Do not throw a miracle weed! Health benefits of dandelion leaves. The use of dandelion leaves: recipes and tips


This malicious indestructible weed, the scourge of gardeners, medicinal dandelion, is very valuable for its medicinal properties. Ease of collection and widespread popularity won him fans all over the world. Dandelion is used in pharmacology, cosmetology and cooking. But let's talk about everything in order.

It’s hard to find places wherever this plant is found. Only the polar deserts are free of this weed. Many species of dandelion are found in the vastness from America to Asia. Their difference lies in the structure of the root system and achene. We are used to bright yellow flowers, but a dandelion with a white core and yellow petals grows on the Kola Peninsula. In the Caucasus, you can find this plant blooming in purple, and in the Tien Shan mountains - lilac.

There were many names for this plant, all of which could not be counted: a yellow-mordon, a sunny flower, a priest's bald head, a fly, but only one thing came to us - a dandelion. This word was formed from the now unused verb to blow (blow) for fluffy white fluff that easily flies away even under a gentle breeze. In one ball of dandelion contains about 200 parachutes, try to count, if interested.

Useful properties of dandelion leaves

The healing effect of dandelion preparations was noticed in ancient times. In Chinese traditional medicine, decoctions of this plant were used to stimulate appetite, as an antipyretic and diaphoretic. German doctors recommended dandelion for various diseases of the kidneys, bladder and liver. We advised this medicinal weed to increase the tone of the body and cleanse the blood, for bone diseases - gout and rheumatism, for skin rashes: boils, rashes and acne. With the help of dandelion juice, age spots and freckles were removed.

Now its other medicinal properties are established:

• Anticarcinogenic

• Anthelmintic

• Tuberculosis

• Antivirus

• antidiabetic

In addition to the above, dandelion leaves have a mild sedative and laxative effect. Preparations from them are effective for hypertension, insomnia and neurosis.

What is rich in dandelion leaves

This weed plant is simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Its leaves contain easily digestible vitamins C, B1, B2, A, E, and salts of manganese, iron, calcium and phosphorus.

• Taraxacins (restore cartilage in the joints)

• Organic acids

• Glycerides

• Saponins

• Inulin (a natural metabolic prebiotic)

• Tannins

• Nicotinic and ascorbic acid

The use of dandelion leaves in pharmacology and traditional medicine

Dandelion and is now actively used in traditional medicine. It is used as a choleretic, antipyretic and expectorant. An infusion of leaves has a blood-purifying and tonic effect. In modern pharmacology, dandelion is used as a raw material for the manufacture of pills, as part of medicinal phyto- and mono-collections.

• Liver diseases not accompanied by blockage of the biliary tract

• Chronic constipation

• Renal disease

• bladder disease

• Vitaminosis

• Rheumatism and gout

• Skin diseases (warts, corns, acne, boils)

For the preparation of infusion one tablespoon of dry leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to cool completely, after which it is filtered. This infusion is divided into three parts and drunk before meals throughout the day.

The broth is prepared in a similar way. We take 1.5 teaspoons of dried leaves and pour a glass of boiling water and leave to simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Such a decoction is used twice a day for diseases of the gall bladder, gastritis with low acidity and colitis.

Chopped leaves used for compresses for rheumatic and gouty diseases, applied to the skin to heal skin diseases: boils, wounds and pressure sores.

Dandelion juice used for anemia, hypovitaminosis and fatigue. It is prepared from young leaves, finely chopped and squeezed, diluted with water 1: 1 and boiled for 3 minutes. You need to take it three times a day for 1-3 tablespoons half an hour before meals.

The use of dandelion leaves in cosmetology

Leaf treatments seborrhea, alopecia, increased oily scalp.

Infusions and decoctions nourish the hair and give it a silky shine. No less popular are masks and extracts for facial skin.

They tone up the skin of the face, remove acne and inflammation, whiten the skin with freckles and age spots. For hair and skin care, you can use both fresh raw materials and dried extracts.

To get rid of freckles and age spots apply fresh milky dandelion juice until completely gone. It will also help if you have been bitten by a bee, wasp or mosquito. Lubricate the bite site, after a short period of time the pain and itching will disappear, and the swelling will subside.

Culinary delights

The beneficial properties of this plant are appreciated in many countries. Salads, hodgepodge, soups, tea and coffee from the roots, pickled young leaves - far from a complete list of recipes for this weed. For example, in Italy, dandelion is artificially cultivated and sold in stores and markets, like ordinary greens. And in China, dandelion is considered a vegetable, it is often eaten there.

When preparing dishes, it is better to take young leaves - they are almost not bitter, and mature soaked in salted water for about half an hour.

Italian side dish

A popular Italian dandelion garnish is easy to prepare and very healthy. Boil the leaves for 7-8 minutes in salted water, drain. In vegetable oil, fry the garlic cloves so that the oil acquires its smell and lightly fry the leaves in the resulting garlic oil. If you want to reduce bitterness, add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the dish.

Wellness and slimming dandelion leaf tea

Such tea removes toxins, rejuvenates the body and removes excess water. It is very popular among losing weight, although you should not count on dandelion tea only. It is prepared very simply. For one cup of tea you will need a handful of fresh young leaves or a tablespoon of dried ones. Rinse and dry the fresh leaves thoroughly. Brew with boiling water and leave for 5-7 minutes. To improve the taste, you can add mint, honey or lemon. You can drink such tea no more than 3 times a day. Do not harvest this tea for several days, because the bitterness will increase and the beneficial properties of dandelion leaves will be lost. Consult your doctor if you have kidney or gall bladder problems.

Dandelion Leaves: Contraindications

Dandelion is considered one of the safest medicinal plants, but there are diseases in which it is contraindicated. All alternative methods should be used only in the case of a reliable diagnosis. And dandelion is no exception to this general rule. What diseases can be treated with drugs from this plant:

• Gastritis, ulcerative colitis and gastric ulcer associated with increased acidity, as well as all diseases with a violation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Dandelion leaves increase the secretion of gastric juice, which is fraught with exacerbation of the ulcer process and perforation.

• Blockage or acute inflammation of the bile ducts

• Chronic and acute diarrhea

With great caution, it is worth using preparations from dandelion to those who are allergic to plant components. And although contraindications for dandelion leaves are minimal, do not forget about individual intolerance and the right dosage.

Proper picking of dandelion leaves

To collect dandelion officinalis, you need to choose places as far away from civilization and roads. By its nature, this plant is an excellent adsorbent, it is able to remove toxic substances from the body, but with the same ease absorbs them from the natural environment. It is unlikely that someone will bring health to the drug collection, saturated with heavy metals from automobile exhausts.

It is advisable to collect dandelion leaves for medicines before flowering, that is, in April-May. Harvesting is done on a sunny day, in the morning, after the dew has dried. Collection is done manually with scissors or a sharp knife. Cropped 2/3 of the upper part of the sheet. The collected raw materials are laid out for drying on flat surfaces and dried in a shady ventilated place. In no case do you procure raw materials in the sun, in bright sunlight, vitamin C breaks down in the leaves.

Periodically, the layers need to be turned so that they do not coalesce. The drying process should last no more than seven days and ends when the dried sheet is easily mashed into powder. After drying, the leaves are packed in paper or cloth bags, can be in cardboard boxes, and stored in a well-ventilated warm and dark place. The shelf life of dandelion leaves does not exceed 1.5 years.


Watch the video: Dandelion Miracle Plant That Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys! (June 2024).