Sushi cake: bright and stylish! Making sushi cake with red fish, shrimp, crab sticks, caviar


For sushi lovers, the cake of the same name is a real find. It can be served at the festive table, the dish will decorate the feast.

Do not want pomposity? You are welcome! There are everyday, budget options for sushi cake, which do not require special ingredients.

Sushi Cake - General Cooking Principles

To prepare sushi cake, you need three main ingredients: properly cooked rice, fish and spicy aromatic dressings. Additionally, you will need dried leaves of noriya, cream cheese, seafood (shrimp, crab sticks, caviar), avocado, cucumbers, dressings and spices - wasabi, rice vinegar, white wine, sesame, ginger, etc.

There are dozens of options for this dish, so you can vary the composition of your cake as you wish. However, it is important to observe the following principles:

• puff laying;

• a required layer of vinegar rice and fish (or seafood);

• Japanese flavor of serving (not necessary, but desirable).

The main subtlety is, of course, the proper boiling of rice. Grains should be specifically designed for sushi (read labels). You need to cook rice using a special technology:

• rinse the cereal in six waters until the water remains completely clear;

• pour clean rice with cold running water in a saucepan in a 1: 1 ratio another 10 percent additionally;

• put the pan on medium heat, bring to a boil;

• reduce heat to a minimum, cook for 14 minutes from a tightly closed lid (do not lift!);

• remove from heat, wrap in a warm towel and leave for half an hour.

While the groats arrive, prepare a dressing and then follow the recipe. It is important that rice during cooking should not be disturbed, stirred with a spoon, open the lid.

To give the dish a traditional taste, the appropriate spicy seasonings are always used: wasabi, rice vinegar, soy sauce. Without them, you get a delicious snack, but don’t sushi a cake in Japanese tradition.

Sushi Cake "Snack"

A festive, very beautiful and multi-component version of sushi cake is undoubtedly intended for a festive table.


• a piece of slightly salted red fish weighing 250 grams (you can take salmon, salmon, pink salmon, trout);

• ten large shrimp;

• three tablespoons of red caviar;

• cucumber weighing 100-150 grams;

• one avocado fruit;

• large chicken egg;

• a pinch of salt in an omelet;

• one and a half glasses of special sushi rice;

• five tablespoons of rice vinegar (can be replaced with white wine vinegar);

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a teaspoon of salt in rice;

• three sheets of dried nori seaweed;

• one hundred grams of crab sticks or crab meat.

Cooking method:

Cook rice

Prepare rice dressing by combining rice vinegar, sugar and salt. Warm up the dressing over low heat so that the grains dissolve.

Put the finished rice in a voluminous dish, pour in the dressing.

Spread the grains to the sides with a spatula, then collect them toward the center in a pea. Repeat stirring three times.

Leave the rice to infuse for ten minutes.

Boil shrimp.

Now divide the entire volume of rice grains into three parts, each putting in a separate plate.

Finely chop the crab sticks.

Just finely chop the sheets of seaweed.

Cut the fish into thin slices.

Arrange crab and algal slices on different plates of rice (the third plate remains snow-white, without additives).

Bake an omelette cake from an egg and a pinch of salt and cut it into very thin strips (strips).

Remove the peel from the avocado, take out the stone, cut the pulp into thin slices.

Take a shape with a rectangular bottom, cover it with a durable food film.

Put rice mixed with crab sticks at the bottom of the mold and press firmly.

The next layer is avocado slices.

The third layer is white rice.

The fourth layer is pieces of fish. A few fish "petals" leave to decorate the top.

The last layer is rice with seaweed.

Turn the mold onto a suitable dish, remove the film.

Sprinkle the top of the sushi cake with omelet straws.

Cut the cucumber into translucent slices.

Form "roses" from fish, leaves from cucumber plates.

Garnish the top with "flowers" of fish, red caviar, shrimp.

Sushi Cake with Cream Cheese and Wasabi

If the snack includes cream cheese, the dish acquires a special tenderness. In combination with spicy wasabi, a spicy appetizer is obtained, the place of which is on the festive table.


• two glasses of rice for sushi;

• water;

• two hundred grams of slightly salted salmon;

• two eggs;

• some salt for omelet;

• that grams of crab meat;

• five tablespoons of cream cheese (Philadelphia, ricotta, etc.);

• a tablespoon of wasabi;

• three tablespoons of white sesame;

• lemon;

• half of the cucumber.

For rice dressing:

• three tablespoons of rice vodka (you can replace one tablespoon of ordinary vodka or do not add alcohol at all);

• three tablespoons of rice vinegar;

• one and a half tablespoons of salt;

• one and a half tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

Cook and season the rice as described in the first recipe.

Mix eggs with salt, beat and bake a pancake.

Cut the omelet after cooling into strips.

Gently cut the fish into thin slices.

From crab meat, tear slices with your hands (you can cut).

Combine cream cheese with wasabi, mix.

Combine the cooled seasoned cheese with sesame seeds, mix.

Cover the mold for laying with a layer of film, sprinkle with vinegar water (take a teaspoon of rice vinegar to a third glass of water).

Lay out the fish layer first.

The following layers: a third of the total rice volume, an egg, pieces of crab meat, another half of the remaining rice, wasabi cheese, and the remaining rice.

Cover the cake with a film on top, set the oppression and leave it for two hours.

Cut lemon and cucumber into translucent slices.

Turn on a suitable plate, garnish with slices of cucumber and lemon.

Sushi cake with ginger

Another recipe for a delicious dish on the theme of many sushi loved by many is complemented by ginger. Spicy pickled root gives the appetizer an illuminating taste, and cream and soft cheese - a special tenderness.


