Mannik on yogurt, as in a Russian folk tale! Ideas for an old Russian dessert: recipes for manna on yogurt with secrets


From childhood, everyone remembers the words "... scraped through the bins, ... knead the dough ...". Ancient Russian cuisine is unusually simple in technology, the products that are used in it do not need to be searched for in three to nine lands, especially in our time, and saving and thrift are its main credo.

Semolina cooked yesterday, sour milk, a little flour, and what else is left, "in the gut"? Everything will come in handy. Mannick - a dessert, like a grandmother or great-grandmother, like eight hundred years ago - is simple, affordable, and therefore brilliant.

Yogurt manic - basic technological principles

The main composition of manna is semolina, which appeared in Russia in the twelfth century, and around the same period the first Russian ovens appeared. So, the story of the appearance in the nineteenth century of the famous Guryev porridge is just the evolution of a mannich, which can be considered, at the same time, the first Russian cake or cake that porridge accidentally turned into, covered with a golden brown in the oven.

What was the first manna in Russia and what has changed? Semolina is the first whole wheat flour. In addition to semolina, porridge also included dairy products - kefir, of course, was not yet familiar to ancestors, but cream and sour cream, milk and yogurt were already present in the diet, if, of course, we talk about the princely family, and not about the prince's servants - the last cooked porridge on the water. Porridge must be very thick, "so that the spoon is standing."

It is clear that porridge is not boiled from sour milk. But the remnants of the dinner, even very rich ancestors, were never thrown away and had no refrigerators. Out of this careful attitude to food obtained by hard work, the traditions of Russian cuisine have been formed for centuries, which are largely preserved to this day. Therefore, even a sour semolina porridge is suitable for a manna, and there is nothing to be surprised at, because the effect of splendor will be the same as for cereals in combination with yogurt or sour cream.

In addition to semolina and milk (water), porridge was cooked with honey - sugar appeared only after several centuries, and was more expensive than honey, up to the beginning of the twentieth century. So, traditional Russian pastries are only honey. Now, of course, you can easily afford to use sugar in pies, and with luck - how lucky: if it is available, if it is real, if you want manna on yogurt to turn out as it should.

What is manna without berries? There are no problems with this either, and never has been, in a country of endless forests. Choose any berries and fruits that are, or which ones you like. They can be added to porridge (dough) or to decorate dessert, or to prepare a sweet sauce (jam, syrup, jam) to serve with the pie.

All of these components are the basis of baking, which has not changed over the past centuries. Gradually, over time, spicy spices appeared in Russian cuisine, which were immediately introduced into the technology of classical baking: cinnamon, vanilla, saffron, ginger and other aromas. Salt and soda in Russian cuisine also appeared quite late, and these ingredients were also a privilege of the nobility, so it was not accepted to add them to baked goods.

This is all you need to know about the original mannika recipes in terms of the history of Russian dessert. You can also add a small clarification: in English cuisine there is a similar dish - Christmas pudding, with a similar composition of ingredients, but the English dessert is steamed. The manna has another name - krupenik, because it is made from cereals, and this may not necessarily be semolina.

Now everything is known about manna on yogurt, and you can begin to prepare a dessert.

Mannik on yogurt - a classic recipe


Semolina 240 g

Milk 375 ml

Honey 75 g

2 eggs

Vanillin 6 g

Butter 50 g

Drinking water 400 ml

Raisins 120 g

Breadcrumbs 90 g

Yogurt 100 g


Cook semolina from water, milk and semolina. If desired, water or milk can be replaced, but it is important to maintain the right amount of fluid.

In the prepared viscous porridge, cooled to 40-50 ° C, add egg yolks, raisins, vanillin, butter, honey, and sour cream (yogurt). Stir the mixture until smooth and leave warm for 1-1.5 hours. Beat the egg whites separately until a stable foam and enter into the dough.

Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. It can also be portioned forms. Even when using a silicone mold, this operation is necessary: ​​after baking, the form must be turned onto a dish, and the fried crumbs will give the cake a beautiful look.

Serve with jam, apricot or cranberry sauce, garnished with fresh berries.

Manna on yogurt from dry cereals


Semolina 220 g

Wheat flour 140 g

Homemade curdled milk 800 ml

Butter 140 g

Eggs, dietary 3 pcs.

Sugar 240 g

Lemon 1½ pcs.

Vanillin 8 g

Baking soda 15 g

Icing sugar 25 g

Order of preparation:

Pour the cereal with thick yogurt, leave it to swell for 5-6 hours or at night. Before starting to prepare the dough, preheat the oven to 180 ° C, cover the baking dish with oiled parchment.

Then separate the whites from the yolks. Rub butter with yolks and half sugar. Add the rest of the sugar to the whipped whites in a strong foam. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze the juice.

Transfer the soaked semolina to the bowl of the combine, beat for 3-4 minutes. Add a mixture of yolks and butter without stopping whipping. Introduce lemon juice, vanillin and zest - for flavor. Combine the sifted flour with soda and add to the dough.

