Gymnastics after 50 years: the correct physical activity is important. How to do gymnastics after 50 years without harm to health


After 50 years, the body's work is fundamentally changing. To maintain body tone, vitality of internal organs and a healthy state of nerve cells, you need to start performing special exercises of gymnastics after 50 years.

In the article we will consider in detail what is the beneficial healing effect for the body after 50 years and what are the recommendations for the correct implementation of gymnastics. We will also describe the preparatory stage of the training - the most important part of the set of exercises.

50 years of age: what happens to the body during this period without gymnastics

As everyone knows, 50 years of age is the time when the body is completely rebuilt. The hormonal background changes, as a result of which people begin to face many new problems.

Such global changes in the body lead to its stress, and, subsequently, to serious disorders:

• muscle reduction. At this stage, there is a rapid accumulation of fat mass. As a result, a person receives a lot of disorders associated with vascular and heart diseases;

• Endocrine system. She no longer works as before. Its functionality is inhibited. This leads to disruption of all organs;

• Joints. Joint problems begin on average from the age of 50. Pain in the elbows, knees, feet, neck and so on accompanies everyone who avoids playing sports;

• Bones. The amount of calcium in the body will also decrease. Bones become brittle and brittle. They also require taking care of themselves.

Note! We all know about the manifestation of the symptoms of menopause. Many women try to suppress them by taking various hormone-based drugs. Remember that all drugs inevitably slow down the metabolic process in the body. Due to their adoption, women get a lot of excess fat.

To avoid all of the above unpleasant and dangerous effects of aging, seek help from gymnastics after 50 years.

Right Start: The Importance of the Pre-Workout Phase

Note! Immediately after training, do not go to rest! In general, the adoption of a horizontal position is undesirable in this matter. You need to spend at least 20 minutes standing up. We recommend home cleaning, preparing breakfast, and best of all is a morning walk in the fresh air.

So, we will consider the basic rules of preparation for performing gymnastics.

They are very important for ages over 50:

1. Fresh air. It is best to do outdoor sports. Leave the room and practice on the street - in the park, in the forest, in the country, and so on. If this is not possible, a well-ventilated room is suitable;

2. Clothing made from natural fabric. This is an important point in training. Avoid synthetic tracksuits. Clothing should allow skin to breathe;

3. Warm up. Without it, you can not begin to perform gymnastics, especially after 50 years. To do this, it is enough to perform rotational movements of the hands, knees, neck and other joints. Walking is great;

4. Rest. After each exercise, the body needs rest. Time is unlimited, to complete comfort. The article indicates the maximum number of times, but not required. Perform the exercise by listening to the body;

5. The pulse. Training should be stopped if the heart rate goes off scale at 130 beats per minute. This must be monitored.

Improving the body after 50 years: we perform gymnastics correctly

The correct performance of gymnastics after 50 years implies the appointment of an adequate load for your body. Lack of sports will not lead to the desired desired effect. Overstrain will be unhealthy at this age. All is well, in moderation. Therefore, pay attention to the following note.

It is important to know! In order not to harm your body, do not calculate the load for yourself. This is the work of a special doctor or trainer. Trust the hands of professionals. Thus, you maintain your health. This applies not only to 50 years of age, but to all people leading an active lifestyle.

So, consider the average load for training after 50 years.

According to the recommendations of doctors, you can do as follows:

• Reduce the burden on the heart. The optimal time for cardio training is 2 hours a day;

• Stretch out. This is a very important part of gymnastics. Recommended number of hours for stretching - 1;

• Limit weight. Do not use heavy objects. It is allowed to engage in dumbbells or weights, not exceeding 2 kg in weight;

• Yoga. Pay attention to these exercises. Yoga is shown to all people, especially after 50 years;

• Swimming. Visit the pool. Swimming is a good healing of the body;

• Cycling. Moderate riding is what you need;

• Walking. Breathe fresh air more often. The body needs this at any age, especially after 50.

Note! This note is for those who have never been involved in sports. If you are one of these people, you do not need a lot of work. Seek help from a professional trainer. He will make you an individual set of exercises.

The best morning gymnastics complex: 8 exercises after 50 years

A set of gymnastic exercises for women after 50 includes 8 exercises.

It is best to do them in the morning, before breakfast.

1. Raising the hands. Stand straight on the floor. Gradually rise on your toes and, at the same time, raise your hands up. With your arms above your head, close your hands. Palms should be out. Exercise needs to be done 5 times;

2. Incomplete squats. Stay upright. Watch the position of the back - it should be straight. You will squat on one leg, and at the same time take the other aside. Place your leg on your toe and slowly return to the beginning. You need to repeat the exercise 10 times;

3. The rotation of the waist. Stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the waist. Perform circular motions - rotations. One way for a while, then change direction. It is necessary to perform 5 rotations in each direction;

4. Pulling up the legs. Keep standing on the floor. Make sure of comfort. You need to straighten your back and put your hands on your belt. One leg will rise, the other will serve as a support. So, lift your leg, bending it at the knee. Imagine you need to touch your knee to your chest. This will help to complete the exercise correctly. For each leg - 10 times;

5. Tilts left and right. Stand firmly on your feet with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start tilting in different directions with your hands up. Quantity - 10 times for each side;

6. Touching the wall. Go to the wall and turn your back on it. The distance from you to the wall should be equal to one step. Put your hands back and touch your hands to the surface of the wall and lower your hands back. This movement needs to be done 8 times. Pay attention to the photo. A more complicated exercise is shown here;

7. Raises and bends of legs. You should lie on the floor and straighten the body. Arrange your hands on opposite sides. One leg works, the other is a support. So, lift your leg up, take it away from the body, lower it. At the end, change your legs. It is necessary to make 5 lifts and branches;

8. Swing legs. Rise from the floor and sit again standing on its surface. Spread the feet apart. Place your hands in front of you with your palms down. Perform swings with your feet, touching the tips of the toes of the hands (on the left foot the right hand, on the right foot the left hand). The maximum number of swings is 10 times.

We present to your attention a video

After reviewing it, you will learn a lot of useful things, including about new gymnastics exercises after 50 years.
