What gray hair dreams about: what the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Freud say. Interpretation of dreams about gray hair in oneself or in other people


Sedina is unlikely in reality to someone may seem attractive. However, in a dream, such an image symbolizes primarily wisdom and life experience. Such a sign often carries a negative meaning and often promises troubles and negative changes in life. However, there are positive aspects, here you already need to look at the details of the dream itself. So, why do gray hair dream, and what such a dream can promise a person?

What if dreamed gray hair?

In general, gray-haired in a dream - for the most part the image is negative, but there are also quite positive interpretations of such a dream. For example, in some cases, gray hair can mean an improvement in financial position, and sometimes fatigue, or be a harbinger of any disease. Let us analyze the main types of dreams, in which, one way or another, gray hair appears.

1) If you are looking in the mirror in a dream and you see a streaking gray hair on your hair - this is a negative sign that promises unpleasant news in real life that will really upset you. If your whole head is covered with gray hair - this means that your house will visit the mountain soon;

2) if you are painting gray hair on your head - such a dream can have a different interpretation, depending on gender. For a woman, such a dream promises excessive attention from an influential person. For a man, such a sign promises the need to make sacrifices in real life;

3) if you literally turn gray before your eyes in a dream - this is a sign of certain problems with your health. Moreover, all the problems are the result of your excessive suspiciousness, you take everything to heart too close;

4) to see a gray beard in a dream - a sign of impending big problems;

5) if you cut your hair with gray hair in a dream - this is a sign that someone wants to deceive you, which will result in a deterioration in your material well-being. In this case, morally you will feel very bad;

6) pull a gray hair from your head - you are too fixated on your own appearance. It is likely that your selfishness can greatly offend your family and friends. Therefore, if you do not want to lose their location, quench your ego and learn to take into account the opinions of other people;

7) if you lose gray hair - this is a sign of mental and physical weakness. You should make yourself a little rest and pay more attention to your health. Otherwise, you may expect serious complications;

8) to see someone else's child with gray hair - a negative sign, foreshadowing a great misfortune that could happen to someone from your family, perhaps your child;

9) to see someone from my acquaintances turning gray in a dream is a sign that this person will soon change much in real life. It is likely that he will begin to grow up, revise his own views on life and values. It is also likely that one of your old friends will begin to show you signs of attention;

10) if you are combing long, gray hair - this is a sign that you regret that you did not succeed in real life. You would very much like to return to the past, careless times, but also you are aware that this will never happen, because of which sadness has settled in your heart. If the gray hair was wavy at the same time - expect a large number of tests on your way;

11) if in a dream you admire your own gray hair - this is a sign that you are really wise and have great life experience, regardless of age, which helps you in solving everyday problems. Such a dream promises you a long life, filled with joyful events;

12) if you stroke your gray hair - this means that you are used to doing without outside help and independently solve all your difficulties, which you definitely do well;

13) gray whiskey in a dream is a good sign that promises career advancement, and as a result, an improvement in financial well-being. You will probably be able to get the long-awaited leadership position, your subordinates will respect you. With close people, it will also be possible to resolve the previous troubles, because now you have the opportunity to fully provide them;

14) to see gray hair roots and with dark tips is a symbol of your indecision and doubt. You will soon face a serious choice in your life, and making a decision will be very difficult;

15) a thick and healthy gray hair is a good sign that promises you confidence in your abilities, strong material well-being. In addition, you will be surrounded by reliable people who do not give the slightest reason to doubt their loyalty.

Why dream gray hair on Miller’s dream book

Gustav Miller interprets the appearance of gray hair in a dream, not only as a symbol of wisdom, but also as a sign of future health problems.

• Brittle, sparse grayish hair is a warning sign that you should pay more attention to your health. Such a dream may portend that the time has come to think about vacation in order to avoid overwork;

• see a few gray hairs in your hairstyle and watch how their number increases all the time - expect changes in reality, you will have to spend a lot of time in worries and affairs, because otherwise you can just stop controlling the situation;

• if you have met one or more people with gray hairs - such a dream also promises changes in your life. For a couple in love, such a dream promises the appearance of a man who can become a rival for one of them;

• if the gray hair in the dream was thick and healthy - this is a sign of your wisdom and prosperity. Also, such a dream promises the appearance in your circle of a person whose goodwill and experience will greatly help you in life;

• In general, gray hair in a dream is a symbol of exciting trips, interesting acquaintances and positive news for you;

• if a woman dreamed of how she was trying to paint gray hair with all her might, this means that in real life she will keep secret the details of her life from fans.

Why gray hair, gray hair on Wang’s dream book

Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga believes that gray hair in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's life experience and wisdom. Even if young people see hair with gray hair in a dream, this is a sign that their knowledge and zeal will be enough to start a new, profitable business.

However, this in no way means that you can relax, and things themselves will go uphill. To do this, you will have to work hard and learn how to concentrate on tasks. Also, a dream about gray hair can mean that thoughts you have long forgotten will help in solving a problem.

What does gray hair dream about in Freud’s dream book

Sigmund Freud interprets such a peculiar dream. He believes that the appearance of gray hair for a person of any age means that in the intimate sphere you will be able to give the impression of a good lover, however, all your tricks are simple and monotonous. The psychologist believes that such a dream should prompt you to experiment more in bed, otherwise problems in your personal life are coming.

If you saw long female gray hairs - this is a sign that problems may soon arise in your harmonious relationship, your couple will collapse, and very soon a rival may arise on the horizon.

Why dream gray hair on Hasse's dream book

• Painting gray hair - incorrectly prioritized in life;

• see how gray hair falls out - old problems will begin to manifest again soon;

• Seeing yourself gray-haired - for unexpected gains.

Why dream gray hair on Loff's dream book

Pastor Loff has an unambiguous interpretation of such a dream. Seeing yourself with gray hair in a dream is a sign that your knowledge and experience is enough for your business to develop and flourish.

Why dream gray hair on the yellow emperor’s dream book

The Chinese dream book believes that gray hair in a dream is a reflection of health problems in real life. Seeing gray hair in a dream is a sign that you need to check your kidneys and lungs, it is quite possible that there are certain problems. Outwardly, this can manifest itself in the form of swelling and shortness of breath. Therefore, do not waste time in vain, visit your doctor and find out what the problem is.
