The benefits of bananas for women: calorie content and beneficial properties of bananas, norms of use. Are bananas harmful to women in position?


Banana is a food product that has been known to people since ancient times. Mention of him can be found in the Bible, and in the Holy Scriptures, as well as in Egyptian postulates.

What kind of fruit is a banana?

A banana came to us from Southeast Asia, and if someone heard about banana trees, then this is generally not true, because a banana is actually not even a bush, but a perennial grass. And if we turn to the classification, the fruits of a banana are not at all a fruit. These are real berries that grow in clusters. To be more precise, even in brushes, because from the Arabic language "banana" means "finger".

The benefits of bananas

From the point of view of dietetics and medicine, banana is quite an interesting product.


1. Calorie content. Banana is quite high-calorie, because 100 grams of the product contains about 200 calories. But with all this, a banana has a low glycemic index - 18, that is, a banana does not cause an increase in appetite. This is due to the contents of indigestible fibers, a large amount of pectin, as well as sugars and oligosugars that are not broken down and not digested by humans - inulin.

2. The presence of trace elements. Bananas are high in potassium. Potassium, by its nature, can be considered a sodium antagonist and by using bananas we displace sodium from our body, thereby improving the water-salt balance, reducing pressure and the likelihood of developing edema, and improving heart function.

3. Antibacterial properties. Banana is also indispensable in terms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, because there are protease inhibitors in it that can kill bacteria and the inosine enzyme, which stimulates the intestinal mucosa, to produce gluten, which subsequently covers ulcerative formations. In other words, protects the walls of the stomach from irritation.

4. Banana - the berry of happy people. Another important factor, with the consumption of bananas, five digroxytryptophan increases in the body, it is a precursor of serotonin - the hormone of joy. Also, pure serotonin is contained in bananas, so when you use them, our mood improves significantly.

The benefits of bananas for women

As for the direct benefits of bananas for women, it is best to focus on the most tremulous state of the female body - preparation for pregnancy and pregnancy itself.

Firstly, bananas, as a rich source of B vitamins, will help the beautiful half of humanity during painful menstruation. First of all, because during this period the body suffers from the loss of the above vitamins, and also, serotonin will help reduce pain.

Secondly, the use of bananas for food on an ongoing basis contributes to the rapid replenishment of B vitamins in the female body, reduces the negative impact of premenstrual syndrome, including pain. With heavy menstruation, a banana, as a good thickener of blood, helps to reduce bleeding, helps to stop the discharge quickly, and also normalizes the menstrual cycle.

Thirdly, in addition to the above-mentioned beneficial properties of banana, it is also a wonderful aphrodisiac for women, and for men, by the way, it improves potency. In the function of procreation, these are far from the last factors. By the way, doctors, when planning a pregnancy, it is advised to eat 2-3 bananas a day in order to bring the long-awaited conception process closer.

Fourth, bananas are a very tasty source of folic acid. As you know, it is folic acid that is prescribed to girls and women who are preparing for pregnancy or already have little happiness under their hearts. This helps to reduce the risk of possible fetal abnormalities.

As a rich source of B vitamins, bananas help to saturate the female body with riboflavin. And riboflavin already helps a woman digest certain types of proteins, which is also important during pregnancy.

Fifth, pregnant women are well aware of the problem of daytime regimen and insomnia, because hormonal changes affect all spheres of life. And with the advent of the abdomen, the problem is comfortable lying down and getting enough sleep increases significantly. And here bananas come to the rescue. They are able to relieve stress with the help of serotonin, and, as a result, relaxing the muscles of the body, help a woman find a comfortable position without unnecessary nerves and sleep peacefully.

And finally, bananas also benefit nursing mothers. They help improve lactation, increase the amount of milk. And, knowing the strict diet of women breast-feeding, they are an excellent substitute for your favorite sweets and a source of healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes. By the way, a banana is also useful for older kids, it is considered one of the least allergenic foods, but excessive consumption of banana by both a young mother and baby can still lead to not very pleasant consequences.

In addition to such a purely feminine view on the benefits of bananas, it is worth noting that very often banana is used in cosmetology, because, thanks to the mass of useful elements in its composition, it improves the appearance of skin, hair and teeth. There are many recipes for masks, lotions, compresses from banana peels. Banana is also used in professional cosmetics, in particular in shampoos, balms, body creams, etc.

The harm of bananas

Of course, no product can be an exceptional panacea and possess only benefits. Among the negative qualities of a banana, it is worth noting that there are groups of people who are allergic to latex, mango, avocado and chitin-like compounds, and this kind of protein is contained in bananas, so this can cause cross allergies.

Also, you should use bananas with caution in people with diabetes, because a banana contains a lot of glucose.

For people suffering from varicose veins or thrombosis, it is also recommended to limit the use of bananas due to its thickening properties.

The harm of bananas for women

As for the view on the harm of bananas for women, we will dwell in more detail on the above points:

• Due to the high sucrose content, bananas are not recommended to be consumed not only for people suffering from diabetes. Sucrose promotes the appearance of non-digestible fats, which, moreover, will affect the female figure, but can also affect the hormonal background, significantly increasing the production of estrogen.

• The thickening properties of bananas can cause the appearance of a varicose network on the legs, and for women it is not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous, because then the blood supply to some parts of the body decreases.

• Also, excessive consumption of bananas can cause a breakdown of the gastrointestinal activity in the form of diarrhea. And the use of unripe bananas can cause fermentation in the stomach, increased gas formation and even poisoning.

As you can see, the harm and benefits of bananas overlap and, sometimes, even contradict each other. But it is worth remembering that the negative effect of bananas on the body of a woman, as, indeed, a man, will be caused only by a large number of eaten fruits. And for this, nutritionists and doctors remind us that the daily norm of bananas is no more than 2-3 pieces per day. And then many troubles will pass you by.


Watch the video: Food and Nutrition Science. Swami Ramdev (July 2024).