Delicious recipes for what can be made from eggs quickly and easily. Light breakfasts, snacks and desserts that can be made from eggs quickly


The variety of egg dishes allows you to enjoy them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, to try eggs not only in elementary foods, like fried eggs (although it is worthy of a separate encyclopedia), but also to cook pastries and snacks, soups and sauces, desserts and drinks with them.

What can be cooked from eggs quickly - the basic principles of cooking

Most egg dishes are easy and quick to cook, they can be replaced or added.

Despite the fact that the eggs of quail, guinea fowl, ostriches and other birds are edible, it is chicken eggs that are most in demand in world cooking.

For all recipes for which eggs are eaten raw or subjected to minimal heat treatment, they must be impeccably fresh and high quality.

Recipe 1. What can be cooked from eggs quickly: Frittat with ham and cheese


10 eggs

· A teaspoon of provencal herbs;

· Salt;

· 120 g of hard cheese, for example, parmesan;

400 ml of milk;

· 230 g of ham;

· Fresh tomato;

· 3-5 medium fresh champignons;

· butter;

· ground black pepper;

Cooking method

Beat eggs with milk;

Crumble cheese on a coarse grater, add to eggs;

Cut the champignons into straws and fry until cooked;

· Cut the tomatoes into slices and send to languish in butter so that part of the liquid evaporates from them;

· Cut the ham into strips and put it together with tomatoes and mushrooms in a bowl with eggs, add herbs, salt and pepper;

· Pour the mixture into a mold in which the sides are oiled with butter and bake in a well-heated oven for 17-20 minutes.

This Italian variation of omelet is good in that for breakfast or just a snack, it can be literally collected from eggs, milk and what is in the refrigerator. In the frit, any products are appropriate, even cottage cheese, and the Neapolitan frit is prepared with pasta. In addition to baking, the frit can be fried in a pan.

Recipe 2. What can be cooked from eggs quickly: a magnificent omelet in the oven


· butter;

10 eggs

550 ml of milk;

· Salt.

Cooking method

· Combine eggs with milk, salt. The fact that they need to be combined by mixing, rather than intensively whipping, is the first secret of preparing a magnificent and airy omelet, light and juicy, not falling, when it is removed from the oven;

Spread on the inner surface of the mold with butter, pour the omelette and bake at 180-190 degrees for about half an hour. The correct baking dish is the second secret. Before baking, the omelet should occupy 2/3 of its height. If you cook an omelet, spilling a thin layer over a large area, it always turns out to be low.

Recipe 3. What can be made from eggs quickly: Florida fried eggs


· 4 eggs;

· butter;


· A pair of hunting sausages;

· Fresh large tomato;

· A tablespoon of Dijon mustard;

· 2 tablespoons of canned sweet corn;

· A tablespoon of tomato paste;

Basil greens;

Ground black pepper;

· Salt;

· A slice of rye bread;

· olive oil;

Cooking method

· Cut the bread slice into cubes;

Chop the garlic through a press, add to olive oil and brush it on all sides of the bread slices;

· Dry the crackers in the oven;

· Peel the tomato, finely chop it and send it to the pan, stew in butter, after a minute add tomato paste and a couple of tablespoons of hot water with it;

· Add mustard and corn to the tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste;

· Cut sausages into slices and heat in a pan greased with butter;

· Move them to the side and fry the scrambled eggs in the same place;

Put hot sausages and tomato sauce on the finished scrambled eggs, add basil greens and sprinkle with crackers.

Recipe 4. What can be made from eggs quickly: eggs Benedict


· 3 eggs, the freshest that are found;

· butter;

· 6 strips of bacon for frying;

60 g of spinach;

4-5 tablespoons of cream

· 3 slices of bread for toast.

Sauce Ingredients

· 3 egg yolks;

120 g butter;

· Salt;

Ground white pepper and nutmeg;

· A teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method

Chop and spinach in butter for three to four minutes, pour cream into it, mix, salt and stew for a couple of minutes, set aside the dishes;

· Gently, without damaging the yolk, break the egg into a ladle and dip it in slightly boiling water, cook until 3-5 minutes;

· Toast bread in butter;

Fry the bacon;

· Put toast on each plate, place the bacon on the bread, on top - a portion of the spinach stewed in cream, then a poached egg and finally - fill in a warm appetizer with Dutch sauce.

Sauce making:

Melt butter in a saucepan;

· In a water bath place the dishes with the yolks, stir them, adding lemon juice and whisk in anticipation of how the mass thickens and brightens;

· Immediately after that, without ceasing to beat, pour the butter into the eggs, add salt and seasonings.

