Olives: benefits for the body, use in traditional medicine. What harm can olives cause when not worth consuming?


Olives are the fruit of the long-lived olive tree. Their benefits to the human body have been known since ancient times.

Olives were widely used in recipes of traditional medicine, home cosmetology. The big mistake is that many confuse these fruits with olives. In fact, olives are very different.

Their rich, valuable composition has a beneficial effect on the work of all internal systems of the body.

Olives: valuable ingredients of the composition

The energy value of the product per 100 grams is 115 Kcal. It is worth noting that with a diet, you should be careful with the use of olives. Calorie content is quite high, the same energy value can be obtained from other products, while saturating your body more.

It is good to eat olives in a small amount. They will give the body everything that is needed for normal operation.

Vitamins Composition:

• group B;

• vitamin E;

• vitamin C;

• choline;

• vitamin PP;

• vitamin A.

Minerals of the composition:

• sodium;

• manganese;

• phosphorus;

• copper;

• iron;

• zinc.

Olives: product benefits

Surprisingly, the benefits of olives are much more significant than many would have thought.

1. Characterized by a tonic effect. It is especially recommended to include in your diet those people who lead an active lifestyle. Olives perfectly compensate for the energy expended.

2. Surprisingly, olives are of great benefit to the child's body. The product contains linoleic acid. This substance plays an important role in the formation of the nervous system. Also, the product contains a lot of calcium, necessary for the human body at any age.

3. Fruits contribute to the general rejuvenation of the body, remove harmful cholesterol from the blood. The inclusion of olives in your body will be an excellent prevention of the development of cancer.

4. Olive oil can be applied externally. It promotes the healing of wounds, burns, cuts.

5. The product normalizes the functioning of the entire digestive system. Fruits restore the mucous membrane of the stomach, stimulate intestinal motility (allow you to cope with constipation), have a diuretic effect, due to which edema disappears.

6. The abundance of vitamins in the composition of olives makes them real "fruits of youth." If you regularly include fruits in the diet, you can significantly slow down the process of "withering of the body."

7. An interesting fact is that olives are one of the best natural aphrodisiacs. They are especially recommended for men who have problems with potency (at any age).

Olives, whose benefits are invaluable, it is useful to include in the diet, both adults and children, regardless of gender. These unique fruits will saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, take care of its normal functioning.

The best recipes for traditional medicine with olives

In folk medicine, olives have been used since antiquity. Some proven recipes helped to quickly cope with many ailments. Cough, headache and even high blood pressure are included in this number. Several such recipes will be useful to have in the arsenal of each hostess.

1. From cough. You need to take 30 grams of olive oil, mix with 1 yolk of a chicken egg and half a teaspoon of honey. The resulting product must be taken 2 times during the day. The first time after waking up on an empty stomach, the second time 30 minutes before going to bed (then do not drink).

2. From constipation. If a person regularly suffers from problems with stools, it will be useful to drink a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. It gently envelops the intestinal wall, removes stool, toxins, toxins.

3. From a headache. Surprisingly, with a severe headache, olive oil will also come in handy. You just need to drip one drop of the product into each ear, then rub it into the whiskey with massaging movements. After 5-10 minutes the pain will pass.

4. With hypertension. To lower the pressure, you need to take 50 grams of dry leaves of olives, place them in a liter glass jar and pour cool boiling water. The container is tightly closed, wrapped in a warm towel for a day. After that, the mood is passed through gauze. Take the drug 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Cosmetic use

Every woman should know that olives can be used in home cosmetology. In addition, fruit peel extract (a strong antioxidant) is included in many natural foreign cosmetics.

Olive oil can be used to make nourishing masks for the skin, perfumes and even shampoos. It has a beneficial effect on the dermis, starts the process of its regeneration, prevents early wilting. The product also strengthens the structure of curls, prevents the cross-section of the tips. It will be very useful for a woman to know several recipes with olive oil to maintain her beauty.

1. Cleansing nourishing mask for all skin types. Olive oil and fresh lemon juice are combined in the same proportion. The composition must be thoroughly mixed to make it homogeneous. The resulting mass of the fingertips is neatly distributed over the dermis (including the processed area around the eyes). The mask must be washed off after 15-20 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be repeated several times a week. The mask preserves the beauty and youth of the female face, removes age spots, fights against acne.

2. Body recipe with sea salt. Simple sea salt (you need to take without various additives, flavors) is mixed with olive oil in such an amount that the crystals do not dissolve, while the consistency is thick. Fresh lemon juice (2 tablespoons) is added to the composition. It turns out an excellent body scrub. It is recommended to massage his skin while taking a bath. The recipe normalizes metabolic processes in the deeper layers of the skin, as well as blood circulation.

3. For hair. To keep the hair strong, healthy, delighted with its density and attractive shine, it is recommended to make a mask with olive oil once a week. The product is warmed to room temperature, then rubbed into the scalp, comb distributed throughout the length of the curls. The mask is recommended to withstand 30-40 minutes, then the hair is well washed with shampoo.

Olives: product harm

Despite the fact that olives are the most useful fruits, there are some situations when their use can harm a person.

1. Overweight people are advised to refrain from consuming a large amount of the product due to its high calorie content.

2. Fruits are characterized by choleretic effect, their introduction into the diet will be dangerous for people with cholecystitis.

3. When purchasing a product in canned form, it must be remembered that a large amount of salt is used in the composition, which is harmful to the body.

4. Overeating olives can provoke poisoning, as the fruit contains a large amount of the substance retinol.

Olives are very healthy and tasty. However, in order to get only benefit from this product, you need not to abuse the quantity and remember contraindications.


Watch the video: Mix Lemon Juice and Olive Oil for Amazing Benefits (June 2024).