How to wash a kitten (video): the choice of shampoo and the rules of the procedure. Is it possible to wash a kitten, at what age and why do it?


All owners of kittens eventually have the question of how to wash their kitten and whether it can be done at all. Most of the grown up kittens do personal hygiene on their own, while the cat mom watches the kids.

Before you disassemble in detail the methods and means with which you can put your pet's hair in order, you need to find out if the kitten can be washed, and why it should be done.

Is it possible to wash a kitten

The answer to this question is unequivocal - you can bathe your little friend. It is best to start accustoming a baby to this procedure from an early age. Since if you decide to wash an adult cat for the first time, it will adversely affect his mental health, and, most likely, he can seriously damage your skin, trying to avoid washing with all his might.

At what age can I start the bathing procedure? Naturally, for newborn kittens, washing will not only not be useful, but also harm. Provided that you decide to bathe the baby, then think about the possible consequences: due to the fact that a specialized shampoo interrupts its smell, a cat-mother can not only abandon the baby, but also take his life; you wash away the grease that protects the kitten from getting various infections in the body.

Once the pet reaches the age of one month, it is already possible for the first time to try the washing procedure. In the future, you should not often swim your baby - no more than once every two weeks. After the pet crosses the age limit of three months, you can increase the use of water procedures up to once a week.

You can learn about how to bathe a kitten at the age of 2-3 months from the next video

The following should be considered. pet grooming tipshelping to understand how to wash the kitten.

1. Do not immediately after eating to conduct a bathing procedure. The best time to wash your pet is 4-5 hours after the last feeding.

2. It is best to carry out water procedures on a warm day so that your pet does not freeze.

3. Before starting to wash the kitten, attention should be paid to preparing the place where the water procedures will be carried out. It will be most simple to cope with a kitten if you wash it in a small basin or sink. In such small bowls it is more convenient to keep your pet if he decides to stop swimming a little earlier.

4. Before washing, plug the baby’s ears with cotton swabs moistened with oil to prevent water from entering the ears, and they will also help to muffle sounds.

5. The temperature of the water you are going to wash your little friend should also be adjusted in advance.

6. The pressure of the stream under which you place the kitten should be weakened relative to what you are washing, as it can greatly frighten a small animal.

7. Specialized shampoo for kittens, which you should use for the procedure, should not get on the mucous membrane of the pet - in the ears, nose and eyes.

8. The choice of shampoo should be done carefully. The range from which the owner has to choose any tool is quite large. If in doubt about your decision, consult your veterinarian for advice.

9. A towel in order to dry the baby's coat should also be prepared in advance.

10. After the bathing procedure is completed, you need to wrap your pet in a soft towel and begin to gently dry his coat.

The owner of the little kitten should also watch a video showing the process of bathing the animal

Why do I need to bathe a kitten?

There are several reasons why you should accustom your pet to this procedure.

1. Provided that your kitten is thoroughbred and you plan to perform at various exhibitions in the future, you should familiarize him with such an event in advance so as not to complicate the process of preparing for the performance in the future.

2. Kittens and cats are also washed in order to get rid of excess dead skin. The animal will not leave such a large number of hairs throughout the house that it will greatly simplify the cleaning process and improve the condition of the owner if he has an allergic reaction to his pet's hair. In addition, less hair of the pet will fall into its stomach, which means that irritation of the kitten’s gastrointestinal tract will occur much less frequently.

3. If your animal has stained its wool, then it should be removed from its pollution in order to prevent it from getting into the digestive system of the baby, or he will be able to stain any interior items or clothing in the house.

How to wash a kitten?

We learned how to wash a kitten, but with the help of what means it can be done no less important.

There are a huge number of specialized shampoos for kittens, which can be purchased at any pet store. The consultants will help you with the choice or you can find out which shampoo is more suitable for your pet from a veterinarian.

In some cases, tar soap is used to get rid of parasites such as fleas. It has several advantages over chemical preparations, but despite them it is contraindicated to use such a bath soap.

If you didn’t have a special tool at hand, and you want to wash your pet, in no case should you carry out this procedure with the help of baby soap. Since the skin of a person and a kitten are very different from each other. The use of this product may lead to an allergic reaction such as dry skin, itching, redness, or increased shedding. The use of laundry soap will lead to more serious consequences. It can cause the appearance of dermatitis, the formation of tangles from the wool and its loss, and also if it enters the mouth, can lead to poisoning.

It is important to give the pet as much attention as possible and such a serious procedure as bathing, conduct with extreme caution.


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