Pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce - a classic! Pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker


Pork with mushrooms ... and right away, for some reason, a clay pot seems to be.

Of course, we picked up such a recipe, but a wonderful combination of products can be prepared in many different ways.

The dish turns out to be very satisfying and contains a lot of proteins and calories, a great way to replenish strength after a hard day, which is especially true during spring work in the country.

Pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce - general principles of preparation

• Creamy sauce is based on heavy cream. Therefore, so that the dish does not turn out to be greasy, it is better to take lean pieces of pork pulp, namely the loin or scapular part. The percentage of fat in cream can be any, but it is worth noting that the fatter the product, the thicker the sauce. Often, cream sauce is thickened by adding diluted starch or flour.

• Before cutting, rinse the meat well with running water and dry it with a towel. You can cut into slices of any shape, the main thing is not to grind. Despite the fact that pork is cooked in sauce, it is recommended to fry its slices quickly before frying until browned. This preserves all the juices in the product, and the dish will be more juicy and soft.

• The dish will turn out fragrant if you take forest mushrooms, but in their absence you can use fresh champignons or oyster mushrooms. For a greater flavor, you can add dried mushrooms to them, they only need to be pre-soaked in water and boiled slightly.

• Pork and mushrooms go well with spices. Creamy sauce is often seasoned with nutmeg, ground pepper, basil, oregano, turmeric, saffron. Do not add too many spices, otherwise they will kill the main, mushroom flavor of the dish.

• Pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce can be cooked in a thick-walled pan, or baked in the oven, wrapped in foil or folded in a pot. There are recipes for a similar dish for a slow cooker.

• Such meat is well suited to a side dish of boiled rice, potatoes and pasta. It can be served with fresh vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil.

Pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce - recipe for cooking in a pan


• fresh, medium-large mushrooms, oyster mushrooms can be - 300 gr.;

• a spoonful of creamy, preferably homemade, butter;

• ground pepper, nutmeg powder, salt;

• 400 gr. pork (pulp);

• a glass of medium fat cream;

• starch - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Small, as for frying, cut the flesh into pieces. Be sure to dry the meat before this, otherwise it will not brown.

2. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly with warm water, after which, like meat, dry well. Cut champignons into large, random, irregularly shaped pieces.

3. Turn on the stove, set the heat a little more than average and put in the pan, put the oil in and heat thoroughly.

4. In hot, but not hot, fat dip the pieces of pork and sauté until a delicious crust appears. To make the meat brown evenly, do not put a large portion at a time.

5. Add the mushrooms to the browned meat and wait until all the juice has evaporated from the pan.

6. Season the cream with pepper and nutmeg, removing the sample, salt, mix well.

7. Pour the seasoned cream onto the pork when the pieces of champignon in it are lightly browned. Set the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking for about half an hour. The pieces of meat should become soft and easily pierced with a sharp knife.

8. Pour about 50 ml of water into a glass, dilute starch in it. Pour the solution into the pan at the end of cooking, bring the sauce to the very beginning of boiling and remove from the stove.

Recipe for pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce with cheese


• fresh pork pulp - half a kilo;

• 200 gr. "Russian", you can slightly stale cheese;

• half a liter of 22% cream;

• 300 gr. small champignons

• a mixture of basil with oregano - 2 tbsp. l .;

• vegetable oil, for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the meat and mushrooms with water, dry.

2. Cut the pork into small strips, and the mushrooms into slices. The smallest grater available, grate the cheese.

3. On a medium heat, warm the oil, carefully dip the meat into it and cook until all the moisture from it has evaporated. Then, lowering the flame slightly below average, brown the meat on all sides.

4. Add the mushrooms, pepper and salt, fry everything together for about ten minutes.

5. Pour in the cream, let them boil, then simmer for ten minutes. Enter the crushed cheese, add herbs, stir well and remove from heat.

6. Garnished with boiled rice or mashed potatoes.

Stewed pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce


• fresh, medium-sized champignons - 200 gr.;

• large onion;

• 50 gr. dried mushrooms;

• refined oil;

• 15% cream - 100 ml;

• a spoonful of sweet cream butter.

Cooking method:

1. Pour dried mushrooms with water, and when they are well soaked, squeeze and chop very finely.

2. Cut the peeled onions into thin rings. Fry the onion slices in vegetable oil until transparent, transfer to a separate bowl.

3. Cut the pork dried from moisture after washing into small layers of medium thickness. Sauté the pulp over medium heat in refined oil. Pork should be thoroughly browned on all sides, so that with further cooking juice does not come out of it.

4. Cut dried mushrooms into thin slices and fry them lightly in a mixture of both oils.

5. Transfer the fried mushrooms and chopped dried mushrooms to the meat. Add the fried onions, pour in the cream and some water in which the dried mushrooms were steeped.

6. Season the dish to your taste with finely ground pepper, slightly add salt, put the simmer on a slow fire. Cook, occasionally stirring, under the lid for at least forty minutes.

