How to marinate pork for baking in the oven - secrets and subtleties. Marinate pork for baking in the oven correctly


To cook a delicious, juicy pork in the oven under the power of everyone.

The success of the dish is in the correct marinade.

Today we will tell you what and how to marinate pork for baking in the oven.

How to marinate pork for baking in the oven - general principles of cooking

You can take any part of the pork: scapula, neck, tenderloin, ribs - it doesn’t matter. Depending on the selected part and the method of cutting, the time of marinating the meat will depend - the larger the piece, the longer it should be marinated.

Proper marinade consists of oil, spices and spices and acid. Products such as kiwi, kefir, vinegar, tomato paste, wine, lemon or pomegranate juice and other similar ingredients are taken as an acidic base. Oil is usually used simple vegetable or olive. Such seasonings perfectly complement pork: nutmeg, rosemary, curry, marjoram, a mixture of peppers, oregano, sage, ginger and others.

To prepare the marinade use non-oxidizing dishes: ceramics or glass. Pork itself is cooked on a baking sheet, in pots, in molds, in a sleeve, foil.

1. How to marinate roast pork in dry mustard


• pork tenderloin - 1.5 kg;


• a bunch of fresh parsley;

• lemon juice - 150 ml;

• mustard powder - 50 g;

• two cloves of garlic;

• seasoning, salt - 5 g.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the lemon and squeeze the juice into a cup.

2. Lemon squeeze cut into slices and put in the same cup.

3. Wash a bunch of parsley, chop and add the garlic to the lemon along with the garlic squeezed through the garlic press.

4. Pour mustard powder, seasoning, a little salt to all products.

5. We shift everything into a saucepan and put on medium heat and heat the mixture, with frequent stirring.

6. Pork tenderloin is cut into portioned pieces 3 cm thick and 6 cm long.

7. Pour the pieces into a heated marinade and let it marinate for six hours.

8. Fry the marinated meat on both sides in a hot pan for 3 minutes.

9. Put the fried pieces on a baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes.

10. For greater juiciness of meat during baking, every ten minutes, open the oven and pour pork with the allocated juice.

11. When serving, put a piece of baked meat on serving plates, next to slices of tomatoes and cucumbers, and you can also put one teaspoon of green canned peas.

2. How to marinate pork for baking in the oven in kefir


• pork fillet - 1 kg;

• two onion heads;

• kefir - 2 bottles;

• salt - 10 g;

• seasoning - 30 g.

Cooking method:

1. We cut the meat into pieces 2 cm thick.

2. Put it in a metal container, add onions in half rings, salt, black pepper, seasoning.

3. Pour the meat with kefir and put in the refrigerator to marinate for six hours.

4. Bake the marinated meat in the oven for 30-35 minutes at a moderate temperature.

5. When serving, put the meat on portioned plates with boiled potatoes, pouring tomato sauce.

3. How to marinate oven-baked pork in white dry wine


• pork meat without fat - 700 g;

• white wine - half a glass;

• one clove of garlic;

• dried basil, coriander - 2 tsp;

• seasoning, black pepper - 20 g;

• salt - 5 g.

Cooking method:

1. On the prepared - washed and thoroughly dried meat - we make small cuts with a knife.

2. Pour seasoning into a small cup and roll a piece of meat in it.

3. Cut the peeled garlic into thin slices and insert into the cut holes in the meat.

4. Pour wine into a separate pan and put the meat, let it marinate for four hours.

5. Bake a marinated piece of pork in a preheated oven in foil for 40 minutes at a temperature of no higher than 200 degrees.

6. We cut the baked meat into small pieces, put on plates with chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, sprinkled with herbs.

4. How to marinate oven-baked pork in Worcestershire sauce


• pork - half a kilogram;

• soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;

• sunflower oil - 50 ml;

• brown sugar - 150 g;

• balsamic vinegar - 30 ml .;

• Worcestershire sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

For Worcestershire sauce:

• acetic acid - 200 g;

• molasses - 1.5 tablespoons;

• mustard seeds - 20 g;

• kosher salt - 100 g;

• 3 peas of black pepper;

• cloves - 5 g;

• curry powder - 15 g;

• 2 pods of cardamom;

• 2 pods of hot pepper;

• one clove of garlic;

• 1 stick of cinnamon;

• half the onion head;

• ginger - half a teaspoon;

• sugar - 80 g.

