Paraproctitis - treatment at home. Folk recipes for the treatment of paraproctitis at home


Paraproctitis is in 4th place after hemorrhoids, colitis and rectal fissures. This is an inflammatory process in the soft tissues around the rectum. It can occur acutely and chronically. It manifests itself without rectal pain and itching in the rectum, secretion of pus and blood, impaired stool and urination, high fever and intoxication. Men suffer more often.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, as part of the complex therapy prescribed by a doctor, paraproctitis treatment can be used at home.

Severe complications

Paraproctitis can be complicated by the formation of fistulas, which significantly worsens the condition, leads to relapse of the disease and requires surgical intervention. In addition, you may experience:

• acute peritonitis;

• pus melting of the tissues of the wall of the colon or urethra;

• the spread of the process to the pelvic fatty tissue;

• sepsis.

The disease is especially severe in children and the elderly. In children, it is much less common, but still sometimes diagnosed in infants. Complications of proctitis in this age category can end fatally.


Therefore, at the first signs of discomfort or the appearance of pain, you need to consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Since paraproctitis is caused by infectious agents that easily penetrate from the rectum through the anal glands into the surrounding tissue, antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory and symptomatic drugs are prescribed first. In acute proctitis, an urgent operation is performed. In chronic - planned. If frequent relapses occur, cicatricial tissue changes may form, sphincter insufficiency may form, or degeneration into a malignant tumor may occur.

The principles of treatment of paraproctitis at home

At home, the treatment of paraproctitis is carried out:

• if surgery is not possible, the doctor prescribes symptomatic therapy in the form of suppositories, ointments to alleviate the symptoms;

• in the postoperative period - all possible types of therapeutic treatment are used;

• in children under 1 year old - baths, rectal suppositories are used.

Treatment of paraproctitis at home includes the use of compresses, baths, enemas, tampons. To this end, medicinal plants are used, from which decoctions, tinctures, infusions, teas are prepared. All this is effective if the abscess is superficial, and not deep in the pelvis.


One of the effective treatments is sitting baths. It is recommended to use them after surgery. They should not be hot, so as not to activate the process even more, not to cause an abscess breakthrough. The temperature of the solution is brought to a comfortable level. Various solutions are used:

• The simplest is manganese solution.

• Saline: dilute 40 g of sea salt in 5 liters of water. The duration of the session is 30 minutes. In the absence of sea salt, the use of table salt is permissible.

• Sea salt and soda: in 200 ml of hot water, 1 tablespoon of each component is diluted. The resulting solution is mixed with 5 l of water in a basin. The procedure is performed for 10 minutes, carried out daily for 2 weeks.

• For the preparation of baths using medicinal herbs, take chamomile, oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, a series of. They have anti-inflammatory properties. A decoction is prepared from the selected grass: 50 g of a dry plant is poured into 0.5 l of water and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. It is infused for 40 minutes, filtered and poured into a basin with warm water. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes, the course is 3 weeks. You can use a collection of several herbs - the broth is prepared in the same way, herbs are taken in equal proportions.

• Mumiyo: dissolve 10 tablets in a glass of warm water, filter and pour into a basin with 5 l of water. Take a bath for 15 minutes at night daily.

• Stone oil: 1 teaspoon is diluted in 4 liters of warm water. The procedure lasts 20 minutes. Oil is sold ready-made at the pharmacy.

• Tray using milk: bring 2 l of milk to a boil, dip 4 cloves of garlic and 2 onions into it and boil for 2 minutes. Cool to a comfortable temperature, take a bath until the milk cools. The course of treatment continues until the manifestations of the disease disappear.


Microclysters with paraproctitis should be carried out with extreme caution in order to avoid microtraumas and not aggravate the process. The syringe used must be with a rubber tip, it must be lubricated with oil before use. To achieve the maximum effect, a cleansing enema is placed before the treatment of microclysters.

There are many popular recipes that are effectively used for microclysters:

• Dried chamomile and calendula (3 tablespoons each) pour 0.5 l of boiling water, after 3 hours, apply in a warm form.

• Oak bark in the amount of 2 tablespoons is filled with 400 ml of boiling water, left in the same bowl for 2.5 hours. After filtering, half the infusion is diluted with 400 ml of boiled water and a microclyster is made. The second part in the same ratio in the form of heat is used a second time - in the evening.

• Potato juice (1 tablespoon) is used at night in the form of microclysters for 2 weeks. Potatoes in a peel are rubbed on a grater, juice is squeezed through cheesecloth, which is used for medicinal purposes.

• Dissolve mumiyo (1 tablet) and honey (1 tablespoon) in 100 ml of warm water, inject this solution into the rectum overnight.

• In equal amounts (1 tablespoon each) of chamomile, sage and yarrow, pour boiling water (200 ml), leave for 30 minutes. From 30 ml of infusion make microclyster, drink the rest.

Candles and tampons for the treatment of paraproctitis at home

In addition to ready-made pharmacies prescribed by a proctologist, suppositories, effective anti-inflammatory drugs can be prepared for the treatment of paraproctitis at home:

• Cut sticks from raw potatoes that are used in the form of rectal suppositories: the starch contained in it in large quantities has enveloping properties, reduces inflammation and heals cracks in the mucous membrane.

• It is believed that bad healing fat and bear have good healing properties. It is recommended to introduce a cotton-gauze swab soaked in fat before bedtime into the anus and leave it until morning.

• An effective remedy is Vishnevsky ointment.


Medicinal herbs are widely used for compresses.

• Put grated raw potatoes on a clean cloth to a sore spot, covering with plastic wrap for 1 hour.

• Pour boiling water (300 ml) with 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort, continue boiling for another 20 minutes, after straining, put the steamed grass on a plastic film and sit on it until it cools. Use the remaining broth for washing.

Herbal remedies for drinking

In addition to the above methods of traditional medicine, which are used locally, there are many recipes for the preparation of infusions, tinctures, decoctions and teas used inside. Most popular:

• 3 g of stone oil for 3 days, insist in 3 l of cooled boiled water, drain the liquid and use the resulting infusion to drink 200 ml three times a day. Sludge from infusion is applied topically.

• 40 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach to drink juice squeezed from red mountain ash. Use the remaining pulp for a compress.

• Drink a mixture of 25 ml of vodka and the same amount of sunflower oil well mixed by shaking an hour before meals. Use the product only freshly prepared, a long course - several months.

• Mix the mixture of plantain, marshmallow roots and yarrow herb in the same proportion (100 g each), add 3 tablespoons of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Take 150 ml before meals 4 times a day.

Paraproctitis is a disease that causes a lot of discomfort and discomfort, dangerous for its complications. Therefore, it is easier to prevent its development than to treat it long and hard. To do this, you need to move more, eat right and drink plenty of fluids. At the first signs of the disease, without delaying for a long time, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate.


Watch the video: IBD Surgery: Perianal abscess and fistula (June 2024).