How to use coconut oil for the face?


Coconut oil has long been known for its beneficial properties. The benefits of the product for the skin of the face due to its chemical composition. It has a high content of vitamins, fatty acids and minerals. Regular use of masks based on coconut oil will help get rid of wrinkles, acne, and also give the skin of the face elasticity.

Types of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be produced from dried (copra) and fresh pulp. The type of processing is important in maintaining the beneficial properties of the product.

Types of coconut oil:

  • Unrefined. Obtained by cold pressing. It is characterized by more gentle processing and pronounced aroma. In such a product a large number of useful substances is preserved;
  • Refined. This coconut oil is obtained by hot pressing and loses its characteristic taste and smell. The product has a uniform texture and golden color. However, coconut oil, obtained as a result of hot pressing, has fewer nutrients. On the market, such a product is valued to a lesser extent.

When buying a product for cosmetic use, you should pay attention to the type of treatment.

For skin care is better to use coconut oil, cold pressed.

However, one must be careful in its application. It has a high comedogenicity and can clog pores.

Where to buy?

In order for coconut oil to benefit, not harm beauty, you should purchase a quality product. To do this, it is better to contact specialized stores.

When buying coconut oil, follow the recommendations:

  • Check the composition and labeling on the packaging. The label should indicate that the product is free of impurities;
  • Feel the scent. The smell should be characteristic of coconut or absent altogether. The prevalence of other fragrances suggests the use of fragrances;
  • Rate the color. Coconut oil may be clear or yellow, depending on the condition;
  • Consider the packaging. Choose a cosmetic product is better in a transparent package. This will provide an opportunity to review and evaluate the status of the content immediately.

Coconut oil can be prepared independently. This will be easy, and the savings will be substantial.

Low-temperature method of making cosmetics at home:

  1. Coconut pulp is cut into small pieces and dried, for example, using a desiccant. It will take about a day. Alternatively, use coconut flakes;
  2. Flakes are placed in a juicer to separate coconut oil from fiber.
  3. From the first time to select a completely necessary product from the flakes will not work. It is recommended to process the flakes through the juicer again.
  4. The resulting liquid is poured into a glass container and placed in a warm place for a day. Impurities will sink to the bottom, and coconut oil will rise to the top.
  5. The thickened oil is moved with a spoon to another storage container. The product is ready to use.

This method of obtaining coconut pulp is gentle and retains more beneficial properties.

Benefits of coconut oil for face

The product is very useful for skin care. Coconut oil is hypoallergenic and can be used for cosmetic purposes by both men and women.

Chemical composition:

  • Vitamins: A, B1, B6, E, C, PP;
  • Minerals:
    • iron;
    • calcium;
    • phosphorus;
  • Fatty acid:
    • lauric (up to 50%);
    • oleic;
    • myristic;
    • linoleic;
    • hyaluronic;
    • palmitic;
    • caprylic;
    • stearic;
    • capric.

The effectiveness of coconut oil for the face:

  • Suspends the manifestation of age-related changes;
  • Protects skin from harmful external effects;
  • Helps smooth shallow facial wrinkles;
  • Gives the skin of the face elasticity and firmness;
  • Significantly moisturizes the skin;
  • Helps fight inflammation and excessive pigmentation;
  • In small quantities, normalizes the sebaceous glands;
  • It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Using coconut oil for the face can not be uncontrolled, despite all the useful properties of the product. To use masks or scrubs on the basis of this cosmetic should be infrequent. In the opposite case, it can cause blockage of pores and disruption of the sebaceous glands. Coconut oil is more suitable for people with dry skin type due to the presence in the chemical composition of a large amount of fatty acids.

Application Methods

Coconut oil, due to its rich chemical composition, is widely used in various fields. Vitamins and minerals contained in the valuable product have a beneficial effect on human health.

