Sauce "Demiglas" aka "Demi Glass" - an exquisite and unusual invention of the French. Recipes of rich, aromatic sauce "Demiglass"


Demiglas is not an ordinary sauce. You will have to work on its preparation and even more than one hour. The base is prepared from beef bones and vegetables, it turns out incredibly aromatic, rich, will be a wonderful addition to any dish.

Sauce "Demiglas" - general principles of preparation

• Bones. There should be a lot of them, the presence of meat is optional, but there may be leftovers. Before use, the bones must be thoroughly washed. If the quality of the product is in doubt, it is best to soak for several hours in cold water. According to the classical recipe, the bones are first baked in the oven, then boiled in water for several hours. Sometimes a process can take almost an entire day.

• Vegetables. Usually it is onions, carrots, celery. There are recipes with tomato, you can take tomatoes. Vegetables are added to meat bones. Next, the sauce is cooked again for several hours. In the classic French recipe, three types of onions were originally used, but later they began to take the one that is available.

• Wine. It makes the taste of Demiglas sauce deeper, more unusual, emphasizes meaty notes. Commonly used red wine.

• Spices. Salt, pepper the sauce, add all kinds of aromatic herbs should be at the very end, since during prolonged heat treatment and boiling the mass there is a chance to salt, add extra pepper or spoil the taste with spices.

Demiglas sauce with red wine

This recipe for Demiglas sauce can be attributed to the classic version. It is he who is most often found in French cooking. The base is prepared long enough, but you can boil the seeds in advance.


• 4 kg of beef seeds;

• 600 grams of carrots;

• 600 grams of onions;

• 100 grams of vegetable oil .;

• 400 ml of dry red wine;

• 6 cloves of garlic;

• 400 g of fresh celery.


1. We wash the beef bones, put them on a baking sheet. We put it in the oven, bake until brownish at 200 degrees. You need to make sure that they do not burn.

2. Now put the bones in a pan with a volume of ten liters. Pour water to the very top, leave a few centimeters for boiling. We cook the bones without the lid for about five hours, the amount of liquid on the side will not decrease by half. At the same time, we do not give liquids to actively gurgle.

3. As soon as there is exactly half the water in the pan, add all the chopped vegetables and garlic cloves to the bones, add boiling water so that there is 2/3 of water, prepare the broth again before evaporating half the liquid.

4. We take out the bones, throw it away. We wipe boiled vegetables through a sieve, filter the rich broth.

5. Add red wine, oil to the broth with vegetables, put it on the stove again, boil until a thick mass is obtained.

6. Out of this quantity of products, approximately 1.5 liters of demiglas should be obtained. At the end of the sauce you need to salt and pepper. French culinary experts often add rosemary, thyme, cloves and other spices to it.

Demiglas sauce with tomato (simplified recipe)

To make such a sauce, Demiglas will need fewer ingredients, but it will be slightly inferior in taste to the original.


• 1.3 kg of seeds;

• 150 ml of red wine;

• 100 grams of tomato puree;

• 300 g celery, carrots, onions;

• spices, a bouquet of garnishes, butter.


1. Spread the washed bones on a baking sheet, spray with oil. Bake at 200 degrees to a slight blush.

2. We get the bones. Lubricate with tomato puree or slightly diluted tomato paste.

3. Cut the onions and carrots. We chop celery in large pieces. We lay the vegetables on top of the seeds and also sprinkle with vegetable oil.

4. Re-send the seeds to the oven, cook until the vegetables are browned.

5. We transfer products from the baking sheet to the pan, fill with water so that the liquid covers the contents of the centimeters by five. We put on the stove, cook until the water evaporates in half.

6. Now take out the bones. We add wine to the vegetables. Boil the liquid for about fifteen minutes.

7. Remove the sauce from the heat, wipe the vegetables. Be sure to filter everything so that fragments of beef stones do not accidentally fall into the sauce.

8. Now you can boil the sauce with salt, pepper, put a bouquet of garnish. Boil for a few minutes and you're done!

Sauce "Demiglas" with cream

To prepare this sauce, you will need a concentrated base of Demiglas sauce. You can cook it according to the first recipe.


• 100 ml of sauce;

• 70 ml cream;

• 20 ml of olive oil;

• 90 g of onion;

• 15 g butter;

• 3 tablespoons of wine.


