Oatmeal cookie cake whip up! We make different cakes from oatmeal cookies: with banana, cherry, cottage cheese, gelatin, creme brulee


Oatmeal cookies are tasty in themselves, but the desserts from it are simply amazing. Cakes without baking are especially good. It doesn’t take much time to prepare them, usually the available ingredients are used, and the result always exceeds expectations. Here are the most interesting options for cakes from ordinary oatmeal cookies. Will we try?

Oatmeal Cake - General Cooking Principles

Cookies will appear in the cake cakes. They can be layered, broken, impregnated, it all depends on the recipe. Cookies come in different flavors and fillings: classic, with raisins, nuts, sesame, chocolate or cocoa. Of course, all this will affect the taste. Also, oatmeal cookies from different manufacturers differ in diameter and thickness. This must be taken into account if the recipe indicates pieces, not weight. Thick cookies will be saturated for a long time, so you can cut it in half or just cut off the tubercle. So we get even cakes, and the tops, that is, trimmings, can be laid in the cracks or used to sprinkle cakes.

What creams can I use:

Sour cream;

From cream;

· Condensed milk;


You should not take fatty options for such cakes with a lot of butter, they will soak oatmeal cookies for a long time. Also do not forget that it is sweet enough. If you add a lot of sugar or do not dilute the condensed milk with sour cream, then the dessert can turn out to be sugary. In some cases, fruits and berries can be a salvation. They will add freshness and lightness. All cakes take a long time to soak. Usually at least three hours, but at the exact time depends on the cream used.

Oatmeal Cake with Banana

The simplest recipe for a oatmeal cookie cake with banana and sour cream. It takes about ten minutes to cook. But the dessert needs to be soaked well, for this it is advisable to put it in the refrigerator all night.


350 g cookies;

380 g sour cream;

250 g bananas

· 2 tablespoons of sugar;

A bag of vanilla.

Cooking method

1. In a bowl or in the form we send a plastic wrap. We make hanging edges with which you can then cover the cake.

2. We make the simplest sour cream. Combine sour cream with sugar and vanilla, stir. You can use powder. It is advisable to take thick sour cream for the cream, after adding sugar it will still become a little thinner.

3. Peel bananas, cut into circles or in another way at your discretion.

4. Spread a layer of oatmeal cookies, grease with a good layer of cream, put bananas in the voids, spread them on top.

5. Lubricate oatmeal cookies with cream on one side, place it on bananas. Smear the whole cream again, spread the pieces of fruit. If the products remain, then repeat. At the end, spread the rest of the cream.

6. We hang dessert with the hanging tips of the film, send it to cool and soak.

7. After a few hours or the next day, the film needs to be moved aside, put a plate on the cake, turn over with the bowl. The top can be greased or decorated in any way.

Oatmeal Cake with Curd Cream

A very useful oatmeal cake option. Cream is preferably made from good and fatty cottage cheese. In addition, you will need boiled or simply instant coffee, which will be an impregnation.


A glass of coffee;

· 300 g of cottage cheese;

· 100 g of condensed milk;

Chocolate bar

· 100 g sour cream;

350 g cookies.

Cooking method

1. Grate the cottage cheese, combine with condensed milk and add sour cream. Beat the cream until smooth.

2. Brew or simply brew coffee, do not add sugar, cool well.

3. Dip oatmeal cookies in coffee. If it is hard, then leave it for five seconds. Shake off the drops, lay on a flat plate. We make the first layer of cake from such cookies.

4. Apply the curd cream. If desired, you can arrange slices of banana or other fruits, berries.

5. Wet the cookies again, spread a new layer, cover with cream. We collect the cake, leave it for impregnation for a couple of hours, and keep it only in the refrigerator.

6. Rub the chocolate, sprinkle on top, decorate the sides. You can also use nuts or coconut, which is more like it.

Oatmeal Cake with Cherry

One of the most delicious options for oat cake, which is prepared with cherries. If there is cognac, then you can pre-sprinkle the berries and leave to soak, it will turn out even tastier.


600 g of cookies

300 g of pitted cherries;

· 600 g sour cream;

A cup of coffee or tea;


Cocoa for decoration.

Cooking method

1. Mix sugar with sour cream. Add vanillin for flavor or pour in a spoonful of cognac. Make tea or coffee, cool.

2. Remove the seeds from the cherries, squeeze the berries slightly from excess juice. It can be added to the impregnation, it will only get better.

