Proper planting of the pear. When is it better to plant a pear, what to consider and how to care for it after planting


When planting horticultural crops on a personal plot, for beginners the question arises - how to plant a pear properly so that it develops well and gives a good harvest of aromatic fruits?

To do this, you need to know only a few mandatory rules.

When to plant a pear

It is important to determine in advance the most suitable time for landing. In the southern regions, spring is best suited, the plant has time to adapt to the cold and take root in a new place, which makes it possible to survive the winter period without damage.

In the north, it is best to plant a pear in the spring, because if frost hits in the autumn after planting, the seedling will not take root and will simply die.

If your cottage is in the middle lane, then you will need to weigh all the points in order to correctly decide when to plant a pear.

Landing in the spring has such advantages:

1. The tree will grow stronger during the summer and become much stronger;

2. A strong plant can more easily tolerate the winter period.

Autumn also provides several advantages - in late August and early September in garden nurseries you can find a huge selection of seedlings for every taste. The gardener will be able to pick up strong and high-quality plants for his garden, by the spring there will be only weakened specimens that are difficult to maintain.

Given these factors, the gardener should choose the most suitable time in order to decide when to plant the pear on his site.

Most novice gardeners choose spring, since during this period there is less risk of plant death, and experienced people more often opt for autumn.

Choosing a place for a pear and preparatory work

A pear is planted just like an apple tree.

For its landing, you need to choose a place well lit by the sun's rays, which is not blown by cold gusts of wind. This will enable the seedling to develop rapidly and ensure its successful wintering.

It is desirable that the groundwater is at a depth of less than 3 meters, the pear does not tolerate waterlogging, for this reason it is advisable to plant it in elevated areas.

It develops poorly on heavy clay soils and is very sick near mountain ash, since these plants have common pests. If they attack one tree, then very soon they can be found on another, it is best to plant a pear near the apple tree.

Attention! A pear loves heat very much, for this reason it must be planted in a sunny area.

For this culture, it is important to properly prepare the place, it is better to do the work in the fall - the soil in the pit will settle well, and there will be no need to fear lowering the seedling. Deepening the root collar will damage the plant, and may even destroy it. The depth of the landing pit should be based on the size of the root system. On average, its dimensions are:

• Width is 1 meter;

• Depth 45-55 cm.

In the autumn period, you can dig a hole deeper, and pour 2-3 buckets of good soil mixed with peat and humus into it. To increase soil nutrition, superphosphate and wood ash can be added. It is not worth adding nitrogen fertilizers, since the pear does not like them.

In the center of the landing circle, it is necessary to drive a wooden peg, without a reliable support, the young plant can break down. Before planting a pear seedling, it is necessary to loosen the soil well at the bottom of the planting pit, and make notches on its sides. This will increase the amount of air near the roots, which will accelerate their development.

Seedling preparation

The seedling must be prepared before planting in the ground. It is evaluated visually - cut sick, broken and dry shoots. If you bought a seedling with a closed root system, then you should not remove the soil from the roots, the plant is lowered into a hole with an earthen lump. Leaves should not grow on a tree - during spring planting pears, buds should not swell, and on a seedling planted in the autumn period all leaves should already fall.

If the plant is purchased with an open root system, the roots are lowered into a mixture of ash and clay diluted with water to a creamy state. This slurry should completely cover the roots of the seedling. The mixture will enable the roots to take root well ...

Important! Two-year-old plants take root faster.

Only if you want to plant a columnar pear, it is better to choose annual seedlings, they will hurt less.

Experienced gardeners recommend planting in the suburban area 2-3 different varieties. So the flowers of an adult pear will be better pollinated, which will significantly increase the yield.

How to plant a pear

At the bottom of a previously dug landing pit, a nutrient mixture is poured into a small mound. A wooden peg is driven in the center. It should be so long that there is 0.5 m above the surface of the soil to which the seedling will be tied.

Having lowered the plant into the pit, carefully spread its roots, then fill it with soil, the root neck of the plant should be 5-7 cm above the ground. The soil is compacted, and then well watered.

You need to tie the trunk securely, but do not pull it. After planting, close the trunk circle, for this you can use high peat, good humus, ripe sawdust or old straw.

Caring for pear seedlings

After planting the pear, it must be trimmed (the top of an annual seedling is removed), after which the wound needs to be covered with garden var. This will prevent drying and subsequent cracking of the cut, reduce the risk of infection of the wood with fungus. They take care of the young plant, as well as the apple tree. It is necessary:

• Protect the seedling from low temperatures and drought;

• From the second year after planting, regularly feed the plant;

• Provide watering if necessary.

In the first year, there is no need to feed a young plant, but in the subsequent lack of nutrients can bring big problems.

In a pear, resistance to low temperatures and diseases sharply decreases, development slows down, the growth in a pear is small and poor fruiting. For this reason, after two years of age, the plant needs to be fed annually. Fertilizers are preferably applied during watering.

On each tree, it is necessary to make 2-3 buckets of good humus in the spring, they are supplemented with mineral fertilizers that contain nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. For an adult tree, the dose should be increased to 4-5 buckets.

During the season, the pear is fed three times:

1. During the formation of the buds;

2. When flowering;

3. During the growth of the fruit.

The last time they feed a pear at the end of the season - in November. The tree’s trunk is poured over with a mixture of potassium sulfate, rock salt, dolomite flour, wood ash and superphosphate.

It is important to form its crown after proper planting of the pear, this is to prevent the formation of small fruits, the tree will look good, and will not hurt. Perform this work in the spring, cut the shoots directed inside the tree, damaged, frozen, dry and old branches.

With all the necessary operations, the pear seedling will be able to quickly take root and survive the winter period without damage, and in the future bring a big crop.


Watch the video: How to Grow Pear trees - Complete Growing Guide (June 2024).