Causes of pain in the right temple: when you need to go to the doctor? The main methods of treatment and prevention of pain in the right temple


Headache is an almost daily companion of each of us. Most people associate it with weather changes, poor sleep, stress, not paying much attention to this important symptom..

Often the cause of pain in the right temple is a serious illness. The sooner the doctor determines the cause, the higher the chance to get rid of this disease forever.

Causes of pain in the right temple

Unpleasant sensations in the temples can indicate brain diseases, circulatory disorders, infectious lesions. But there are a number of cases where pain in the right temple has more harmless reasons:

• Emotional overstrain. Stress is always a load on the body, which leads to the release of adrenaline, increased pressure. If a person is in a tense situation for a long time, not only mental health suffers, but physical as well. Headache is one of the first symptoms.

• Recovery requires a full sleep. Lack of sleep leads to an additional burden on the body. The cause of pain in the right temple is often an uncomfortable pillow or an incorrect sleeping position. Pinched nerves in the cervical region is manifested by headache, general fatigue.

• Excessive strain on the organs of vision. Constant work at the computer, reading in a poorly lit room or transport leads to overstrain of the eye muscles, an increase in intraocular pressure. Given the fact that we subconsciously strain more the right eye, and pain occurs on the right.

Pain in the right temple and migraine

A characteristic feature of migraine is pain covers only part of the head.

It all starts with an aura: the patient feels the attack is approaching, the reaction to sounds, light escalates. At this stage, it is possible to prevent the development of migraine by drinking antispasmodics, removing all provoking factors.

Sleep helps a lot.

If it was not possible to avoid an attack, there is pain in the temple, often in the right, gives to the eye, lower jaw.

Over time, extends to the back of the head, covering the entire half of the head.

Duration - from 30 minutes to several hours.

Organic causes of pain in the right temple

If after the change in lifestyle, normalization of sleep the pain does not go away, this indicates a violation in the functioning of organs and systems.

Remember! If you experience pain in the temples, which violates the quality of life, does not disappear for several days, you must consult a doctor.

Main reasons:

• Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine leads to compression of the nerve roots and blood vessels that supply the brain. Lack of oxygen, violation of innervation is the cause of headache.

• Catarrhal diseases result from prolonged exposure to drafts. As a rule, it hurts the side that was turned to an open window or window.

• Arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) is characterized by throbbing pain in the temples, the back of the head is often involved.

Note! The pain intensifies when the weather changes, nervous strain, after physical exertion.

• Trigeminal neuralgia. The disease begins acutely. The pain has a shooting character, it occurs on the one hand. Gives to the upper or lower jaw, the area around the eyes, temple. Numbness of the skin of the face is sometimes observed.

• Intoxication with alcohol, chemicals, tobacco. All these substances lead to vasoconstriction, impair blood flow.

• Hormonal changes. During puberty, girls are at risk for headaches. In the future, these manifestations are associated with the menstrual cycle.

• Direct injuries cause redness, swelling, sharp pain at the site of the bruise.

• Throbbing pain in the temples - a characteristic sign of arteritis (inflammation of the temporal vessels).


Food, which includes monosodium glutamate, is a provocateur of headache. Already 20-30 minutes after eating the products, weakness, drowsiness, and pain in the temples are noted. Therefore, it is better to abandon some spices, sauces, noodles, Chinese dishes. If this food additive (E621) is present in the composition, it is recommended to refuse to purchase the product, replace it with a useful analogue. Chocolate, cheese, wine, smoked meat, and fish also worsen.

Diagnosis for pain in the right temple

Severe, throbbing headache - indication to consult a doctor. If the discomfort lasts more than two days, you can not do without additional research methods. Unfortunately, self-medication is widespread. Patients do not pay attention to such a formidable symptom, thereby exacerbating the situation.

Since pain in the right temple can be a manifestation of many diseases, the diagnosis takes a lot of time.

• Gathering complaints is an important step in making a diagnosis. Sleep disturbances, stress, unhealthy diet affect your health. If the normalization of the way of life has not led to an improvement, there is another reason for pain in the right temple.

• At the initial examination, it is necessary to measure blood pressure, hypertension is an unfavorable sign.

• Radiography of the cervical spine allows you to identify osteochondrosis.

• Computed or magnetic resonance imaging (CT, MRI) are used to diagnose diseases of the brain, spine, and head as a whole.

• Mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist followed by examination of the fundus.

• Electroencephalography is needed to evaluate brain function.

• If necessary, the doctor invites related specialists: a neurologist, neurosurgeon, vertebrologist, optometrist.

How to treat pain in the right temple?

All therapeutic procedures should be aimed at eliminating the cause, not just the symptoms. The treatment of pain in the right temple includes both medications and a specific regimen.

To improve the condition, you must adhere to several rules:

• Full sleep. The bed should be comfortable, excessively hard or soft mattress leads to compression of the vessels of the neck, impaired blood circulation.

• Quitting smoking, alcohol abuse.

• Foods containing monosodium glutamate must be excluded from the diet.

• Walking in the fresh air not only strengthens the muscles, but also improves brain function.

Painful sensations are very strong, violate a person's performance. In this case, pain medications are prescribed. To date, apply: aspirin, ibuprofen, citramone, nimesulide, spazmalgon.

Note! It is forbidden to take pain medications on your own. The doctor selects the necessary medicine after examination. Prolonged uncontrolled use of aspirin, other non-steroidal drugs can provoke a stomach ulcer.

Pain in the right temple decreases after massage. You can do it yourself. With a few fingers (thumb and forefinger) you need to massage this area with light movements.

Massage is prohibited for inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, damage to arteries. When you try to touch the scalp, the pain will intensify. Therefore, all medical procedures, including alternative methods, should be prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention of pain in the right temple

An important role is played by taking care of one’s health, periodic examination by a therapist and other specialists. It is necessary to prevent sudden jumps in blood pressure, regularly take antihypertensive (pressure-lowering) drugs. Once a year, women are recommended to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, with hormonal disorders, appropriate therapy can be prescribed.

Prevention of pain in the right temple includes several points:

• Rejection of bad habits.

• Healthy eating.

• An important objective is the prevention of osteochondrosis. It is necessary to monitor posture, fight obesity, as this is an additional load on the spine, joints.

• It is recommended to refuse reading in vehicles, in poorly lit places.

• Avoid drafts near the air conditioner.

• Avoid stress. After a busy day you need to relax, take a warm bath with chamomile, lemon balm, do a light massage of the neck, temples.

• Remove all annoying factors: loud, unpleasant sounds, bright light.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz Explains How to Avoid Tension Headaches (June 2024).