The best varieties of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse are characteristics, especially planting, growing and care. How to choose a tomato variety?


Tomatoes are one of the most beloved crops by our vegetable growers, for this reason every winter lovers have a question - what kind of tomato to plant in their greenhouse? Experienced people will find their favorite and long-proven varieties in stock, and new growers will feel dizzy with the variety of varieties, I want to purchase and try everything at once.

But during the selection you need to take into account, in addition to your desires - the taste of the fruit, the color of the tomatoes, the yield of the plants and the characteristics of your region. First of all, it is necessary to decide in which place you will grow the purchased varieties of tomatoes. Growing tomatoes in a small greenhouse and in a greenhouse have many differences. Fine and tasty varieties that grow well in a greenhouse, when planted in a greenhouse, will not bring a normal crop of quality fruits. And the varieties intended for the greenhouse in a small greenhouse will produce much less tomatoes than they could.

What varieties are suitable for the greenhouse

Mostly F1 hybrids are intended for this, on the pack with seeds, the F1 icon says that these are first-generation hybrids and it makes no sense to collect seeds for sowing from seedlings, plants with unknown ones will grow from them (and in 95% of cases with poor characteristics). Compared to varieties, hybrids are more adapted to the conditions that form in the greenhouse, they are well resistant to diseases that develop in a humid atmosphere.

When choosing material for sowing, consider the type of plant. This determines what kind of care is required for these tomatoes, the timing of sowing seeds, and the place suitable for plants.

There are 4 types in total:

· Determinant;

· Indeterminate;


· Semi-determinant.

For a long harvest of tomatoes, you need to plant semi-determinant and indeterminate varieties of tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Here is a description of several common varieties intended for growing in greenhouses, they are tested by many gardeners:

Samara F1 - a hybrid created in our country, it is designed for growing indoors. Tomatoes are collected in brushes, on each of them up to 8 fruits are tied. The plant is indeterminate, well resists cladosporiosis, fusarium and the tobacco mosaic virus. Tomatoes are red in color, well stored, fruits almost do not crack, an early ripe hybrid.

De Barao is a fairly productive variety that gardeners like with exotic fruit color. Many tomatoes of different colors were created - Red De Barao, Golden De Barao, Black De Barao, Orange De Barao, even the Giant and the Royal De Barao exist. These are plants of great height, they withstand shading well, and tomatoes ripen on average late. The fruits are different - from small ones (Black De Barao variety) to very large tomatoes (Giant variety). Their fruits are perfect for harvesting for the winter and for salads, they can sing after they are picked from the bush, lie for a long time without spoiling.

Bull's heart - this variety has not lost its popularity for several decades. Modern breeders have created new species of this variety with tomatoes of different colors. The bush grows to 2 meters, on which large (these giants weigh up to 1 kg.) And very tasty fruits are formed.

Miracle of the Earth - a tall, early variety, perfectly withstands the lack of moisture, for this reason it is loved by gardeners who have problems with watering. The fruits grow large (about 0.5 kg) pink, with a sweetish flavor, well suited for salads.

Pink honey - can be grown both in the greenhouse and in a simple garden. Bushes grow up to 1.5 m, they are well resistant to diseases. The tomatoes are pink, large and tasty.

Cherry tomatoes

Not everyone is able to hold back so as not to plant cherry tomatoes on the site. The unusual variety of flowers of small "cherries" is simply amazing - children, like red, yellow, pink, and even tasty black tomatoes. Almost all of them ripen very quickly and have a sweet taste.

There are cherry varieties that are created for growing in the garden, in the greenhouse, on the balcony and there are even specially bred for growing on the windowsill, so that residents of multi-storey buildings can also get them. But for gardeners, the total number of products matters, for this reason, such varieties are grown in a greenhouse:

· Ildi F1 - mid-season hybrid of the first generation, tall bushes, forms brushes with a large number of orange fruits. Tomatoes are sweet, they can be used for salads or for canning;

· Honey drop - tomato with pear-shaped, yellow tomatoes, leaves of this variety resemble potato. Lying variety, sweet fruits;

· Kira F1 - indeterminate early ripe hybrid. Tomatoes are orange, round in shape with a great taste;

· Date red F1 - oval tomatoes that look like dates, medium ripening, good for pickling;

Madeira F1 - a hybrid with red tomatoes that ripen early.

What tomatoes are best planted in a greenhouse

In a polycarbonate greenhouse, special conditions are created that affect the development of tomatoes, for this reason you need to choose the appropriate varieties. For example, if you have a greenhouse of small height, or even less a greenhouse, it is better to sow low-growing varieties, for a high design, lianoid varieties of tomatoes are suitable. On a large area, you can easily grow 2 types of plants at the same time - tall in the center of the greenhouse, and near the fences are low-growing varieties.

A favorable microclimate is formed in the greenhouse not only for the development of tomatoes, but also for harmful microorganisms. For this reason, it is advisable to play it safe and choose varieties resistant to underlying diseases. In addition, the soil is often too wet in greenhouses, so it is advisable to plant varieties that are not dangerous to excess moisture.

Do you want to make a fresh salad from your tomatoes in the first months of summer? Take a look at early hybrids and varieties. Cherry tomatoes are the fastest to produce crops. For example, the Arctic variety will provide you with ripe fruits for 75-80 knocks, the Dessert variety in 95-100 days.

In a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is best to plant F1 hybrids, they have the best characteristics for growing in protected buildings. But do not forget about varietal tomatoes, among them there are many successful varieties, and their taste is often much better than that of hybrids. But they will have to tinker with, do not forget to let fresh air into the greenhouse, it is very good if the design has air vents on the sides and on top of the structure. Be sure to do the prevention of major diseases in order to protect them from pests, the development of late blight and bacterial diseases.

For most gardeners, the most important thing is the number of ripe tomatoes grown, this is not difficult to calculate. Conventional varieties of tomatoes can bring about 15 kg of ripe fruits per 1 m2, F1 hybrids more unpretentious and resistant to greenhouse conditions will grow about 20 kg of tomatoes from 1 m2.


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