Herbs for hair growth and hair loss: which really help? How to use herbs for growth and hair loss correctly


Healing herbs are used in folk culture to strengthen hair, its rapid growth, stop loss of hair.

These are publicly available inexpensive funds that you need to be able to use to improve curls, restore their strength and beauty.

Herbs for growth and hair loss: which help

As if specially created by nature, numerous herbs for hair growth and hair loss. Which actually help, hereditary herbalists are well aware. Using centuries of knowledge, you can quickly and cost-effectively solve an individual problem. It is extremely rare for an herb to have an allergy or it simply does not work due to the individual characteristics of the body. If this happens, just do not use this tool, try something else. Moreover, the choice is rich.

Some herbs act in a complex way, strengthening curls and causing enhanced growth of hair rods at the same time. Some better solve one problem: either eliminate the loss, or accelerate growth. This feature also needs to be considered if you are choosing herbs for hair growth and hair loss. Which help solve both problems:

• burdock root;

• air;

• rosemary.

Strengthen the growth of hair succession, nettle, basil. Help with the loss of horsetail, St. John's wort, hop cones, chamomile, bay leaf, leaves and buds of birch, oak bark, coltsfoot.

Burdock root

Accelerates the growth of hair rods and stops their loss. The plant contains many B vitamins, there are retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E), essential vegetable oils, as well as trace elements useful for the skin: calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron. That's why with a strong fallout, the burdock root really helps. Thanks to the active ingredients, the processes of cell metabolism are normalized, blood circulation is accelerated, follicles awaken, accelerating or resuming the growth of hair rods. Especially good to use burdock in combination with burdock oil.


Universal plant that stimulates growth and stops loss. The calamus juice contains a high content of tannins, starch, camphor, gum. The decoction of the roots of this plant is able to stop even severe loss and stop baldness.


The fragrant plant, often used for culinary purposes, has been successfully used to improve hair. A decoction of rosemary accelerates the growth of hair rods, nourishes the bulbs well, gives the curls shine and splendor, stops hair loss. The composition of this unique plant is a mass of vitamins, essential substances, minerals.


It causes the growth of new hair due to the nourishing and stimulating effect on the bulbs. The juice of this plant contains polyphenols, carotene, flavonoids, essential oils, mineral and vitamin complex, tannins. A decoction of the string strengthens the roots, gives the hair shine, splendor and strength.


Stimulates active hair shaft growth. If you want your hair to grow quickly, it’s very good to care for it with nettles. The composition of this plant has vitamins K, B, E, a lot of calcium, magnesium and iron, flavonoids, organic acids, volatile and essential oils. Along with the stimulating effect, nettle decoctions have a strengthening and calming effect.


It enhances hair growth, makes it shiny and thick thanks to active substances. The basilica contains carotene, mineral salts, vitamins PP and B, tannins, rutin and other bioflavonoids. Any cosmetic with basil is beneficial for the hair.


This plant contains a lot of silicon. That is why strengthening hair after applying home cosmetics based on horsetail is quick and effective.

St. John's wort

This herb has a ton of vitamins, essential oils, resins, and phytoestrogens. She stops the loss, preserving the natural beauty and strength of curls.

Hop cones

The popularity of this plant is due to its ability to strengthen hair roots. Due to the vitamin-mineral complex, the bulbs literally take a sip of health, the hair becomes thick, shiny. A decoction of hop cones is one of the best hair strengthening treatments. However, remember that it also washes paint from dyed hair.


A universal hair care product, chamomile broth has a strengthening, moisturizing effect, restores the structure of damaged hair rods. Gives stunning shine to naturally light and bleached hair.

Bay leaf

Fragrant laurel strengthens hair due to the high content of tannins, resins and essential oils. In addition, a decoction of this plant cures seborrhea.

Birch tree

Dried birch leaves stop strong hair loss. Fragrant decoction gives strength to the roots, and curls shine and healthy elasticity. In addition, a decoction of birch is useful for those who suffer from excessive work of the sebaceous glands on the head.

Oak bark

The decoction of the bark of this plant is a real storehouse of vitamins, proteins, tannins, pectin, plant phytohormones, acids, quercetin and other useful substances. A decoction of oak bark should be used to strengthen hair with strong loss. In addition, the decoction treats fat and relieves dandruff. However, he tints his hair at the same time, and therefore does not suit blondes.