Next, work with a spatula: introduce whipped proteins, gently mixing the dough, movements from the bottom up, "clockwise".

Transfer the dough into a mold, filling it in ¾ volume, and bake for 35-40 minutes. Wait until the cake has cooled, then turn it over onto a dish, remove the parchment, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve fruit sauce, jam or melted dark chocolate to the manna.

Mannik on curdled milk with condensed milk


Oil 180 g

Condensed milk 300 g

Yogurt 400 ml

Semolina 220 g

2 eggs

Baking powder 25 g

Vanillin 4 g

Sugar 100 g

Flour 90 g

Cooking method:

Combine the semolina, flour, baking powder, and pour the dry mixture of yogurt. Put the dough a couple of hours closer to the heat, covering with a film.

Beat softened butter with condensed milk. Add half the cream to the dough and beat thoroughly, and leave the second part to decorate the cake. Beat eggs with sugar, and gently combine with the dough using a spatula.

Pour the vanilla powder into the dough, mix, and pour it into a mold greased with vegetable fat. Put in a preheated oven, bake at 180 ° C. After half an hour, check the readiness of baking with a wooden stick or match.

Do not remove the manic from the mold until completely cooled. Place on a wire rack or wooden board. After turning the mannik on a dish, cut into squares and decorate with cream.

Mannik on curdled milk with poppy seeds


Semolina 280 g

Yogurt 400 ml

Flour 150 g

Cream 10% 500 ml

Soda 15 g

Honey 175 g

2 eggs

Water 200 ml

Sugar 50 g

Vanillin 6 g

Oil 82.5% 100 g

Pastry Poppy 150 g

Icing sugar 50 g

Yield: 2 kg


Boil water, add poppy to it, simmer over low heat, then add honey, cover and set aside dishes with poppy seeds. Bring the cream to a boil, pour the semolina into them, cool the porridge to 25-30 ° С. Combine with poppy seeds and yogurt. Add the flour, after sifting it and combining it with soda, mix the dough.

Cover with a film and set aside for at least an hour for the flour to swell and the soda to react with sour milk. Rub sugar with yolks, add vanilla and butter. Whip the squirrels into foam. Insert both mixtures into the dough, working with a spoon or a silicone spatula. The dough should have a consistency of thick sour cream.

Prepare large detachable forms, preheat the oven. Sprinkle greased forms with breadcrumbs, fill with dough for 2/3 volumes. Bake manna from yogurt at 170-180 ° C, 35-40 minutes.

Manna on yogurt with cocoa


Semolina porridge, viscous 0.5 kg

4 eggs

Yogurt 100 ml

Cocoa 90 g

Flour 200 g

Cognac 75 ml

Vanillin 6 g

Sugar 150 g

Oil120 g

Soda 15 g


Pour yogurt into semolina porridge, add flour combined with cocoa. Mix the dough well and leave it warm. You can do this in the evening to give the porridge time to sour. Close the dishes tightly so that gas bubbles do not evaporate during ripening - they will give the dough a good rise when baking.

After 7-8 hours, add the butter, grated with half the sugar. Add the second part of sugar to the eggs when beating. Drive the dough with a mixer at high speed, adding vanillin, cognac, then butter, white paste, beaten eggs.

Immediately place the finished dough into greased forms. Bake at 180 ° C.

Fruit manna on yogurt


Berries (any) 200 g

Flour 240 g

Viscous semolina 300 g

Homemade curdled milk 250 g

Sugar 125 g

Powder 100 g

4 eggs

Whipped cream 180 g

Vanillin 8 g


Combine the sour milk and the finished porridge, beat with a blender, add the sifted flour. Stir the dough, add fresh berries to taste. Leave the dough for several hours so that bubbles appear on the surface. Wrap the container with foil.

Preheat the oven half an hour before baking. Prepare a baking sheet by greasing it with vegetable oil and covering the bottom with parchment.

Beat eggs with sugar until three times larger. Add the egg mass to the dough, stirring with a spatula.

Pour the dough into a baking sheet with a high side. Bake mannik at medium temperature until cooked. Cool by placing the mold on the wire rack. Transfer to a dish, cut into portions, garnish with whipped cream and powdered sugar.

Mannik on yogurt - useful tips and tricks

  • In the preparation of bulk dough, it is important to observe the same ratio of liquid and solid ingredients. Remember:
  • Flour, cocoa, semolina, starch - dry components;
  • Sugar, eggs, honey, butter, milk or sour cream, fresh berries consist mainly of water, so in the dough they are considered the liquid part.
  • Manna dough, as a rule, should have a sour cream consistency. This is a bulk dough, and the principle of its preparation is similar to the preparation of a biscuit. You can add eggs to it without whipping, but if you beat them beforehand, and carefully add them to the dough, being careful not to sediment the foam, then the mannik will be more magnificent and tender.


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