As the Dutch sauce cools down and loses its charm of taste, it should be kept warm in a water bath until the eggs Benedict dipped in with it are served.

Recipe 5. What can be made from eggs quickly: eggs stuffed with saury


· 6 eggs;

· A can of saury. Instead of saury, you can take canned pink salmon or cod liver;


Fresh parsley

· ground black pepper;

Cooking method

· Hard-boiled eggs, peel and cut each in half. For the filling, you can limit yourself to their yolks or, to make the snack more interesting, carefully cut out part of the protein, leaving boats with thin walls from it;

· Remove the pieces of fish from the jar, mash with a fork;

Crumble the egg yolk, finely chop the protein;

· Mix eggs with fish, finely chopped herbs and mayonnaise, pepper to taste;

· Put the filling in half the eggs and decorate with the rest of the greens.

Recipe 6. What can be made from eggs quickly: klafuti


380 g of cherries;

· 4 eggs;

550 ml cream of 10% fat;

· 210 g flour;

190-210 g of sugar;

· A teaspoon of vanilla sugar;

30-50 ml of cherry liquor or tincture;

· butter;

A bag of powdered sugar.

Cooking method

· Remove the seeds from the cherries, put the berries in a bowl and mix with liquor;

· Mix all the sugar with flour, eggs and add cream, stir so that there are no lumps, and the dough looked like pancake on the liquid;

Lubricate the baking dish with butter;

· Pour a little dough and put in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees for literally 5 minutes to thicken the dough;

· Put half the berries, pour in the whole dough and put out the remaining cherries;

· Bake klafuti for another half hour;

· Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Similar recipes, for which they take not cherries (or cherries) but other fruits and berries, and sometimes vegetables, meat products and mushrooms, are called flonard.

Recipe 7. What can be made from eggs quickly: egg flan with caramel


400-500 ml of cream;

· 6 eggs;

320 g of sugar;

· 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;

· 3 tablespoons of water;

· butter.

Cooking method

· Mix cream, eggs and granulated sugar, whipping everything with a mixer or whisk;

· Pour water on the bottom of the stewpan, put it on medium heat, pour sugar and, stirring with a spatula, wait for it to turn into liquid caramel, somewhere in the middle of this process add lemon juice to it;

Butter a small baking dish and pour on the bottom of each a little hot caramel;

· Carefully, so as not to mix with caramel, pour the creamy egg mixture into portioned molds;

· Put the molds in a dish filled with water so that it hides them half the height and bake the flan in the oven for 45-55 minutes at a temperature of 160-180 degrees;

· The finished flan first cool on the table, then a couple of hours in the refrigerator;

· For feeding, tip the flan from the pan onto the plate.

Recipe 8. What can be made from eggs quickly: egg custard


750 ml of milk;

· 3 eggs;

110 g butter;

90-100 g of flour;

375 g of sugar.

Cooking method

Mash eggs with sugar, sprinkle flour and stir so that there are no lumps left;

· Put milk in a saucepan on the stove and dissolve half the butter in it;

· Gradually add the eggs and boil the mixture for about three minutes, bring to a boil and after a few minutes remove from heat;

· When the cream starts to cool, use a whisk or mixer to mix it with the rest of the butter;

· If desired, a little condensed milk, cocoa powder or cinnamon can be mixed into the cream;

· Serve dessert custard with baked apples, homemade biscuits, pancakes or cottage cheese casserole, or layer, decorate it with a cake.

Recipe 9. What can be cooked from eggs quickly: cherry nogogu-mogul with cognac


· 3 eggs;

220 ml cream;

300 ml of cherry juice;

40-60 ml of cherry or peach liquor;

45 g of sugar.

Cooking method

· Divide eggs into squirrels and yolks. Rub the yolks with sugar, and put the proteins in the refrigerator;

· Pour cream and juice to the yolks;

· Beat the chilled proteins into the foam and mix gently with the yolks;

Pour the googol-mogul into the glasses and last, in a thin stream, pour alcohol into the drink, mix with a couple of light movements.

What can be made from eggs quickly - tips and tricks

· Undertaking any recipes with eggs, it is useful to know that with an average egg weight of 50 g, yolk accounts for 20 g, for protein - 30 g;

· Egg whites will beat easily and luxuriantly, like a cloud, if you pre-soak them in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours, during which they will not only cool, but also lose some moisture;

· Contrary to popular belief, neither the color of the shell, nor the color of the yolk, affect the taste and other qualities of egg dishes;

· Egg powder in dishes is used mainly in baking and much less often in sauces and desserts.


Watch the video: 4 instant light snacks. quick and easy snacks recipe (July 2024).