Runny nose: treatment with folk remedies. Effective and proven treatments for cold without medication


Rhinitis, which used to be called a runny nose in everyday life, can be caused by both banal hypothermia and the causative agent of infection. To suppress the pathological process, regardless of its etiology, various alternative methods of therapy are often used. In this case, the fight against inflammation should begin at an early stage of development in order to prevent serious complications.

Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies: mucosal treatment

You can get rid of rhinitis at home, subject to the preparation of medicines, quickly enough. To do this, use such safe ingredients as:

• garlic, which in powdered form must be poured with boiling water, and then allow the liquid to infuse for 30-40 minutes. In this case, it is important to observe the proportions - 10 ml of water per one medium-sized lobule. It is recommended to instill tincture in each nostril in the amount of 2 drops at least 4 times a day;

• freshly squeezed beet juice, the use of which at the initial stage can provoke profuse discharge, as well as frequent sneezing. For a single instillation, 5-6 drops are enough. It is allowed to use cotton swabs, which are moistened into the nostrils. It should be noted that with increased sensitivity of the mucosa, this tool can cause severe burning;

• ordinary cuff, with the infusion of which the nose is washed mainly to eliminate an allergic rhinitis. In the process of preparation, one tablespoon of the crushed plant is used per glass of boiled water;

• juice extracted from a fresh leaf of Kalanchoe, which lubricates the nasal mucosa. At the initial stage of rhinitis, you can also instill the healing fluid into the nostrils, repeating the procedure every 5 hours. With weak vessels, the use of this product is not recommended, since it can cause severe nosebleeds;

• Ledum grass, the period of application of which in the treatment of rhinitis with folk remedies should not exceed 7 days. To prepare the medicine, you need sunflower or olive oil in a volume of 100 ml per one and a half tablespoons of finely chopped plants. Since this mixture should be infused in a dark place for 3 weeks - it is considered appropriate to use it with a prolonged runny nose;

• menthol oil, like any other oil-based drops, has a fairly mild effect, practically without any discomfort. In this case, it will not be superfluous to add crushed eucalyptus leaves to it. For this, a tablespoon of the plant is used for one and a half glasses of oil. The boiling mixture should be on low heat for about 5 minutes, after which it is necessary to allow it to cool completely and insist. Pre-filtered liquid is instilled into the nostrils in small quantities - 2-3 drops;

• A bee product can be used in combination with various components - eucalyptus, viburnum juice, and infused black tea. Such mixtures are suitable for instillation into the nose, as well as for lubrication of the inflamed mucosa using sterile swabs. However, the use of honey is permissible only in the absence of allergic reactions in humans.

Note! Often, excessively overdried mucosa can perceive one or another drop quite poorly. In this case, it is recommended to use solutions for lubrication, one of the most effective among which is a mixture of vegetable oil with freshly squeezed onion juice. Insist on such a medicine for at least 8 hours. In this case, the oil must be pre-sterilized using a steam bath.

In the early stages of rhinitis, nasal congestion is often observed with no discharge. In this case, resorting to alternative medicine is possible only after consulting a doctor, as a result of which an allergy will be excluded. With viral diseases, positive results are given by such means and methods as:

1. Lamb fat, used to lubricate the mucous membrane at bedtime. During the night, this procedure can be repeated periodically.

2. Nose massage, in which there is an effect on the wings, for which it is necessary with two fingers to carry out circular movements, first clockwise, and then in the opposite direction.

3. Therapeutic breathing exercises, the algorithm of which should be drawn up by an experienced specialist. This method is often prescribed for pregnant women who are contraindicated in many drugs, including those based on herbs.

Important! With nasal congestion, the use of hot compresses is categorically not recommended, since blockage of the nasal passages may be due to sinusitis, in which such procedures often lead to serious complications.

Runny nose: treatment with folk remedies with rinsing

Improved blood circulation of the mucous membrane, as well as accelerating the process of liquefying mucus, is facilitated by home-prepared solutions, for the introduction of which a regular syringe is suitable for nostrils. The most popular and repeatedly tested means for washing are:

• a solution of iodine and sea salt. These components must be mixed in boiled water. A glass of liquid will require a third of a teaspoon of salt and only 2 drops of iodine available in any pharmacy;

• herbal decoctions based on chamomile, eucalyptus or sage, the preparation of which is carried out according to the following scheme: a dry crushed plant in the amount of one tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiled water, after which the mixture should be boiled for 10 minutes, and then infused for at least half an hour. Therapeutic procedures should be carried out several times a day;

• washing of the sinuses with fresh beetroot juice, which is mixed with natural honey in a 1: 2 ratio, effectively helps to cope with severe forms of rhinitis. In this case, the mixture should be diluted with boiled water. The healing solution must be applied twice a day.

Warning! Any liquid should be poured into the nose slowly enough so that excessive pressure of the stream does not provoke the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the middle ear region. Liquefied mucus should be removed from the nasopharynx immediately after washing, for which it is necessary to blow your nose properly.

Inhalations and runny nose: treatment with folk remedies by inhalation of vapors

Carrying out inhalation procedures is allowed only in the absence of elevated body temperature.

As medicinal substances, you can use:

• horseradish root, the vapor of which is able to soften mucus with severe nasal congestion. The product is used in grated or finely chopped form;

• cleaning boiled potatoes, which are often added from 5 to 20 drops of essential oils of plants such as eucalyptus or fir;

• medicinal herbs, in particular chamomile, calendula or linden flowers. In addition, a pair of pine kidneys, which must first be boiled for at least 10 minutes, have a positive effect on the inflamed areas.

In the case of children under 3 years of age who have a runny nose, treatment with folk remedies using inhalation is strictly contraindicated. The use of these procedures requires special care from people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.


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