Baked pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce, with cheese (in foil)


• fat cream - half a glass;

• a pound of pork, preferably pulp;

• 50 gr. dried mushrooms;

• butter, 72% butter - 25 gr.;

• a spoon of highly refined oil;

• a few tablespoons of wine vinegar;

• 100 gr. mild cheese;

• a large spoonful of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Before preparing a dish, you should prepare dried mushrooms in advance. Rinse them several times and soak in water for at least four hours. Then boil without salting water for about a quarter of an hour and decant the broth. Leave it, it will come in handy in the future.

2. Cut the meat washed with running cold water into slices of a centimeter thickness. So that the pieces of pulp do not lose juice and remain juicy, fry them on both sides until golden brown in vegetable oil. This should be done with intense heating, and only dip the pork slices in well-warmed fat. Do not cover.

3. Place a large sheet of foil on a baking sheet with high sides. Calculate so that there are free edges with which you can cover the pork.

4. Place the fried pieces of meat tightly on the foil, sprinkle them lightly with wine vinegar and, wrapping the edges of the foil on the meat, place in the oven (180 degrees) for about half an hour.

5. While the meat is baked, there is time to prepare the sauce. Cut the boiled mushrooms into small pieces.

6. Melt the butter in a thick-walled pan. Pour 50 ml of mushroom broth into a glass, dilute flour in it and pour the mixture into oil, stir. Immediately add the crushed mushrooms, pour in the cream, season everything with pepper. Add a little salt, stir and let the sauce simmer for two minutes.

7. Remove the meat pan from the oven, carefully unfold a layer of foil and put the pork sauce on it. Sprinkle everything with chopped cheese on a coarse grater and, without covering with foil, place it back in the oven for a quarter of an hour or a little less.

Recipe for pork with mushrooms in a cream sauce for a slow cooker


• nonfat pork pulp (loin or scapular part) - 450 gr.;

• three small cloves of garlic;

• 200 ml of medium fat cream;

• 300 gr. fresh or frozen champignons;

• flour of any grade, white - two spoons;

• medium-sized onion;

• highly refined oil, vegetable;

• turmeric, ground pepper, saffron, allspice, pea.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the pork, remove from the tendon and film meat and cut it into medium sized pieces, season with spices. Chop the onion not very thinly, in half rings, cut the garlic on the tonic of the plate, and it is best to chop finely.

2. In the "Preheat" mode, heat a few tablespoons of refined sunflower oil. Pour the onion into the bowl and, stirring, fry it until a golden blush is obtained.

3. Add the garlic plate, stirring, continue heating for another two minutes, no longer. If garlic overcook the dish will be bitter.

4. Transfer meat to vegetables, and, systematically stirring, brown it on all sides. Add mushrooms and continue frying for about five minutes.

5. Put the flour in the cream and beat well so that there are no lumps. Pour the cream into the bowl to the meat, add a little salt, season with spices.

6. Close the multicooker lid, set the mode to "Extinguishing" and program the timer for forty minutes.

7. When serving, it is good to sprinkle such a dish with herbs, chopping it and mixing it.

A simple recipe for pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce in pots (with potatoes)


• two small onion heads;

• 300 gr. potatoes;

• a pound of pork trimmings or pulp;

• medium-sized carrot - 2 pcs.;

• 150 ml of liquid, cream, fatty;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• 200 gr. fresh forest mushrooms;

• wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l .;

• a spoonful of any sweet cream butter.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and cut potatoes into medium-sized slices, and washed, dried mushrooms into slices, you can use slices. Chop the onions in half rings, cut the carrots with a medium grater.

2. Rinse the meat, dry the pulp with a towel, and then cut into pieces, no larger than potato.

3. Put the flesh in a vegetable oil heated in a pan and fry until golden brown. Season the meat with freshly ground pepper, add a little salt and mix.

4. Simultaneously prepare the sauce. In a dry frying pan, warm the flour until a creamy shade is obtained. Put a piece of oil to it, and, while it is being heated, mix, bringing the mixture to homogeneity.

5. Pour in the cream, stir well so that there are no lumps, boil the sauce for about a minute, add salt, season with spices and remove from the stove.

6. At the bottom of the clay, preferably not elongated, but as rounded as possible, put the pot of fried pork, sprinkle it with onions, and put the potatoes on top. Pour in a creamy sauce, lay out a layer of carrots with mushrooms and pour over the sauce again.

7. Close the clay container with a lid and place it in the oven for an hour and a half, heating it to at least 180 degrees.

8. Sprinkle the prepared pork with mushrooms and potatoes in a creamy sauce with chopped herbs.

Useful tips for cooking pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce and some tricks

• The meat will cook faster and become softer if its slices are slightly beaten before frying.

• When pre-frying, to ensure that all juices are stored in the meat, it must be quickly browned. Therefore, dip the slices only in well-heated fat, do not put a large amount of meat in a pan at a time, and be sure to dry it after washing.

• If cooking in a pan, reduce the heat to a minimum after adding cream. You do not need to boil the sauce, pork must languish in it.


Watch the video: How to Make BEST EVER Smothered Pork Chops (June 2024).