How to grow tasty and sweet watermelons in the open ground? The subtleties of care for gourds: we grow watermelon in the open ground


The most delicious is the watermelon that grew on the garden and was saturated with the sun, greenhouse fruits do not have such a taste. That is why gardeners tend to grow watermelons in the open field, but not everyone succeeds.

Planting watermelon seeds in open ground

There are many questions connected with growing watermelons, but the most important of them is seed preparation and planting methods.

Watermelon seeds do not germinate well, as they are covered with a dense shell. Without seed treatment, seedlings may not appear. First of all, experienced gardeners calibrate the seeds, for this they are lowered into a strong saline solution. All heavy seeds will sink to the bottom of the tank, and they are used for further cultivation. Light seeds are unsuitable for planting.

Shortly before planting, the seeds are processed and disinfected, placed in a hot solution, and then placed in a cold environment. Water temperature should not exceed 55 ° C. The solution is prepared from potassium permanganate, then the seeds are washed in clean water.

Planting watermelon seeds in a non-seedling way

After processing, the seeds are planted on the beds, this is done only in regions with a mild climate. The seeds germinate best at a soil temperature of 12-15 ° C, so they begin planting in early spring.

The depth of seed placement depends entirely on the soil structure and seed size. On light and loose soils, it is from 4 to 8 cm, on heavy soils - not more than 6 cm. Moreover, small seeds are sown in shallow grooves or dimples, while larger ones are embedded deeper.

Landing is carried out according to one of the schemes:

• Ordinary method. Between the bushes leave from 70 to 150 cm, between rows of at least 1.5 m.

• Square-nested. Bushes are planted at a distance of 70 to 210 cm.

For normal growth and development, the fruits need a lot of sun, plantings should not be thickened. In addition, this will protect the plants from possible diseases and pests.

Another advantage of such a sparse planting is the abundance of food. The fact is that each fetus should receive enough nutrients. With thickened landings, nutritional deficiency occurs.

Growing watermelons through seedlings

If the spring is long and cold, then it is better to plant prepared seedlings in the open ground after the heat is established. The whole process takes from 20 to 35 days, it all depends on the selected variety.

For cultivation, a loose nutrient mixture is prepared, which consists of peat, humus and sod land. The depth of planting in glasses is only 3-4 cm. Watermelon seeds are large, so they are immediately planted in separate containers so as not to injure the core root with frequent transplants.

After planting, the containers are placed in a greenhouse until seedlings appear. During this period, the room temperature is maintained at a level of 20-25 ° C; at night, it is allowed to lower to 18 ° C. After the emergence of the sprouts, the containers are cleaned in a colder place for 4 days to prevent stretching. The temperature is maintained at the same level - 17-18 ° С, in the future seedlings are grown at a temperature of 20 ° С.

When caring for seedlings, special attention is paid to watering. They should not be plentiful, but you do not need to keep the sprouts dry. Water the plants only with warm water, trying not to fall on the delicate leaves.

The first top dressing is carried out a week after emergence. Use complex mineral mixtures for seedlings or melons.

Shortly before the alleged planting, the plants are tempered. To do this, they are briefly taken out onto the street, gradually the time spent is increased. Seedlings are planted from mid-May to early June.

How to choose a site for growing watermelons in the open ground

A place for growing is chosen taking into account all the features of the melon.

The site should be well lit throughout the day, be protected from cold winds and drafts.

Watermelons grow best on light soil, so take care of its condition in advance.

Since autumn, the beds are enriched with organic matter, humus or manure is introduced. In the spring they dig a place, remove weeds.

Under plowing make mineral fertilizers:

• Ammonium sulfate - 25 g;

• Superphosphate - 40 gr;

• Potassium - 15 gr.

Plants are planted on prepared beds according to any of the above schemes. At first, the bushes are shaded from the scorching sun.

Features of growing and caring for watermelons in the open ground

Watermelons are relatively undemanding crops, but without minimal care you can’t get a good harvest of fruits. First of all, plants need watering, which carry out according to a certain pattern:

• until the appearance of flowers watered sparingly;

• abundantly during fruit setting;

• during the ripening period, reduce to a minimum and completely stop.

This technology allows you to grow juicy fruits with sugar pulp.

The frequency of irrigation depends on the soil on which the crop is grown. It is watered more often on sandy soil, and somewhat less often on chernozems and clay soils.

Another important point when growing watermelons in the open field is top dressing. They feed three times a season:

• 10 days after transplanting seedlings or emergence of seedlings;

• during flowering;

• during the formation of the ovaries.

For fertilizing, mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are used, which reduces the risk of accumulation of nitrates in the fruits.

In addition, the main care for watermelons is in the following procedures:

• loosening the soil to a depth of 7 cm;

• weed removal;

• protection of lashes from winds;

• pest and disease control.

After each watering or rain, the soil is carefully loosened, weeds are removed, until the whips between the bushes occupy all the free space. To protect the lashes from the wind, they are pinned to the ground and sprinkled.

Problems in growing watermelons in the open field

If the area gets wet from moisture or there is not enough light and space for growing, then vertical supports can be installed. They must be strong to withstand the stress of the growing fetus. Only one main lash is left on the plant, on which up to 3-4 fruits are allowed.

If frosts are expected, then plantings need to be covered with cardboard or covering material.

Humid weather can trigger aphids and fungal diseases. Regularly inspect the bushes, if necessary, carry out preventive spraying with a solution of garlic, tobacco dust or ash. For mass lesions, chemicals are used.

When to collect watermelons

How to determine the ripeness of the culture, so as not to collect an unripe fruit? Experienced gardeners rely on the timing of planting and the duration of the growing season, for example, early varieties yield in mid-August. Mass harvest is not harvested, and only ripe fruits are selected. They can be distinguished by characteristic signs:

• the crust is shiny, smooth and dense;

• when tapping a dull sound;

• dry stalk and bract.

If the berry is planned to be transported to the storage place, it is better to collect unripe. They gain maturity during storage.


Watch the video: How to Grow Watermelons - Complete Growing Guide (June 2024).