Why dream of a pool, diving into a pool, dreaming of an empty pool? The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the dream of the pool


In a dream, you can travel, you can visit old friends, meet someone. But why dream of a pool? How to interpret this dream?

It’s worth sorting out.

What is the dream of the pool - the main interpretation

The dream in which you plunge headlong into the pool water indicates that soon you will plunge into new feelings that will make you look differently at the structure of life. If you dream of a pool, it’s important to betray the meaning of any detail of such a dream.

Try to remember the dream as a whole, to ponder its every detail:

• Where exactly did you see the pool;

• What did you do in the pool;

• Did someone else appear in your dream about the pool;

• Have you washed the pool;

• What emotions have visited you after sleep.

To see a pool with crystal clear water is to crystal clear thoughts and feelings. You will be immersed in yourself and in your future. You will seek manifestation and harmony in everything. Such an exalted state will allow you to joyfully meet a new period of life.

But, if you see the clear water of the pool and do not dare to plunge into it - you will be afraid of changes, it will seem to you that this is a dirty trick. It may be about the opportunity to build new relationships, which you will refuse, and the opportunity to start a new business. Failure will be justified by your indecision and your pettiness.

The dream in which you went to the pool and the wind suddenly rose, the sky was cloudy - it means that your cloudless life will be overshadowed by events that are beyond your control. You will suddenly enter a period of stagnation and a period of stress.

The dream interpretation advises to take a closer look at the little things of sleep. If you saw in a dream that the weather quickly ended and sunny days arrived - such a dream means that your troubles are temporary and they will end soon, so you should not be upset and panic, everything will work out the way you want.

If you see in a dream a pool in which dirty, muddy water - you should avoid unclean thoughts. Try to make all decisions in life balanced and in good mood. If you decide to annoy someone badly - try to do it deliberately. Your revenge will not bring anything good.

The dream in which you plunge into the pool, and the water in it becomes dirty and muddy - indicates that someone wants to ruin your plans, do something bad for you. Try not to panic in advance and ponder over who it can be and how such enemy affairs can end. Perhaps they only want to scare you, but if the water in the pool turns black, they really want to hurt you.

If in a dream you plunge into the pool and the water seems icy to you - your emotions and feelings towards a loved one will cool off. You will cease to experience the former attachment and former love, you will more analyze his actions by the mind. This will lead to a cooling of feelings and the forced termination of the relationship.

The dream in which you see an empty pool speaks of the emptiness of your hopes and expectations. If in a dream you wash the pool, you will in reality try to wash yourself from the negative events of the past. It can be about both relationships that brought you a lot of trouble, and about your financial plans that collapsed at one point.

The dream in which you dig a place for a pool speaks about your need for updates in life. You will have new opportunities for development, for financial growth. If in a dream you manage to build a swimming pool - in reality you will also be able to realize all your plans. Do not worry if you are overtaken by temporary difficulties. They will end very quickly, and you can celebrate the victory over yourself and your fears.

If in a dream you came to swim in an indoor pool, but all the tracks on it are busy - you will encounter the problem of lack of choice. If in the near future you built ambitious financial plans for work, they will not come true. Your idea will be intercepted by competitors, or your place will be taken by colleagues. The dream book advises you to remember if you could find a place on the track in your dream, or you went home with nothing.

If in a dream you came to swim in an indoor pool and all the lanes are empty, you cannot choose which one is better to train for - such a dream means that you will be faced with a choice and it will be very difficult. You will not be able to choose from the basic life details. The dream interpretation advises not to panic and make deliberate decisions. Now it’s important for you to accept them not only correctly, but also quickly, because free opportunities and places may soon be occupied.

What is the dream of the pool according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that the pool is a dream as a symbol of renewal in personal life. If in a dream you see yourself diving into the clear water of a swimming pool - in reality you will plunge headlong into a relationship. They will be pleasant and joyful for you. Your life will begin to flourish and prosper. Try to keep the tenderness of feelings, the purity of relationships for a long time.

The dream in which you are immersed in the cool and muddy water of the pool - indicates that you are likely to be deceived, the deception will come from loved ones. Try to forgive their sins and do not be discouraged if they did something wrong. In order not to be deceived, do not take anyone's word. It is better to double-check everything several times, only then draw the appropriate conclusions.

The dream in which you drown in the pool - says that emotions and feelings will overwhelm you, will not allow you to get to the surface. You will try to control them for a long time, but in the end, you will refuse the opportunity to realize yourself in a new relationship. Such a dream can also say that in your existing relationships there will come a period of quarrels and conflicts. You will plunge into negative emotions and you will not be able to find a way out of them.

Because of this situation, you may lose those relationships that have had a fairly long time. The dream book advises you not to exaggerate and not to excite your imagination. When the storm of emotions subsides, everything will fall into place, and you will begin to live happily and calmly.

Why is a pregnant woman dreaming of a pool? Such a dream speaks about changes in her social circle, maybe she will suddenly make new friends, she will make new friends. If she dreams that the water in the pool is dark, but warm and pleasant - the troubles will not overshadow her life. If she dreams that the water is clear, but cold - she expects the coldness and indifference of loved ones.

What is the dream of the pool in the Esoteric dream book

The dream in which you swim in the pool promises you fast changes for the better. If you swim a lot in the pool and do not even get tired - you can complete those things that you still could not finish. The dream in which you sit on the shore of the pool and can not plunge into it in any way - says that you forbid yourself a lot.

You forbid yourself to live as you have long dreamed. If you wash your pool in a dream - in reality you will try to clear yourself of an unpleasant situation. It happened in your life not by chance, perhaps someone from your loved ones became her provocateur, and you can’t put up with it.

What is the dream of the pool for other dream books

Dream Interpreter Grishina says, if in a dream you watch someone else swim in the pool, but you don’t plunge into it yourself, you will observe other people's successes and victories, but you will not dare to take a sharp step towards meeting the victory. The dream book advises you to take risks, otherwise you will not be able to achieve anything from what you have been dreaming about for so long.

If you swim in the pool in a dream and overtake everyone - such a dream says that you will soon be able to beat your competitors at times. If you did not have any particular expectations at work, now you will become an indispensable employee. In your personal life after such a dream, a period of victories will come, you can finally build those relationships that you have long dreamed about. Nothing threatens you now, your happiness will be long.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that a dream in which water pours out of the pool speaks of an overabundance of feelings and emotions in your life. You will be overwhelmed by internal conflicts and torment. In the near future you should curb your emotions, otherwise you will harm your reputation. The dream in which you are trying to get out of the pool but are constantly falling into the water indicates that you should not rush into a decision. Stay while in your place, do not rush anywhere, everything has its time.


Watch the video: What does water dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).