The most delicious creams for cakes - a chic selection! Recipes for delicious creams for biscuit and other homemade cakes


There is no cake without cream. The taste and type of dessert largely depend on the layer. Even the most modest cakes can become a gorgeous cake, if it is worthy to arrange.

The most delicious creams for cakes - the general principles of preparation

Criteria for a good cream: sweet, uniform, thick. To make it this way, you need to know the approach to each product.

Basic rules for the preparation of creams:

• Sugar. Often it is replaced by powder. It is added to the cream for taste. If powder is indicated, then sand cannot be replaced.

• Butter. It is advisable to use a natural creamy product with a fat content of 72%. Usually it needs to be whipped, so we get it in advance from the refrigerator and let it soften at room temperature. It is impossible to melt and heat before whipping.

• Condensed milk. Used ordinary condensed milk with sugar or boiled. In the second embodiment, the product is thicker, has a dark color and resembles caramel. Regular condensed milk is white, has a creamy taste. Preliminary preparation is not required.

• Cream. For cream, fatty cream of at least 33% is used. Otherwise, the product will not break into lush foam.

• Cocoa. For a rich chocolate flavor, sugar-free powder is used. Before adding to the total mass, it must be sieved.

To prepare creams, you will also need a bowl and mixer. In some cases, a whisk can be dispensed with, but the process will be longer and laborious.

Recipe for a delicious cream mascarpone cake with butter

The recipe for a delicious cream for biscuit cake or any other with soft cakes. Mascarpone filling will make them even more tender, the dessert will melt in your mouth.


• a pack of oil of 70% fat and above;

• 500 g of mascarpone;

• 2 glasses of powder;

• vanilla;

• a pinch of salt.


1. Put the softened butter in the bowl of the mixer or in any bowl convenient for whipping. Immerse the mixer and begin to whisk. High-quality oil in 5-7 minutes will become light, increase in volume.

2. We begin to gradually add powder to it. For taste, add a pinch of salt.

3. As soon as all the powder has dissolved, set the smallest mixer speed.

4. Add mascarpone oil in portions. If the consistency of the son is heterogeneous, then before that it is better to stir separately.

5. Knead the cream at low speed and you're done!

Delicious cream for biscuit cake (butter)

For this most delicious cream you will need not only high-quality butter, but also good condensed milk. Well, if the bank will be marked with GOST, or at least in the composition there are no extraneous ingredients.


• a can of condensed milk;

• 350 g of oil;

• a bag of vanilla;

• 1 tsp cognac.


1. Put the oil, immerse the whisk of the mixer, beat thoroughly until splendid.

2. Introduce vanilla, stir.

3. Open a can of condensed milk, begin to add to the oil. But we do it in small portions, each time we beat well. The mass should become homogeneous, delamination is unacceptable.

4. Beat the cream well, turn off the mixer and you can immediately lubricate the biscuit!

The most delicious cream for mascarpone cake with cream

Mascarpone cream recipe, which is obtained a lot. All due to the addition of whipped cream, which must certainly be greasy. Otherwise, nothing will turn out and the mass will flow.


• 200 ml cream;

• 200 g of mascarpone;

• 1 cup icing sugar;

• vanilla or any flavor as desired.


1. In a bowl, stir the mascarpone, you do not need to remove the cheese from the refrigerator in advance. Immediately you can add to it vanillin or any other flavoring taste.

2. Now do the cream. Pour them into a clean bowl, immerse the beaters and begin to whisk with a mixer.

3. As soon as the cream increases three times, we begin to pour the powder. We do not stop whipping.

4. As soon as the powder is over, turn off the mixer.

5. Take a spatula in our hands, start adding mascarpone to the cream, stir gently so as not to plant the foam.

6. Bring the cream to uniformity. Done! You can grease cake cakes.

The recipe for a delicious cream cake with boiled condensed milk

The peculiarity of this delicious cream cake cream is the consistency. It always turns out thick, as it is prepared from boiled condensed milk. It can be used to squeeze plain figures, flowers, and a cake border.


• a can of condensed milk;

• 1.5 packs of oil;

• vanilla, cocoa, liquor or cognac.


1. We shift the boiled condensed milk with a bowl, knead until smooth.

2. In a second bowl, beat the butter, which should be softened.

3. Gradually add the condensed milk to the butter, whisk together.

4. For the flavor we put vanilla, you can add cocoa or chocolate syrup, cognac will give a special taste.

Delicious Chocolate Cake Sponge Cake

A very delicate, light and airy chocolate cream that is perfect for biscuit. The taste will largely depend on cocoa. Ideally, it should be dark and saturated without added sugar.


• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 380 g of thick condensed milk;

• 280 g butter;

• 1 g of vanillin.


1. Sift the cocoa so that no lumps form in it.

2. In small portions we introduce condensed milk into the powder, mix well.

3. In a separate bowl, put the butter, previously softened. Beat with a mixer.

4. Introduce chocolate condensed milk into lush butter, beat thoroughly after each tablespoon of milk.

5. Enter vanilla, stir the last time and chocolate cream can be used!

The most delicious cream for cake "Charlotte"

An ideal variant of the most delicious cream for cakes of all kinds of Charlotte. With proper manufacture, the mass will be dense, uniform, from it you can easily plant leaves and small flowers. It is impossible not to single out the cost of the cream, which is obtained relative to the budget.


• 2 eggs;

• 250 ml of milk;

• 400 g of cl oil;

• 350 g of sugar.


1. Cooking milk syrup. Mix milk and sugar, bring to a boil.

2. While the milk is heating, shake the eggs.

3. Pour hot milk with sugar into the eggs, continue to beat.

4. Transfer the mass to the stove, stir and cook until thickened. Cooling down. As it cools, the syrup becomes even thicker.

5. Beat butter until fluffy.

6. Gradually add the brewed syrup. Put in small portions and mix thoroughly.

7. In the finished cream, you can add dye, cocoa, vanilla. In the refrigerator, it will stand wonderfully 2 days after preparation, but the mass must be transferred to an airtight container.

The recipe for a delicious gelatin cream cake

This cream is made from sour cream, but thanks to the addition of gelatin, it hardens well, does not spread, ideal for juicy and soft cakes like a biscuit.


• 15 g of gelatin;

• 250 g of condensed milk;

• 400 g sour cream;

• vanilla or cocoa;

• 50 ml of water.


1. Immediately need to soak the gelatin. It is not necessary to use water, similarly you can take milk, for a cream it will be even better.

2. While the gelatin swells, you need to mix the condensed milk with sour cream. You can add vanilla, cocoa to them. Or use chocolate coffee condensed milk.

3. Try the future cream to taste. If you need more sweets, add sugar or powder, stir until the grains dissolve.

4. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath, add to the cream, stir.

5. Put the mass in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, but do not allow to freeze.

6. Lubricate the cake, decorate, send to harden for 3-4 hours.

Delicious cream for biscuit cake with cottage cheese

Variant of the most delicious curd cream cake. Choose a greasy and soft product to make the cream tender and uniform.


• 10 tablespoons of condensed milk;

• 400 g of cottage cheese;

• 200 g sour cream;

• 200 g of oil;

• 0.5 tbsp. powders.


1. Beat the curd until smooth. It is best to use a blender. If it is not, then you can first wipe the product through a sieve.

2. Beat the soft sl. butter together with powder, we introduce first the condensed milk, and then the sour cream.

3. Add softened cottage cheese, optionally vanilla, cocoa, any essence.

4. Whip again and send the tender mass to the cake.

The most delicious banana cream cake

Banana cream is suitable for any chocolate and vanilla cakes. The layer is aromatic, tender, gives the dessert an exotic taste. Coconut flakes can be added as desired.


• 2 bananas;

• 10 ml of lemon juice;

• 200 g sour cream;

• 1 glass of powder;

• 150 g of oil.


1. Beat the butter. Gradually pour the powder. At the end, add the sour cream on a spoon. You can replace the powder with sour cream condensed milk. In this case, it should be thick.

2. Peel the bananas, knead to puree and immediately add lemon juice. If this is not done, the flesh will quickly darken, the cream will be ugly.

3. It remains to mix both masses. We use cream for decoration cakes. Keeping the mass for a long time is not recommended.

The most delicious creams for cakes - useful tips and tricks

• Sugar and powder thin the mass. Therefore, do not add them to the cream more than indicated in the recipe.

• If the consistency of the cream is not satisfactory, the mass is weak, there is no need to lubricate the cakes. The cake will float, the dessert will be hopelessly ruined. You can add special thickeners or use available tools. Gelatin will help. You can add some crumbs of cookies, coconut. They perfectly thicken the mass.

• If you mix products of different temperatures, the cream will delaminate, the mass will be grains, water may leave.

• Vanilla is optional for flavoring the dessert. You can buy essences with a variety of odors: rum, sweets, fruits, chocolate, berries.


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