Self-treatment of pyroplasmosis at home: first aid, necessary medications. Diet for the treatment of pyroplasmosis in pets


Pyroplasmosis is a seasonal blood disease. The causative agent of the disease enters the red blood cells and begins to destroy them. Infection occurs in the case of a tick bite, which acts as a carrier of the parasite. With improper treatment, the outcome can be fatal, therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment.

Causes of pyroplasmosis

The causative agents of the disease are parasites of the genus babesia. The physiological properties of parasites are similar to pathogens of malaria. It parasitizes throughout the body of the animal. It can be transmitted to humans by a transmissible route.

The life cycle of the parasite progresses in the body of ticks that act as carriers. The process of development of the parasite to an invasive stage is observed in the salivary glands of the carrier and is stimulated by bloodsucking. Once in the blood of an animal, pathogens enter the blood cells. In these cells, multiplication occurs. With increasing numbers, cell destruction occurs.

The clinical picture appears after the defeat of 3% of red blood cells. Together with destroyed red blood cells, the vital products of pathogens penetrate the blood. The defeat of more than 15% of red blood cells leads to death due to renal failure.

First aid for the treatment of pyroplasmosis at home

Treatment of the animal is divided into two stages. The first step is to eliminate the pathogen of infection. To do this, use drugs such as Veriben, Azidine or Berenil. These medications are quite toxic not only for the pathogen itself, but also for the animal. For this reason, they can only be used if the owner is confident in the diagnosis.

For intramuscular administration of azidine, it is necessary to use Novocaine. In this case, the pet will not feel pain. An injection is made in the back thigh to the inside.

Next, you need close monitoring of the animal. Every hour you should measure the temperature of the dog. The key to success is drinking plenty of water. If the dog refuses to drink, then it is necessary to fill in water with a 20 ml syringe. It will be enough 100-150 ml. As a liquid, you can also use decoctions of various herbs. The most effective are chamomile, yarrow, calendula. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is also recommended that the animal inject 20 ml of glucose three times a day. Vitamins B6 and B12, C are equally important. They should be pricked 5 ml twice a day. if no improvement is observed, the temperature does not drop, or decreases very slowly, then a day later, a second antiparasitic injection must be made. In order to overcome the disease in the first stage, usually one or two injections are enough.

After this, recovery from the acute period of the disease is observed. For the rehabilitation of the body, it is necessary that the animal undergo a course of injections of vitamins, cardiac medications, saline to bring the balance to normal. It is very important to use drugs that will normalize the functioning of the digestive system, liver and gall bladder. It will take a lot of time. Therefore, it is very important to constantly monitor the condition of the dog. Re-infection must not be allowed. This can result in death or serious health problems.

Treatment of pyroplasmosis at home: important tips

With the disease, the kidneys are affected. To protect the organ, urine should be made alkaline. To do this, it is recommended to give baking soda in a dosage of 2 g of pure soda per 10 kg of animal weight per day. Since soda is not very pleasant, it can be replaced with Blemaren medicine. For a day, give 1 tablet per 10 kg of pet weight. Alkaline therapy should be carried out until the urine is completely clarified for a couple more days.

To accelerate the elimination of hemoglobin from the body, droppers are made. Be sure to control the volume of urine. It is possible to carry out the procedure at home. For this, a physical solution or a ring solution is used. It must be used in a dose of 2% of the weight of the animal. If the animal does not experience vomiting, then it is possible to drink it using broth, plain water or sweetened.

The disease can affect various systems of the body, so the cure should be appropriate:

1. If the animal is vomiting, then Tserukal can be used. This is an antiemetic drug. To get rid of toxins and protect the stomach Estimate is shown.

2. For the general support of an organism it is necessary to give vitamins Gamavit.

3. Sulfocamphocaine is necessary to maintain the functioning of the heart.

4. To establish the liver, Karsil, Heptral, Hepatovet are shown.

5. If the dog consumes a sufficient amount of liquid, but there is little urine, then the drug Furosemide is indicated.

6. In case of seizures, Corvalol or Valocordin should be taken.

There are some important tips to keep in mind:

1. As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor. These symptoms include difficulty breathing, a change in the color of urine and the color of the mucous membrane, weakness, and staggering.

2. It is not recommended to engage in self-treatment of pyroplasmosis at home. A veterinarian should be consulted as soon as possible. It is forbidden to use medicines that were prescribed by a doctor for treatment, as a prophylaxis. This can be very harmful to the animal.

3. There are several vaccines against the disease. But vaccination does not serve as an excuse for canceling the treatment of animals with special drugs.

4. Each time after a walk, it is necessary to inspect the animal, carefully care for it. Use special sprays and drops at the withers. If necessary, give tablets and consult a veterinarian.

It is important to remember that dogs that have been ill with the disease may again experience this condition. An animal that has had pyroplasmosis does not have stable immunity. For this reason, the responsibility for the life of the pet lies with the owner.

Close attention is very important, so every 25 days the dog needs to be treated. Constantly inspect such vulnerabilities as ears, crotch, neck and others.

Diet for the treatment of pyroplasmosis at home

When feeding a sick animal, it is imperative to adhere to certain rules that will help alleviate the condition of the animal and not aggravate the existing situation. These include:

1. It is forbidden to force an animal to eat food. This ailment is accompanied by a lack of appetite.

2. It is important to alternate soups and cereals with a diuretic drink. This will help remove toxins as soon as possible.

3. If the animal’s condition becomes worse, and the pet refuses to eat, then you should contact your veterinarian. The specialist will be able to supply special nutritional droppers. Procedures will help you survive hard days.

4. Diet and diet can only be prescribed by a doctor. Usually, porridge with the addition of mashed meat is preferred.

5. Food should only be liquid and slightly warm. Sometimes it is necessary to add variety to the diet. To do this, give special yogurts, boiled vegetables. Boiled fish is also useful. It is forbidden to give fried. Bones must be removed in advance. You can soften the dry food prescribed by a specialist.

A sick animal is forbidden to give the following food:

· raw meat;


· Sweet;

· Food that causes gas formation.

If you follow a number of rules, you can help the animal in a difficult period.

Prevention of pyroplasmosis

Prevention of the disease in a pet includes medicines and collars that prevent a tick bite, and vaccines. The most effective are:

· Sprays Bolfo, Frontline, Fiprist;

Browect tablets

· Drops of Bars, Sentry and Vekta;

· Befar collars, Kiltiks, Scalibor.

Vaccines give immunity to animals for up to six months. They cannot completely protect the pet. But thanks to vaccines, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms that appear and reduce mortality. For maximum dog protection, it is recommended that you wear collars with antiparasitic drugs.


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