Coconut oil is widely used in:

  • Cosmetology. Coconut oil well nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face, hair, strengthens the cuticle and eyelashes. The tool is used in the composition of masks to get rid of wrinkles and acne;
  • Cookery. The product can be used in cooking dishes or for dressing salads. Coconut pulp is usually replaced with sunflower oil;
  • Folk medicine. Coconut oil is used to treat cough, herpes, gastrointestinal diseases. Also, the product helps to relieve stress and improves metabolism;
  • Dietology. Despite the abundance of fatty oils, squeezing coconut pulp will help to fight overweight. A positive effect will be achieved if you remove other fats from the diet and add more vegetables and fruits.

However, coconut oil is of great value for the skin of the face. It gently acts on dry skin and contributes to their hydration and rejuvenation. The product can be added both to the finished cosmetics, and to make hand-made masks on its basis. Also, the tool is used to exfoliate the face or to give skin elasticity.

Wrinkle masks

Coconut oil masks are useful for fading and sagging facial skin. Do cosmetic procedures to get the best results should be regularly. Coconut oil will certainly not cope with deep wrinkles, but small ones are quite capable of smoothing. For women with mature skin, the product will be a real salvation. After all, after using the product, the skin becomes more elastic.

Anti Wrinkle Mask Recipe:

  1. Mix 0.5 tsp. coconut oil and the contents of 1 capsule of vitamin E. To obtain vitamin liquid should pierce the capsule with a needle.
  2. The procedure is performed on previously cleaned skin 2 hours before going to bed.
  3. The resulting cosmetic is applied by patting movements on the problem areas of the skin of the face, the area around the eyes and eyelids.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is removed with paper napkins. This does not require washing.

Coconut oil based mask should be applied twice a week. Regular and long-term use of the product helps to fight existing wrinkles and is an excellent prevention of the appearance of new ones. The mixture consisting of vitamin and squeeze from coconut pulp well moisturizes and softens the skin.

Acne Masks

For skin prone to acne, masks of coconut oil will also be useful. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and normalizes the sebaceous glands. As a result, pimples are reduced in size, and the risk of new ones is reduced.

Acne Mask Recipes:

  • Mix 3 tsp. coconut oil, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 carefully beaten egg white. The resulting anti-acne remedy is applied to problem skin. After 30 minutes the product is washed off. It is recommended to make a mask twice a week. After half a month, significant improvements will be noticeable;
  • Pour 2 tbsp. l blue clay decoction of chamomile to make a thick mixture. Add to the tool 1 tsp. coconut oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil. The face is treated with an agent, and after 15 minutes. washed with warm water;
  • Mixed 3 tbsp. l kefir, 1 tbsp. l yeast and coconut oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Let the mixture stand until a small foam appears. The mask is applied to the face with a thick layer for a quarter of an hour. Over time, the product is washed off with water;
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l rice flour and chamomile decoction until thick. Add to the mixture 1 tsp. coconut oil and 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. The remedy is applied to acne, and after 15 minutes. washed off.

Mask based on coconut oil dries acne, resulting in rashes on the face are faster.

Masks for giving skin elasticity

Make the skin more elastic and elastic can not only with Botox. Traditional medicine can also be effective. Masks based on such a healing product like coconut oil will be very useful for middle-aged women. Apparent improvement comes after a month of using cosmetics.

Recipes masks to restore the elasticity of the skin:

  • Should melt 1 tsp. coconut oil in a water bath. Then add to the liquid mixture 3-5 drops of orange essential oil and 1 tsp. blue clay powder. Thick and viscous paste is applied on the face for 20 minutes. After the allotted time, the mask is washed off;
  • Mix 1 part coconut oil and 2 parts honey and sour cream. The resulting tool is evenly distributed on the skin of the face. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the mask with cool water;
  • A bar of black chocolate is melted in a water bath. Coconut oil is added to the chocolate mixture to make a smooth paste. The mixture is applied on the face for 15 minutes. To achieve a positive result, it is enough to carry out the procedure three times a week;
  • Mix 50 gr. coconut pulp and shea butter, 2 tbsp. l apricot oil, 1 tbsp. l Calendula flowers and 0.5 tbsp. l ground ginger. The mixture is placed in a water bath, brought to a boil and cooked for an additional 30 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered and heated again in a water bath. After all the manipulations the tool is ready for use.

