Diarrhea in adults: chronic and acute. What to do with diarrhea in adults: treatment of various forms, first aid


With adult diarrhea, treatment should begin as early as possible, not only the restoration of bowel function, but also the general condition of the person depends on it. Without treatment, it leads to serious complications, one of which - dehydration - can end fatally.

Diarrhea is a single or repeated bowel movement with the release of liquid feces. It is a manifestation of many diseases, in the clinical manifestations of which diarrhea occupies a central place. The list of such pathologies is quite long.

Diseases associated with diarrhea

First of all, diarrhea is a manifestation of many infectious diseases:

• acute (intestinal infections proceeding violently, with an increase in temperature, expressed intoxication: salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera, etc.);

• chronic (lasting for years, sluggish: tuberculosis, intestinal syphilis).

The diseases in which diarrhea occurs include a long list of various infectious and chronic pathologies that are associated with pathogens of infections or with impaired bowel function:

1. Pathology associated with impaired intestinal function (irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), dyskinesia).

2. Helminthiasis (ascariasis, enterobiosis, etc.) and infection with protozoa (amoebiasis, giardiasis).

3. Dysbacteriosis as a result of antibiotic treatment.

4. Non-specific inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis).

5. Diseases that occur with dystrophic changes in the intestinal wall (amyloidosis, collagenosis, celiac disease).

6. Toxic lesions of the intestine with alcoholism, poisoning with medicines, salts of heavy metals, uremia.

7. Neoplasms and postoperative conditions (after resection of the colon).

Non-intestinal diseases

Diarrhea can be a manifestation of the pathology of other organs and systems (not the intestines):

• diseases with decreased acid-forming function of the stomach (atrophic gastritis, cancer, condition after gastrectomy);

• pathology of the pancreas (pancreatitis, tumor of the head of the pancreas);

• liver disease;

• systemic vasculitis;

• vitamin B group - take - take, pellagra;

• allergies;

• neurosis;

• a sharp change in the style and quality of food - traveler's diarrhea.

Mechanisms for the development of diarrhea in adults

The mechanisms of the pathogenesis of diarrhea in these cases is as follows:

• slowing down the absorption of fluid from the intestinal lumen - osmolar diarrhea occurs: frequent profuse bowel movements with fat and undigested food particles;

• hypersecretory diarrhea: the secretory function of the intestine is increased - a lot of water and salts are released into the intestine, a large amount of watery feces is formed;

• motor function is reduced - hypokinetic diarrhea: a small amount of fetid stool, watery or mushy in consistency;

• accelerated passage through the intestines - hyperkinetic diarrhea: characterized by a liquid or gruel-like consistency, a small amount of feces, absence (or insignificant)

When exposed to psychogenic factors, propulsive bowel motility may occur, leading to diarrhea.

Types of diarrhea in adults

Depending on the reasons that caused diarrhea, it is conditionally divided into:

• infectious;

• alimentary - in case of food poisoning;

• dyspeptic - with a violation of the functions of the digestive system;

• toxic - in case of poisoning with toxic substances (arsenic, mercury);

• medication - after taking certain medications in connection with their toxicity or the development of dysbiosis;

• neurogenic - in a state of stressful situations, mental or emotional disorders.

Manifestations of diarrhea

Considering the cause and level of localization of the pathology in the intestine, diarrhea differs in the number and frequency of emptying - single or multiple, profuse or scarce, the nature of the excreted (color, impurities, smell).

Diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting (but this does not always happen), high fever with the infectious nature of diarrhea, general malaise, severe weakness, lethargy. In the case of dehydration, dry mucous membranes, decreased blood pressure, rare urination or anuria, cramps indicating a high degree of dehydration, impaired consciousness are observed.

An urgent need to see a doctor in the following cases:

• duration of diarrhea for 3 or more days;

• “causeless” occurrence of diarrhea;

• diarrhea is accompanied by icteric sclera, abdominal pain, fever, insomnia;

• black or feces of dark green color with an admixture of blood.