Cooking method:

Cooking Worcester Sauce:

1. In a cup we mix the chopped cardamom pods, cloves of garlic, hot pepper, chopped ginger, pour everything with soy sauce and heat over low heat.

2. Sugar fry in a pan until a dark, viscous state.

3. Combine sugar with soy sauce and other ingredients and boil for another five minutes.

4. The cooled Worcestershire sauce is filtered through a colander.

We prepare meat and products for marinade:

1. Grind onions and garlic in a blender. Add them to the meat sliced ​​into portions.

2. Pour the prepared Worcestershire sauce into the meat, mix well, put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

3. From the beginning, marinate the meat in the sauce and fry it in a pan until crispy, and then bake it in the oven.

4. Ready meat marinated in such a sauce is served on portioned plates with boiled rice.

5. How to marinate pork for baking in the oven in cognac


• a piece of pork meat (you can neck, shoulder blade, ham, etc.) weighing half a kilogram;

• vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• three lemons;

• cognac - half a glass;

• ground allspice - 15 g;

• salt - 5 g.

Cooking method:

1. On a piece of meat we make small incisions along the surface, lay everything in a deep cup.

2. Squeeze the juice from the lemons there, pour oil, pepper, salt, pour cognac, cover with a lid and leave to marinate for 10-11-12 hours.

3. Put the marinated meat on a sheet greased with oil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees.

4. When serving, cut into pieces, spread on a plate with pickled cucumbers or tomatoes.

6. How to marinate pork for baking in the oven: instant kiwi marinade


• pork with layers of fat - 1 kg;

• kiwi - 6 pieces;

• onions - 2 heads;

• salt - a pinch;

• seasoning for meat - packaging.

Cooking method:

1. Thanks to the acid contained in kiwi, the marinade will make the meat even softer and give it an unusual and incomparable flavor. So, we wash the meat, cut into small pieces each 3 cm, approximately, like a barbecue.

2. We clean the kiwi and pass through the blender in mashed potatoes, or you can cut into small cubes. Put the kiwi in the meat.

3. Onion cut into rings and add it also to the meat.

4. Salt the meat a little, pepper and leave for 2 hours.

5. We spread the pork directly with kiwi and onion on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil, put in the oven warmed up to 200 degrees, reduce the temperature to 170 degrees and bake the ace floor.

6. The meat with marinade according to this recipe can also be fried on coals, like barbecue, only cut the kiwi with an average cube and put on skewers with meat. So the kiwi will fry the meat with its juice during frying.

7. Baked meat with unusual and quick marinades can be served on a table with vegetable salad, garnished with parsley.

7. How to marinate pork for baking in the oven in pomegranate juice


• kilogram of tenderloin;

• a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice;

• two onions;

• spices;

• pomegranate seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the chilled tenderloin, dry with a towel. Cut the meat into large cubes.

2. Peel the onion and cut a quarter into rings, squeeze with your hands until the juice is released.

3. Pour pomegranate juice into the onion, pour salt and spices to taste, oregano, Italian herbs, a mixture of peppers and others.

4. Put the pieces of pork in the prepared marinade, mix everything thoroughly.

5. Send the meat overnight to the refrigerator.

6. In the morning we get the pork, put it on a baking sheet, pour the marinade.

7. Bake the pickled meat for 40 minutes in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

8. Serve hot pork, sprinkled with fresh pomegranate seeds.

How to marinate pork for baking in the oven - tricks and tips

• Onions can also be used as marinade, this product should be taken in large quantities. We clean, cut into rings or half rings and carefully knead with our hands until the onion juice is highlighted.

• Before baking after pickling, try the marinade to taste, if there is not enough salt - you can add salt, sour - you can correct it by adding a little granulated sugar or honey.

• So that the acid does not corrode and does not cook meat during aging, do not forget to add oil to the marinade.

• The temperature will help speed up the pickling process. Have time? We put a container of pork in the refrigerator? No time? Leave the meat for 2-3 hours on the kitchen table.

• Meat will also marinate faster if you pierce small pieces or a large piece in several places with a knife or fork.

• Do you like mayonnaise-based marinade? Do not use the purchased product, make mayonnaise yourself, thoroughly whipping a spoonful of ready-made mustard with a small spoonful of vinegar, yolk and 100 grams of vegetable oil.

• Pork goes well with almost all products, so no matter how you pickle meat, you can serve whatever you like with vegetables: vegetables, beans, cereals, pasta, greens. Enjoy your meal.


Watch the video: Five Rules For a Perfect Steak (June 2024).