What does the aquarium dream about: with fish, turtles or snakes? The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the dream of the aquarium


Do you dream that you are traveling? Perhaps you dream of countless riches?

What is the dream of the aquarium for? How to interpret such a dream?

What the aquarium dreams about - the main interpretation

Before interpreting the dream in which you had an aquarium, you should understand what emotions the dream caused you, whether you experienced during and after sleep. If the dream was not accompanied by negative emotions, then they could appear later, when you woke up and began to analyze everything you saw.

If such anxiety and negative feelings were present, then you experienced stress before this dream. The empty aquarium you saw in a dream could remind you of unfulfilled dreams in which you put your hopes. But in order to completely interpret the dream, it is better to pay attention also to its other details:

• Whether there were fish in the aquarium;

• Was it clean;

• What size he was;

• What did you do with the aquarium;

• Who else was present in your dream.

If in a dream there was a huge amount of fish in the aquarium and it was literally teeming in it - such a dream means that you will soon immerse yourself in the bustle of unpleasant troubles. These will be things that will make you upset, disappointed in your own strengths.

Try to divide in the near future all urgent chores into primary and secondary. Try not to give too much importance to the opinions of others. It only hurts you. If you are planning to attend a mass event after such a dream, such a dream indicates that it will fail for you. You are likely to be upset and even come into conflict with someone.

If you see a fish jumping out of the aquarium, you will in reality try to break free from the shackles, and you will try to go beyond what is permitted. You will succeed, but only for a short period of time. This temporary lull will not bring you pleasure.

A dream in which a fish jumps out of the aquarium and you catch it - speaks of your soon meeting with problems and troubles. You will be upset and disappointed. You will not be able to withstand the ups and downs of life. Attempts to catch luck - will not succeed if you did not catch the fish in the end.

If you dream of a tiny aquarium that fits in your hand - you really will be petty and unpredictable. Such a dream suggests that soon you can lose a good position, even your permanent job precisely because of pettiness.

The dream in which you look for an aquarium in the house, but find only drops of water, means that you will look back and try to find something good in the past. This can be good memories, old acquaintances, opportunities to restore old connections. You may also need to meet an old friend - a dream book advises you to realize your desires.

The dream in which you carry an empty aquarium in your hands means that you have empty hopes for some important matter. It seems important to you precisely because you used to inflate it. Now you cannot recognize and accept its insignificance.

A dream in which you will have an aquarium with fish in your hands means that your dreams are not so insignificant. You rather underestimate yourself and do not allow yourself to fully reveal your talents. The dream in which you carry an aquarium with snakes and other reptiles - says that you carry in your head thoughts about the negative attitude of other people towards you. You do not give yourself rest due to someone else's negative attitude.

The dream book advises you to stop living based on someone else's opinion of you and start living based on your own feelings and worldview. It will not just be easier for you, it will be more effective, since you pay a lot of attention to other people's negative thoughts about you. Try not to focus on the negative, but try to live the way you have long dreamed.

The dream in which you wipe the aquarium from the inside means that you want to find out some truth that has been bothering you for a long time. It can be both the truth about you personally, and about your friends and acquaintances. This may be some information that will allow you to understand the essence of a running and confusing business.

The dream in which you wash an aquarium with fish means that you do not want to get to the bottom of the truth, and all the time look on the surface. You do not have the patience to do something systematically. You start something important and immediately quit. It characterizes you as a person unstable, does not allow you to predict events in life.

The dream in which you buy an aquarium - says that you want a new positive period in your life. But it cannot begin because of your inner experiences and torments. The dream book advises to discard torment and begin to live with a sound mind, enjoy life.

A dream in which you try to wash the aquarium for several days in a row, and it doesn’t work out for you, means that your life will have a rather complicated matter that you will have to solve yourself. This case will be neglected and confusing. We are not talking about some kind of offense, you just do not fully understand the situation itself.

If you throw away the aquarium in a dream - you will in reality try to get rid of imaginary ideas and prejudices. It will be bad enough for you. Everything you invented will come true over time, and you yourself will be horrified at how accurate your thoughts are.

If in a dream you feed the fish - in reality you will enjoy worldly joys. You will be happy and filled with emotions thanks to the little things. These little things will build your life and give you the feeling that in fact, everything is fine with you.

What does the aquarium dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it says that the aquarium represents your personal life. If it is filled with clear water, then everything in your life will be stable and clear. You will not experience inconvenience due to fluctuations and changes in emotions. You can build relationships with your loved one.

A dream in which you see someone pouring dirty water into your aquarium says that soon someone will try to denigrate you, ruin your life. These attempts will be empty, but in the end you can lose those relationships that have been built over the years.

A dream in which you see a huge aquarium in which there are a lot of fish - speaks of a huge number of people who can become your sexual partners, maybe you are not sorting out? Perhaps you are giving more attention and time to the wrong people? Then you should consider the correctness of such an act. Try to pay maximum attention to one person, otherwise you will not be able to build relationships with anyone.

What is the dream of the aquarium in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the aquarium dreams, as a symbol of empty promises and expectations. You will increasingly rely on someone else's help and you will become more and more disappointed in it. An aquarium that is filled with boiling water is your vibrant life from emotions.

You fill it not just with emotions, but with excessive expectations and worries, which prevents you from thinking sensibly. A dream in which you cannot release fish into the aquarium for a long time, they constantly jump out of it - it means that for a long time you will not be able to consider a friend in a person. What is the dream of an aquarium in which you see a huge pearl? Such a dream suggests that you cherish the wrong person. You need to cherish yourself and then you will get the maximum result from your efforts.

What does the aquarium dream about in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina said that an aquarium with goldfish promises you a lot of profit and profitable contacts. An aquarium with piranhas suggests that the enemies will rush against you and will now act not alone, but all together.

The dream in which you see several huge aquariums indicates that you will choose from several options. Everyone will seem right and appropriate to you. You will choose only one and be disappointed. The dream book advises to follow intuition, and not common sense.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said if the aquarium in a dream has a non-standard shape or non-standard sizes - such a dream says that you will make a contradictory decision, which few people will put up with. You have to defend the point of view in front of a huge number of people if the aquarium in your dream is too large. If water spills from it - it is worth following the words, they will become your enemies.


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