1. Combine both types of oil in a frying pan or in a small saucepan, melt on the stove.

2. Peel the onion. We cut the head into small cubes, add to the oil, fry for about three minutes, make a moderate fire.

3. Add red wine to the onion. We evaporate an alcoholic drink for a minute.

4. Pour the cream. Warm with onions until almost boiling, stir occasionally.

5. Add concentrated cream "Demiglas" broth to the creamy sauce. Stir.

6. Make a minimum fire, cover the dish, cook under the lid for about five minutes, so that the tastes merge.

7. At the end, you need to taste the sauce, if necessary, add a little salt, pepper.

Sauce "Demiglas" (adapted recipe)

A simplified recipe for French sauce on an ordinary brown broth. The bones need to be fried in the oven, then just boil for 2.5-3 hours, be sure to strain.


• 1.5 liters of broth;

• 0.5 onions, carrots, celery;

• 120 g ghee;

• 70 g flour;

• a spoon of tomato paste;

• 0.5 glasses of wine;

• four tablespoons of oil rast.

Sasha will need a bay leaf. A few twigs of parsley, thyme, rosemary. Tie it all in a gauze bag. You can add cloves, peas of pepper, a slice of ginger.


1. Fry chopped onions in vegetable oil until transparent, add carrots and celery.

2. In another bowl, heat the melted butter, put the flour and fry until rosy. The mixture is constantly stirred, do not leave for a minute. Pour half the broth, boil the sauce until it thickens. Can be removed from the fire.

3. Add the tomato paste to the fried vegetables, put the wine in a couple of minutes.

4. Let’s sweat a little vegetables in the wine, then pour the remaining broth. Cook under the lid for about half an hour.

5. Wipe the vegetables with the broth.

6. Combine both masses, salt and pepper to your taste, stir. For aroma we put sachets with spices.

7. Put on the stove, boil everything together for about five minutes, then stand under the lid for about half an hour. Then the sachet needs to be taken out, otherwise the aroma will have a too pronounced aroma.

Sauce "Demiglas" with mushrooms

To prepare such a sauce, you need a base of concentrated demiglas. Mushrooms are used here, as they are the most affordable and fastest to prepare.


• 150 g of concentrated sauce "Demiglas";

• 2 champignons;

• 0.5 onions;

• 0.2 glasses of wine;

• 1 tbsp. l oils.


1. Rinse the champignons, cut into thin plates, put in a pan, fry the pieces on both sides. We clean.

2. Cut the onion into half rings. Put in a pan after mushrooms, fry until transparent. We return the mushrooms.

3. Water it all with wine. We wait. Until it completely evaporates.

4. Add the sauce.

5. Cover the pan, simmer over low heat for about ten minutes. At the very end we try. If necessary, add salt and pepper.

Demiglas sauce with cherries

The recipe for the incredibly interesting sauce "Demiglas", which will need cherry in wine. We prepare the basis according to one of the recipes above.


• 100 g of cherries;

• 150 g of wine;

• 15 g of sugar;

• 200 ml of sauce;

• 1 tsp butter.


1. Free cherries, the recipe indicates the weight of pure berries.

2. Melt the butter, add the berries, slightly warm.

3. Mix the wine and sugar, pour cherries. Cover, simmer until soft.

4. Once the berries are cooked, add a demiglass to them. Stir, salt, pepper to taste.

5. Tomim sauce with cherries on the stove for a few more minutes to combine tastes.

6. Remove from heat, cool slightly. Serve cherry sauce for meat or poultry.

Meat in Demiglas Sauce

A simple recipe for a flavorful meat dish using meat sauce. Veal is indicated here, but you can also take pork, lamb, it will turn out tasty and tender in any case.


• 600 g of veal;

• 200 g of Demiglas sauce;

• 1 tbsp. l oils;

• 1 pinch of salt.


1. Cut the veal in plates half a centimeter. On one side, tap lightly with a hammer.

2. Rub the pieces with salt, grease the finished sauce. Leave to marinate for 40-50 minutes.

3. Put the veal in one layer in a greased form. Bake at 200 degrees until rosy.

4. Remove the mold from the oven. Pour over the remaining sauce. Cover with a piece of foil.

5. Return to the oven. We remove the temperature to 180 degrees, cook for about twenty minutes.

Sauce "Demiglas" - useful tips and tricks

• If the French sauce is to your taste, then it’s more convenient to cook a lot of demiglase base at once. It can be poured into molds or containers, frozen. At the right time, the mass can be melted on the stove, supplemented with the necessary spices, refresh with wine.

• When cooking bones for sauce, do not let the broth boil actively. Otherwise, the basis will be muddy, not very appetizing in appearance.

• Demiglas turns out to be interesting in an acute form. It is enough when adding vegetables to the broth to throw a chopped pod of hot chili pepper, then darken everything together. Even simpler is to add a little Georgian adjika to the total mass.


Watch the video: XXXTENTACION - SAUCE! Official Video (July 2024).