Vitamins for nails will help to make a manicure flawless. What vitamins are necessary for the growth and strengthening of nails


Hands - a business card of a woman. That is why you need to take care of them very carefully. Go outside without a manicure - fire! But what if the nails suddenly began to break, peel and grow poorly? Vitamins for nails will help restore their health, and hands - a well-groomed look.

Causes of brittle nails

The main reason why nails begin to cause aesthetic problems is a violation of metabolic processes. An infectious disease, an improper diet with strict restrictions, a vitamin-poor diet, chronic colds caused by a general weakening of the immune system, and dysbiosis can provoke this condition. Deterioration of the condition of the nails is a symptom of trouble. It is necessary to find out the reason, consult an immunologist or therapist. The doctor will prescribe the main treatment and tell you what vitamins are necessary for the growth and strengthening of nails.

In addition, nails can lose healthy due to changes in hormonal status. Often a woman is faced with a problem after menopause, after a cleaning month cycle, during pregnancy. Hormonal drugs and birth control pills can cause brittle nails. In this case, a medical correction is also required, which should be carried out by a specialist.

What vitamins are necessary for the growth and strengthening of nails

The role of vitamins for human health is difficult to overestimate. They participate in all biochemical processes. If the appearance of the nail plates has worsened, you must first suspect a lack of certain vitamins.

Several substances are responsible for the condition of the nails. Here are the vitamins needed to grow and strengthen nails.

• Retinol (Vit. A) accelerates the formation of new young cells, regulates metabolic processes in the body, protects the nail plate from fungus, makes it strong and even.

• Thiamine (vit. B1), riboflafin (vit. B2), niacin (vit. B3), pyridoxine (vit. B6) are involved in the production of keratin protein, without which the construction of cells for the nail plates and hair rods is impossible.

Pantothenic acid (Vit. B5) regulates the water balance in the body, so with a deficiency of the substance, the nails exfoliate even with good care. If B vitamins are not enough, white spots, bulges, grooves appear on the nail plates.

• Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium, the main building material for nails. Therefore, a deficiency of a substance affects the state of the nail plate by a sharp deterioration in its quality.

• Tocopherol (Vit. E) improves peripheral blood circulation, which means it provides good nutrition of nails and prevents their fragility.

• Ascorbic acid (Vit. C) improves the absorption of tocopherol and retinol, prevents thinning of the nail plate due to the synthesis of collagen.

• Biotin (vit. N) improves the appearance of the nail, with a lack of substance, the nails are covered with grooves and cracks.

• Niacin (Vit. PP) causes nails to grow quickly, eliminates brittleness.

Thus, most vitamins are necessary for the normal growth and healthy appearance of nails. That is why the problem of fragility can be solved with the help of a course of good pharmacy preparations containing vitamins for nails and microelements.

What vitamin complexes will help strengthen nails

Vitamin complexes marked "beauty" are in the lead in the ranking of pharmaceutical preparations. They contain precisely those substances that improve the condition of nails, skin and hair, that is, literally give beauty.

• Vitrum Beauty stimulates metabolic processes in the body, indicated for a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. The preparation contains a lot of calcium, iron, zinc, boron, manganese, amino acids. The course of these vitamins eliminates the stratification and fragility of nails.

• Perfectil stimulates the production of collagen fibers, is prescribed for brittle nails caused by vitamin deficiency.

• Complivit "Shine" - a source of vitamins A, C, E, B, as well as many other vitamins and minerals. Improves the condition of nail plates, accelerates metabolism, stimulates collagen synthesis.

• Merz Beauty strengthens the nail plates, helps get rid of white spots and brittleness.

• Ladis Formula is prescribed to relieve menopause, improves the condition of the nail plate.

• The Alphabet complex contains substances that are needed to restore the beauty and strength of nails.

• Supradin is one of the most effective drugs in terms of restoring the health of the nail plate, although it does not have a special beauty mark. A balanced composition has a beneficial effect on all body systems, restores metabolic processes.

Vitamin complexes should be taken strictly according to the instructions, courses. You can’t constantly exceed the dosage or drink vitamins: you must take a mandatory break for 3-4 months.

Products containing vitamins for nails

Eating the right food is the easiest, most effective, and safest way to keep your body healthy. Knowing which vitamins are necessary for the growth and strengthening of nails, you can adjust your diet and solve the problem faster.

• A lot of retinol in carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin. For fat-soluble vitamin A to be absorbed, you need oil, so you need orange vegetables with cream, vegetable or butter, sour cream.

• B vitamins are found in meat, cheese, milk, cereals, green vegetables and apples, tomatoes, peas.

• There is a lot of ascorbic acid in sea buckthorn, rosehips, citrus fruits.

• Vitamin D is rich in fish, liver, cottage cheese, milk, butter.

• Biotin is found in eggs, nuts and mushrooms.

• Source of vitamin E - all unrefined vegetable oils (olive, linseed, sunflower, buckwheat, pumpkin, etc.).

• Vitamin PP is found in milk and meat.

Well affect the state of the nail plate of the dish with gelatin: aspic, marmalade, jelly, mousse. Gelatin strengthens nails due to the collagen component.

How to improve the condition of nails

Traditional medicine knows many recipes that help restore the health of the nail plates with the help of masks and compresses. Oils and juice of plants contain a lot of vitamins for nails, and they must be used if manicure has become a real problem.

Oil applications and masks

The most popular means of restoring the beauty of nails are oil masks or applications. Vegetable oils are an amazingly rich source of tocopherol, which is called one of the beauty vitamins. For external use, you can take not only edible, but also cosmetic oils: apricot, peach, almond.

Heat a small amount of any base oil in a water bath, drip 2 drops of ether with a pleasant smell, soak a woven cloth in the oil mixture and apply on nails. From above, you can warm your hands with a towel and keep the application for 20-30 minutes.

For the oil mask, warm the oil to a warm state, lower the fingertips so that the entire nail is immersed in the oil and "treat" the nail plates for about ten minutes. Then blot the oil with a napkin, rub the residue into the base of the nail and cuticle.

Vitamin "bath"

The source of vitamin C is fresh lemon. Therefore, to strengthen the nail plate, it is enough to immerse the nails in the lemon pulp. The duration of such a "bath" is ten minutes. Then rinse your hands, and then be sure to apply a moisturizer. If you do the procedure every other day, then after two weeks the nails will begin to shine, stop breaking.
