seed material does not degenerate;

• not picky about soils.

Fruits of medium size, about 80-100 gr, roundish, rounded, with a yellow skin, few eyes. The pulp is light yellow; it does not darken during cooking. The taste of potatoes is saturated, the tubers are well boiled. Suitable for making mashed potatoes, chips, french fries and other dishes.

The variety has only one drawback - poor resistance to late blight. Preventive spraying will be required.

Grade "Zhuravinka" - one of the best red mid-season potato varieties. The crop is well preserved for a long time. Bushes are rarely affected by scab, cancer and other characteristic diseases.

Advantages of the Zhuravinka variety:

• high productivity;

• high weight of tubers;

• good disease resistance;

• excellent taste;

• high keeping quality of fruits.

Tubers of this variety are covered with red peel, the flesh is cream or pale pink. From one bush it is possible to collect up to 20 fruits, despite the bad weather. The variety tolerates drought well, it is not picky about growing conditions and soil.

Late potato of Belarusian selection: varieties, description, photo

Late varieties ripen for more than 130 days, so they are not grown in the northern regions without additional shelter. Such potatoes give good results in open ground only in the south of the country.

The Atlant yellow potato variety is rightfully considered one of the fruitful. With 1 ha, it is possible to collect more than 70 tons of tubers. Resistance to diseases is high, crop safety is excellent.

Universal tubers, with a dense yellow skin, creamy flesh, eyes are shallow. The tubers are oval in shape, elongated. Average weight from 100 to 120 gr. Potato tastes good, starch content up to 22%.

No less interesting to gardeners is the Zdabytak potato variety. This is a table variety for the central regions. The tubers are covered with a red rough skin, large, with white flesh. Excellent taste, well boiled.

The variety tolerates the vagaries of the weather, gives a stable harvest. Preservation of tubers up to 90%. Potato is resistant to nematode, viral mosaic and other diseases.

Features of planting Belarusian varieties and potato care

Belarusian varieties of potatoes have many advantages, but a rich harvest can be harvested only if healthy planting material is used and agricultural rules are observed.

Before planting, the tubers are removed from the storage, heated at a temperature not lower than + 13 ° C and germinated for about 20 days. Nice to spend potato gardening.

Planting of seed material is carried out in loose and nutritious soil. After emergence, the bushes spud; some varieties have to be spudded twice.

In addition, they carry out a mandatory set of procedures:

• weeding;

• watering;

• top dressing;

• pest treatment.

Water the potatoes as needed. Even if the variety tolerates drought well, without additional moisture in the soil, yield decreases slightly. The commercial quality of the fruit is getting worse.

Bushes are fed several times. Before hilling, make dry bird droppings, a solution of urea or mullein. Mineral fertilizers can be used.

Foliar top dressing of bushes gives a good result. It is carried out after emergence on the entire garden and after flowering with a solution of phosphate fertilizers. This increases the starchiness of the tubers, increases the yield. For this purpose, Humate + 7 is also used, top dressing begins in phase 4 of the leaf, and is repeated every 2 weeks.


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