3. Put a layer of oatmeal cookies in a detachable form, wetting each little thing in tea or coffee, pour cream, spread the berries. Repeat until all products run out.

4. Remove the dessert for 8 hours. Remove from the mold, sprinkle with cocoa powder, garnish with cherry berries.

Cake from oatmeal cookies a la "Count ruins"

The recipe is simply stunningly easy to prepare, but delicious cake, which is very similar to count ruins. Cream of boiled condensed milk. Additionally, you need meringues, which can be bought at the store. It is very light, comes out inexpensively, only 100-130 grams are needed.


250 g cookies;

500 g of condensed milk;

130 g meringue;

· 0.5 tbsp. nuts

200 g butter + 20 g chocolate;

· Milk for impregnation;

· 50 g of chocolate for decoration.

Cooking method

1. Butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance, otherwise nothing will work. Beat it in a bowl, add condensed milk. If the products have the same temperature, they will quickly turn into a homogeneous cream.

2. Dip the cookies with milk, let it soften a little. If necessary, replace with a cup of coffee. We spread in the form of a base for the cake. We break the remains, fill the voids, so that we get a whole cake.

3. Lubricate the base with the prepared cream.

4. Lubricate the meringue cream, lay the slide on the base. If cookies are left, then you can also break it, grease it, lay it between meringues. We spread the cake with a slide, coat with the rest of the cream.

5. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath, adding a piece of butter. Cool a little so that it is not liquid, pour the dessert on top, so that trickles flow in different directions.

6. Dry the nuts, sprinkle the ruins of the count. It is advisable to do this immediately, before the chocolate has frozen.

Oatmeal Cake with Gelatin

A variant of stunningly delicate, tall and delicious jelly cake with oatmeal cookies. It is desirable to collect it in detachable form. There is one cake and jelly mass, but you can also cover everything with cookies on top, grease with cream or glaze, this is a matter of personal taste.


250 g cookies;

70 g of oil;

500 g of sour cream;

· 300 g of cottage cheese;

150 g of powder;

300 g of berries or fruits;

100 ml of milk;

· 20 g of gelatin;


Cooking method

1. You need to start with gelatin. Mix it with milk at room temperature, leave on the table.

2. Mash oatmeal cookies or grind, add soft butter to it, grind together and put on the bottom of a split mold. From above, simply grease with sour cream without additives, there is plenty of sugar in the cookies. We put it in the freezer for about ten minutes.

3. Wipe the cottage cheese, combine with sour cream and powdered sugar. You can use just sand, but then stir longer.

4. Gelatin, which is already swollen in milk, is melted and added to the curd cream. Stir again, but now it’s very good that the whole cake is frozen.

5. Add pieces of any fruit or berries to the curd mass.

6. Remove the cake pan from the freezer, fill the jelly mass, level it and now put it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to wait for complete solidification.

Cream brulee oatmeal cake

A very delicate and delicious version of oatmeal cookie cake. To prepare the cream, you need fat cream for whipping 33%, as well as boiled condensed milk. It is undesirable to add fruits or berries to this cake, if only slices of bananas, they are also tender, will fit perfectly into dessert.


250 mo cream of 33%;

200 ml of milk;

· 1 can of boiled condensed milk;

· 600-700 g of cookies;

· Chocolate, coke chips or cocoa.

Cooking method

1. Whip cream until foam, gradually introduce boiled condensed milk to them. If it is very thick, then first beat well separately, then add. You do not need to lay anything else in the cream.

2. Wet the oatmeal in the prepared milk and spread it in one layer. Apply a thick layer of cream, cover with a new batch of cookies. We continue to the end.

3. Top the cake with cream. Grated chocolate or coconut is ideal for decoration. If there is nothing like this, then just sprinkle the top with cocoa powder.

Oatmeal Cake - Useful Tips and Tricks

· If oatmeal cookies are few, then it can be alternated with any other types. When using thin or soft cookies, it is not necessary to wet it additionally in impregnation.

· It's okay if the cream is liquid. Oatmeal cookies are dry, it will absorb all excess moisture, but you need to let it stand for a while.

· If you need to quickly soak a cake from cookies, then it can be cut thinner. Or after the assembly, keep the dessert a little warm, only then remove for cooling.

· If the cookies are very dry, then it’s better not to make a cake from it, but a Potato cake or a sweet sausage. In crushed form, it is well and quickly soaked in cream.


Watch the video: How to make a Graham Cake - Mango Float Cake (June 2024).