First aid

With adult diarrhea, treatment should begin immediately, regardless of the cause that caused it. First aid includes:

1. Dehydration therapy, aimed at replenishing the volume of lost fluid, in order to prevent dehydration and loss of trace elements. This is due to the development of severe complications, it is necessary to begin immediately before the examination of the doctor. At home, this is a plentiful drink of Regidron (a ready-made pharmaceutical powder, soluble in water, containing a glucose-electrolyte mixture) or another solution (Gastrolit, Citroglucolosan), or saline or prepared saline solution up to 2 - 3 liters per day in the absence of contraindications.

2. Acceptance of absorbent in an adequate dose: the most affordable activated carbon in a dosage of 5 to 10 tablets, depending on the weight and severity of the disease. This is a water-insoluble preparation based on vegetable or animal coal. If its intake coincides with other drugs, the treatment will be ineffective: it neutralizes the effect of any medications taken at the same time, and becomes ineffective in treating diarrhea.

3. Strict diet: skip 2 - 3 or more meals. Food should be fractional in small portions. For anti-inflammatory purposes, you can drink tea from chamomile, oak bark, decoctions of herbs. You need to drink often, throughout the time while diarrhea continues.

Comprehensive treatment of diarrhea in adults

With developed diarrhea in adults, treatment should be comprehensive and include, in addition to diet, medications. Prescribing drugs can only be done by a doctor after examination and the necessary laboratory tests. Drug therapy is diverse, depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, includes drugs of different classes.

Antibiotic therapy

Antibiotics, antiparasitic and intestinal antiseptics (Intetrix, Furazolidone, Enterofuril, etc.). With adult diarrhea, treatment with these drugs is carried out if it is known that diarrhea is a manifestation of a specific intestinal or other infection, laboratory-confirmed helminthiasis, and protozoal infestation.

The use of sorbing agents

Sorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, etc.) are designed to remove toxic substances, gases, and waste products of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Adsorbing gases, toxic substances, they reduce the effects of intoxication and flatulence, are taken between meals and other drugs.

Probiotic drugs

Probiotics (Linex, Enterozhermina, Bactisuptil, Bifidumbacterin, Ribolac, etc.) contribute to the restoration of normal intestinal microflora with dysbiosis, increase the overall immune status of the body.


Enzyme preparations (Creon, Mezim-forte, Pancreatin, etc.) are used for diarrhea associated with enzymatic disorders: with exacerbation of pancreatitis with severe exocrine insufficiency, overeating, gross violations of the diet, etc. They contribute to the normalization of the digestive process and the formation of normal feces .

Opioid preparations

Drugs acting on intestinal motility (Imodium / Loperamide /). With hypermotor diarrhea in adults, treatment includes the appointment of these drugs, because due to the high peristalsis, the process of evacuation from the intestine is accelerated, which leads to diarrhea. Effectively with irritable bowel syndrome, stressful situations, with diarrhea of ​​travelers.


Antispasmodics (drotaverin / But - shpa, Spazmol, Spazmoverin /, papaverine, Duspatalin / Meverin, Sparex /, Buskopan, etc.). With adult diarrhea, treatment of pain associated with increased motility (spasms) is carried out with antispasmodics that belong to different groups of drugs that have a different mechanism of action, but effectively relieve pain, discomfort, and discomfort in the intestines. Combined drugs can be used: Meteospasmil, Spazmalgon.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

Anti-inflammatory non-hormonal (NSAIDs) and hormonal drugs (Indomethacin, Sulfasalazine, prednisone / Metipred /, etc.) are used for severe inflammatory process in the intestine with chronic diarrhea (with ulcerative colitis).

It must always be remembered that, in spite of the over-the-counter sale of the listed drugs with adult diarrhea, treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, since each of the drugs has contraindications and serious side effects, as well as special indications for use that can only be determined by a specialist - therapist, gastroenterologist , infectious disease specialist. The sooner there is a request for medical care, the more effective the treatment and fewer serious complications. In the absence of timely adequate therapy, diarrhea can become chronic.


Watch the video: How to Stop Diarrhea Fast Naturally Using Home Remedies (June 2024).