• a 100 gram piece of salted salmon or other fish;

• one hundred grams of soft cheese;

• one avocado;

• half of the cucumber;

• fifty grams of pickled ginger;

• two sheets of dried seaweed;

• two tablespoons of wasabi;

• table boat white sesame;

• a tablespoon of drinking cream;

• one hundred grams of rice;

• a tablespoon of rice vinegar;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• a tablespoon of white wine.

Cooking method:

Boil rice cereal by adding white wine to the water.

Make dressing with rice vinegar, salt and sugar.

Mix ready-cooled rice with sesame seeds and aromatic rice dressing.

Cut the fish into slices or strips depending on the thickness of the piece.

Make a cream of wasabi, cream and soft cheese.

Peel the avocado and cut into thin slices.

Cut the cucumber with a vegetable slicer into very thin slices.

Pickled ginger can be cut into smaller pieces.

Sheets of nori cut into small pieces with scissors or break into hands.

Prepare a form for laying out layers, covering it with a film.

Put down the fish layer.

Spread the third part of the cream with soft cheese and wasabi.

The second layer is half the dried algae.

The fourth layer is half of fragrant rice.

The fifth layer - slices of cucumbers, smeared with cream.

The sixth layer is pieces of pickled ginger.

The seventh layer is the remainder of rice and wasabi cheese cream.

The ninth layer is the remnants of nori.

Wrap the mold with a film, press gently to seal the rice layers and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Turn the finished sushi cake onto a wooden stand, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve.

Sushi cake with crab sticks and caviar

Those who are not against the use of mayonnaise in salads can use the following sushi cake recipe. It can be prepared for a family Saturday night.


• a glass of rice sushi;

• a tablespoon of rice vinegar;

• a tablespoon of white wine;

• a teaspoon of granulated sugar;

• half a teaspoon of salt;

• ten crab sticks;

• half a glass of fat mayonnaise;

• a tablespoon of wasabi;

• one mature avocado;

• a tablespoon of pickled ginger;

• three sheets of dried seaweed;

• a tablespoon of red caviar;

• a teaspoon of sesame seeds.

Cooking method:

Cook rice

Pour vinegar, wine into hot grains, add sugar and salt, mix.

Divide the rice into three parts.

Finely chop the crab sticks.

Cut the peeled avocado into small cubes or thin plates.

Put the first nori sheet in the form.

Then put rice, flatten with wet hands, grease wasabi.

Put crab sticks, grease with mayonnaise. Approximately two sticks left for the top.

Lay the second sheet of nori.

Put a second portion of rice on it, smear wasabi.

Put an avocado, spread ginger petals on top of it.

Cover everything with a third sheet of algae.

Put the rice again, cover it with the remains of wasabi.

Garnish the top of the cake sushi with crab sticks, eggs, and wasabi droplets.

Soak in the cold for two hours and serve.

Sushi Chess Cake

This version of the cake has an interesting "chess" design. Try to make it, and you will pleasantly surprise guests and delight loved ones.


• four hundred grams of boiled rice;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• three tablespoons of rice vinegar;

• one sheet of nori;

• three hundred grams of salted fish;

• two hundred grams of creamy soft cheese;

• one fresh cucumber.

Cooking method:

Cut the fish as thin as possible.

Grate the cucumber with plates, dry on a napkin.

Cut the algae sheet into squares.

Fill the cooled rice with vinegar dressing (grains of sugar and salt should disperse completely).

Put a layer of fish on the bottom of the mold, firmly pressing them to each other.

Spread half the cream cheese with a silicone spatula.

Arrange the cucumbers.

Put the rice, squeeze it well and put the workpiece in the refrigerator.

Take out the dish, turn it on a flat surface.

Sweep the top with the remnants of soft cheese.

From the squares of nori lay out a “chessboard”.

On the sides you can decorate with wasabi roses, pickled ginger petals.

Sushi Cake with Fresh Salmon

From fresh salmon, you can quickly cook pickled fish and create an original sushi cake based on it. The dish will turn out to be an amateur. You can eat half-baked fish if you are sure of the manufacturer.


• four hundred grams of boiled sushi rice;

• four tablespoons of rice vinegar;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• three sheets of nori;

• a pound of fresh salmon;

• three tablespoons of soy sauce;

• one avocado;

• two tablespoons of sesame seeds.

Cooking method:

Prepare the rice as described above. Season it with a solution of salt and sugar in vinegar.

Salmon fillet cut into transparent slices.

Marinate the fish in soy sauce and sesame seeds, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Very finely chopped cucumber, peeled avocado.

Grind nori sheets.

Lay out layers (all ingredients are divided into three parts): rice, cucumbers, avocados, fish, nori. Repeat the layers two more times.

Hold for about an hour in the refrigerator.

Before serving, garnish with slices of fish, wasabi, and ginger.

Sushi Cake - Tips and Tricks

  • Layers in sushi cake should be smooth and dense. You can “ram” them with wet hands or a cutting board, pressing hard on each rice layer.
  • It is important to show the beauty of the layers. To do this, when cutting, you need to use a very sharp knife, previously chilled in the freezer.
  • Beautiful serve of cake on a thick wooden board. For appetizer you can serve soy sauce, wasabi, ginger, sesame.
  • You need to store the cake separately from other foods so that they do not absorb sharp flavors.


Watch the video: How to Make SUSHI CAKE! Chocolate Jelly Roll Sponge, Ginger Infused Buttercream & Candy Toppings! (June 2024).