Proper nutrition for diabetes "Table 9" diet: a menu for a week, general principles. Recipes for table number 9 for a week


Diet No. 9 (table No. 9) is a nutritionally developed dietetic supplement designed specifically for diabetics to help control and treat diabetes.

Diet 9 is suitable for patients of severity 1 and 2, it is able to normalize carbohydrate metabolism in the body, eliminate impaired fat metabolism, therefore it is also suitable for weight loss.

Allowed and prohibited foods at Table 9 diet, weekly menu

The basic rules on which the Table 9 diet is based:

• the daily norm of proteins should be up to 90 g, and 55-60% of them should be animals;

• daily you need to consume from 70 to 80 g of fat, of which up to 30% vegetable;

• daily need for carbohydrates - 300-350 g;

• salt is allowed to consume up to 12 g;

• a person should consume no more than 2200-2500 kcal per day;

• fractional nutrition - 5-6 times a day;

• prepare dishes by stewing, boiling, steaming, baking without using oil, it is possible on the grill.

There are a lot of allowed foods on the diet list, but it’s important to consume exactly the amount that meets daily requirements according to the dietary rules for fats and carbohydrates.

Among the allowed products are:

• soups - low-fat broths, okroshka, borsch, vegetable soups, beetroot soup, cabbage soup;

• cereals;

• greens and vegetables, those with the highest carbohydrate content - carrots, peas, beets, are a priority;

• meat dishes - poultry, veal, beef, lamb, dietary varieties of sausages;

• varieties of low-fat varieties of fish, canned food is allowed, but only in tomato or in personal juice;

• eggs can be consumed, but not more than 1.5 pieces per day, while the consumption of yolk should also be limited;

• berries and fruits, fresh and dried;

• nuts - walnuts, cedar, almonds, peanuts;

• honey - a product in a strictly limited quantity is allowed;

• any kind of oil - not more than 40 g daily;

• special diabetic confectionery;

• flour products up to 300 g per day;

• natural juices without sugar, teas, decoctions, compotes from dried fruits and vegetables, it is allowed to add sweetener.

Among the prohibited products are:

• pasta, rice, semolina;

• most of the presented assortment of sausages, smoked meat, sausages;

• sweets, desserts, pastries, pastries;

• jam, toppings, cream, sweet yogurts;

• fermented baked milk and baked milk;

• broths based on fatty meat;

• milk cream soups;

• various spices and seasonings;

• alcoholic drinks;

• any sauces;

• carbonated sweet drinks and packaged juices;

• some fruits, such as bananas, grapes, and dried species - raisins, figs;

• fatty and salty fish dishes and fish species, as well as their caviar.

If possible, you should exclude from the diet those products that are not on the list, but you are sure that they will not bring benefits to the body.

Dieting Table 9 diets: menu for the week

An example menu for diabetic diet number 9 may look like this:

1. Monday:

• breakfast: porridge on water from barley, 1 egg, weak coffee without sugar, salad of greens and cabbage;

• lunch: for the first lean borsch - 200 ml, for the second a piece of boiled beef, bread and dried fruit compote without sugar;

• dinner: boiled shrimp and cooked green beans in the same way;

2. Tuesday:

• breakfast: a portion of fat-free cottage cheese with berries - up to 200 g;

• lunch: cabbage soup based on young low-fat veal, cabbage and cucumber salad, a slice of bran bread, rosehip infusion;

• dinner: cottage cheese with berries and a salad of ingredients: cucumber, pepper, cabbage;

3. Wednesday:

• breakfast: a glass of ryazhenka, wheat porridge with prunes;

• lunch: vegetable soup, a small portion of Greek cakes - from 3 to 5 large spoons of porridge with meat goulash, 2 slices of whole-grain bread, kissel;

• dinner: river fish on a pillow of vegetables - broccoli, cabbage and zucchini;

4. Thursday:

• breakfast: a fresh salad of grated apple and the same carrot, a cup of skim milk with a slice of bread;

• lunch: vegetable stew with the addition of pieces of any allowed meat;

• dinner: barley, boiled chicken, fresh vegetable salad, bread, berry juice;

5. Friday:

• breakfast: up to 100 g of chopped beets, bread, portion of wheat porridge 50-70 g, a mug of tea;

• lunch: vegetable soup, fish cakes, vegetable salad;

• dinner: stewed cabbage, vegetables and grilled meat or baked, cheesecakes and tea;

6. Saturday:

• breakfast: squash caviar with a bite of eggs, yogurt without sweet additives;

• lunch: fish-based fish soup, pearl barley porridge with goulash, stewed cabbage;

• dinner: cauliflower and minced chicken casserole;

7. Sunday:

• breakfast: apple with a portion of bran;

• lunch: cabbage soup on low-fat chicken broth, and the second stuffed peppers, a cup of tea with sweetener (optional);

• dinner: stewed vegetables with lamb.

As a second breakfast, you can choose any permitted fruit, a glass of fermented milk product or milk, decoction or herbal infusion, yogurt, natural berry or fruit jelly.

Afternoon snacks can be fruit and vegetable salads, cottage cheese, fruits, natural juices, jellies.

For the second dinner, which can be avoided, it is advisable to choose similar products.

Cooking a variety of dishes for the Table 9 diet, a menu for the week

Recipes for diluting the usual menu:

1. Diet recipe pudding.

You will need:

• apples;

• zucchini;

• flour;

• 1 egg;

• melted butter;

• sour cream;

• milk.

130 g of zucchini and 70 g of apples need to be grated, add to them 30 ml of milk, 4 tbsp. l flour and other ingredients, except sour cream, mix, place in a baking dish. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 °. Sour cream in the finished form.

2. Ratatouille - a vegetable dish.

It is necessary to grind peeled tomatoes with herbs and garlic in mashed potatoes. Add the resulting mixture to slices of bell pepper, zucchini and eggplant, fried until half-cooked in olive oil. Stew for 10 minutes under the lid.


Watch the video: Eating homemade meals may reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes (July 2024).