Why does a woman dream about a woman, an unmarried girl, pregnant? Basic Interpretations - What a Woman Dreams of a Horse


In a dream you can see a wide variety of events. You can meet in a dream with old friends, lovers. Why does a woman dream of a horse? It’s worth sorting out.

What a woman dreams of a horse - basic interpretation

If a woman dreams of a horse in a dream, such a dream means that she will have success and joy. It is worth paying special attention to such details of sleep:

• Is your horse in a dream;

• Where did you meet the horse;

• Did you ride a horse;

• Who else met you in a dream;

• What emotions did your dream arouse?

It is important to remember exactly where you met the horse. If this meeting was unexpected and the horse just came out to meet you - you will find pleasant acquaintances in reality and pleasant communication. You can suddenly meet a person who will decorate your life. If a white horse comes out to meet you, it means that a kind and helpful person will appear in your life. If a black horse comes out to meet you, a person will appear in your life who will become a dark horse.

Do not trust a stranger, because he can throw out something that will lead you into shock. If you dream that the horse gallops around you in a circle - you will also walk in circles around your target. And you want to decide and understand the situation, but you will not succeed. Events of life and circumstances will act against you.

If in a dream a horse stands on its hind legs - you will resist certain events, you will have an internal protest against what will begin to happen in your life. The dream book indicates that this is not a problem and you need to look at things easier. You just get addicted to the situation, get addicted to events. In order to break the vicious circle - it is worth taking the situation into your own hands and managing it.

If a horse is well-groomed and beautiful in a dream - nothing threatens your health. You will feel great, you will have a wonderful mood. If the horse drinks a lot in your sleep, you may also have dehydration. If the horse is limping, you may also have leg problems.

What is more disturbing is the dream in which the horse falls. It is important to remember whether the horse got up after the fall, or whether it remained on the ground. If the horse could not stand up, events will occur in your life that will knock you down and it will be difficult for you to get back on your feet. If the horse fell and dies, watch your health, stress and nervous exhaustion can significantly shake it.

If in a dream the horse heaves and rides, you will also begin to protest against the current situation, but then make a wise decision and continue on your way. If the horse attacks you, you should expect attacks and in reality. And in reality you will be forced to defend yourself against baseless and unpredictable attacks. If in a dream it seems to you that the horse is sick, but at the same time continues to ride - you will also feel a slight malaise and continue to work. The dream book advises not to continue working if you are sick.

If in a dream you are trying to cross the river on a horse, such a dream means that you will have to cry and grieve a lot. Perhaps you will recall past grievances and frustrations - a dream book protects you from this. If you do not see the end of the river, which began to cross on a horse - such a dream says that the end of your sadness will not be. It can even be a prolonged depression.

If you dream that a man is riding a horse, and you admire him - you do not have enough care and love. You want to see next to a man reliable, loyal, loving, but have not yet met one and it bothers you. If you dream that someone stole your horse, do not be upset. I am asking you to solve your problems with the help of a person whom you could never rely on before.

If you see a performance in the circus with the participation of horses - a holiday awaits you in life. But you should not count so on the support of outsiders. You should only rely on yourself and your own strengths. Then the holiday of life will last quite a long time. There will be no limit to your happiness.

Why does a woman dream about a horse according to Freud’s dream book

In the dream book of Freud it is said why a woman dreams of a horse. She dreams of a change in her personal life. If you saw in a dream a huge black horse - such a dream portends communication with a rich and famous man. But in order for communication to grow into something more, you need to work on yourself. Try to match your chosen one.

White horse in apples - dreams of new opportunities and adventures. If you even thought that in your personal life nothing is waiting for you - do not rush things. Soon, like a snow on your head, a pleasant meeting will fall on you with that man who will become dear to you.

Watering a horse in a dream is a thirst for romance and passion. It will seem to you that your life is boring and fickle. You will always have little attention from loved ones. You will need care. But the dream book does not portend you to meet with this. Not yet time. All you can do now is sort out your internal conflicts and needs. This will help you make the right choice in the future.

If you dream about how you are racing to the end - such a dream can mean your speedy advancement on the path to an ideal relationship. Even if you no longer believe in it and are disappointed in what you have, now is the time to find hope.

If you dream of a dead horse - this is a clear signal not to return to the relationship that you had in the past. Now is the time for you to start a new business. Build a new relationship. Leave alone those relationships that have already outlived themselves.

Why does a woman dream about a horse in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that a horse in a dream can be interpreted as a trap into which you will soon fall. Someone has convicted you of lies and betrayal and now wants to prove your guilt to others. Now you should be extremely careful not to aggravate the matter. Do not worry if the horse has ridden away from you. This dream may mean that troubles will soon end by themselves.

If you see that the horse died in a dream - you will avoid trouble, even if it seems impossible to you now, but the situation will be resolved in your favor. Do not dramatize and look for any way out of the situation, just wait out the storm of emotions and calmly rush into the battle.

If you dream that you are jumping from a horse - you lose your position in society, it can also indicate a loss of work and goals in life. If you ride horses with your beloved, you will lose his trust and disposition towards you.

Why does a woman dream of a horse in other dream books

In the dream book of Jo-Gong it is said that the horse is dreaming as a harbinger of resolving an unpleasant situation.

• Riding a horse, going on a long journey - to great joy, luck;

• Rejoice in a dream that you are riding - to sadness and disappointment;

• A horse that carries things, values ​​- lose position, work;

• Herd of horses - troubles will be resolved;

• Riding a white horse - to illness;

• A horse has bitten you - promotion on a career ladder;

• A horse in the house - to joy, happiness.

The Modern Dream Book says that a horse dreams of being a harbinger of slander. If the horse stands on its hind legs - there will be a quarrel, scold, quarrel. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the horse. If she is well-groomed, beautiful - joy and success await you.

• A horse nodding in a dream - you will receive permission that you have long wanted to get;

• To see a horse that is eating from your hand - to conclude a profitable transaction, obtain permission;

• Riding a small horse - to troubles;

• Walking a horse - you pull the load of the past behind you;

• Combing a horse - seek a way out of the situation.

If you have a dream in which you gallop in the rain - beware of gossip and outside interference. If you dream that someone has been driving a horse for a long time in a circle in the rain, a flurry of indignation, a flurry of resentment and anger will strike you. The situation will be repeated day by day. You yourself will get tired of it, but you can not do anything.

If you dream that you personally killed a horse, it is important to remember what emotions you experienced. If joy and happiness, you will finally deal with long-standing problems. If you experienced grief and resentment, you will have to worry about problems for a long time. If you didn’t kill the horse, but only hurt, you are on the verge of bankruptcy, heavy losses.


Watch the video: Dreams in Islam (June 2024).