The use of coconut oil in the composition of face masks is recommended on a regular basis. Applying the product three times a week, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin of the face and restore its elasticity.

Coconut Face Peeling

Coconut oil can be used to prepare not only masks, but also scrubs for peeling. Cosmetic based on the squeeze of coconut pulp well cleanses the skin from dead skin cells.

It is recommended to use the scrub before applying the mask directly to the face.

Efficient and light scrub recipes for cooking at home:

  • With the addition of coffee. It should be slightly heated 1 tsp. coconut oil over low heat and mix with 1 tbsp. l wet coffee grounds. The finished scrub is rubbed into the skin in circular motions for 2-3 minutes. In 10 minutes. the product is washed off with water and a nourishing mask is applied to the face. Peeling is recommended twice a week;
  • With sugar. Coconut oil is melted in a water bath and mixed with thick honey and cane sugar. All ingredients are taken for 1 tsp. Scrub with massaging movements applied to the face, then washed off. After peeling, the skin is moistened with a cream;
  • With the addition of salt. 1 tbsp. l melted coconut oil mixed with 2 tbsp. l finely ground sea salt. The skin is treated with the resulting product for about 3 minutes. Then the scrub is washed off and yogurt is applied on the face for 5 minutes.

Peeling cleans and frees pores. The skin acquires a radiant shine, becomes supple and delicate. Coconut oil-based scrubs promote fast skin regeneration and prevent wrinkles.

Coconut oil in the composition of cosmetics

Coconut oil can also be added to the finished cosmetic products for skin care of the face. As a result, the cream takes over some of the beneficial properties of the product.

The procedure for adding coconut oil to the finished cream:

  1. Melt the product in a water bath to a liquid and transparent consistency.
  2. Mix melted coconut pulp with ready-made cream in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2, respectively.
  3. Transfer the resulting cosmetic product to a glass jar.
  4. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.
  5. After 2 days it is recommended to prepare a new portion of the cream.

However, it is better to use coconut oil in its pure form. So the product will retain more useful properties.

The method of application of coconut oil in pure form:

  1. A piece of the product should be clamped in the hand.
  2. When coconut oil is dim, apply the product on the skin with a thin layer.
  3. It is recommended to apply a little more money on acne and other problem areas of the face.
  4. After a certain period of time (about a quarter of an hour), the product should be washed off with water.

Use the oil in its pure form can be daily. The product is used as a protective cream or nourishing serum for the face. It can be applied both immediately before going for a walk, and before going to bed.

Contraindications to the use of coconut oil

Coconut oil is absolutely safe for health and has practically no contraindications.

Possible harm from coconut oil:

  • The appearance of an allergic reaction. Itching, redness, rash may occur due to individual intolerance to the product. To make sure that you are not allergic, you should do an allergy test in advance. You should put a little coconut oil on your wrist and wait 15 minutes. If a negative reaction does not occur, you can freely use the squeeze from the coconut pulp on an ongoing basis;
  • Education on the face of comedones. Unrefined coconut oil, cold pressed, unlike refined, with frequent use contributes to clogged pores. In this regard, it is not recommended to use on oily or combination skin.

Coconut oil in the care of the skin should be used in moderation. In the opposite case, the violation of the sebaceous glands and the deterioration of the overall situation.

It is absolutely safe to use coconut oil for the skin during pregnancy. Women in position can use the product both during pregnancy and after childbirth. On the basis of coconut oil prepare masks, scrubs, creams.


Watch the video: 5 Uses For Coconut Oil (July 2024).