Especially good in the offseason, when weakened hair begins to deteriorate and fall out. Suitable for oily hair care, returns curls with strength and beauty.

How to use herbs for hair growth and hair loss

The easiest way to take all the benefits of herbal healers and direct it to strengthening and toning curls is to prepare a decoction. It is very simple to do this, but for each plant you need to keep in mind some nuances.

How to use herbs for hair growth in the form of a decoction? The usual proportion is 2 tables. tablespoons of dried raw materials in a glass of boiling water. That is, to prepare a liter of broth (this is enough to rinse long curls) you need to take 8 table. tablespoons of grass. The broth must be filtered, used after cooling to warm.

To enhance the effectiveness of the decoction, sometimes it is prepared differently. It all depends on the type of grass for hair growth. How to use raw materials and which? Nettle, burdock root and calamus can be brewed in a smaller proportion: 2 tables. tablespoons per 1 liter of hot water. But in this case, the broth needs to be further simmered over low heat with a low boil for about two to three minutes. Then insist under a towel for forty minutes, strain and use.

Mixed rinse formulations are very good, in which other plants can be added. Here's how to use herbs to grow hair and strengthen the roots in this case:

1. take 1 table. spoon of chamomile and rosemary, add 4 medium bay leaves and pour ½ tbsp. boiling water (composition for strengthening hair follicles);

2. combine in a cup nettle, mint, wormwood (1 teaspoon each), pour 2 stack. boiling water (composition for hair growth);

3. mix linden blossom, oregano, plantain, chamomile and sage (1 teaspoon each), steam ½ liter of boiling water (from loss).

Recipes for infusions from hair loss and hair growth

For hair care, you can prepare any mixed decoctions of herbs for growth and hair loss. Which ones help especially well? Here are a few recipes, complemented by other ingredients.

Vodka infusion

Pour half the pharmacy pack of hop cones and the same amount of calamus root into a glass jar and pour vodka. There should be enough vodka so that the grass is completely covered in alcohol. Clean the jar in a closed cabinet, leave for ten days, then strain and add to the water to rinse your hair. Take two tablespoons of infusion per liter of water.

Oil infusion

Take a pack of dried nettles, rub well and pour into a glass jar. Pour with any vegetable or cosmetic oil: olive, linseed, peach, mustard, sunflower, sesame. The oil level should be five to seven millimeters above the grass level. The oil should be infused for at least two weeks in a warm place. For example, near a constantly working battery, stove, gas stove.

Nettle should be insisted for at least two weeks, then strain, squeeze the raw materials and store in the refrigerator. Nettle infused oil should become emerald, very beautiful. It should be used as a mask, applied to the scalp an hour before washing. It is very good to massage your head with oil to increase blood flow to the bulbs, and then put on a warming cap.

If you can use fresh young nettles, be sure to use it. It will turn out a remarkable product for hair care.

Herbal masks for growth and hair loss

Another way to use the power of herbs from falling out and for the growth of curls is to make masks yourself. The astringent basis of the product will be glycerin, honey, clay, oil, mustard.

Chamomile, oak bark, glycerin

For a very simple but effective mask, use chamomile or oak bark. How to use these herbs for hair growth? Blondes need to make a composition on a camomile, and brunettes and brown-haired women - on an oak bark because of coloring properties. Plant materials will need half a pharmacy pack, glycerin - a full pharmacy bottle. First brew the grass stronger, that is, fill it with a small amount of boiling water. So that it only covers the plants. When the broth cools down, it must be filtered and mixed with glycerin. Apply the entire composition immediately to the hair, put on a warming cap and keep the mask for at least an hour.

Nettle, vitamins, oil, clay, honey

This mask is applied to dirty hair. First brew a spoonful of dried nettles. When the broth is infused, spread 1 table. spoon of any cosmetic clay to the state of sour cream. Add to the clay base a tablespoon of any oil, food or cosmetic, one ampoule of an oil solution of vitamins E and A, 1 teaspoon of melted or liquid honey, a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and raw egg yolk. Mix the mass well and apply under the warming cap for about twenty minutes. As soon as the clay begins to harden, rinse the mask carefully. The procedure deeply cleans the strands, you need to do it no more than once a week. After washing off the composition, wash your hair with shampoo and be sure to apply a mask or balm.

Once you figure out which herbs help hair growth and hair loss, use this knowledge. Your curls will always look great.


Watch the video: Correcting Hair Loss with Herbs herbs that actually work! (June 2024).