Water aerobics: the benefits of exercise for the body, the effectiveness for weight loss. Water aerobics and contraindications to training


Water aerobics is a type of physical activity that appeared several millennia ago. It is believed that the Chinese through their asanas in the water trained their endurance, accuracy and strength.

Today, many fitness centers offer classes in water aerobics, the benefits of which are invaluable for the body. Such training is beneficial for everyone, even for pregnant women.

Aqua aerobics: beneficial properties for the body

Such training can be afforded by people at any age, even if there are problems with the spine and joints. Classes have a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

1. Exercises in water allow you to form a correct posture, strengthen all muscle groups.

2. Improves blood flow, is an excellent prevention of diseases of the heart muscle.

3. During the training period, water has a massage effect on the skin, as a result, metabolic processes normalize in the cells, cellulite disappears.

4. Water aerobics soothes the nervous system, relieves fatigue, stress. After classes, a person improves mood, sleep problems disappear.

5. Classes burn more calories than any other workout. For those who want to bring their body to tone and lose a few extra pounds of water aerobics will be the right choice.

6. After classes there will be no pain in the muscles, as from other physical activities. Moreover, water aerobics hardens the body and strengthens the immune system.

Aqua aerobics: pregnancy benefits

Having a baby in the womb is an incredibly hard job. In order for the expectant mother to feel good, she must not sit still, she needs physical activity. Water aerobics is a great choice. Special exercise programs have been developed specifically for pregnant women.

Such exercises will help maintain muscle tone, relieve excess load from the spine. In addition, regular training will prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, cellulite.

Water aerobics will not cause harm to the expectant mother and her fetus, if you approach the classes correctly. It is also worth considering that for pregnant women there are some contraindications. Training is not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy and with the threat of miscarriage.

Aqua aerobics: the benefits and effectiveness of training for dieters

People who consider aqua aerobics to be a simple “splop” in water are very mistaken. Classes are very effective for weight loss.

During training, such devices are used as:

• water dumbbells;

• water belt;

• polystyrene sticks;

• special boots;

• flippers.

A person will have to perform exercises while overcoming the resistance of water in the pool. It is worth believing that it is not so simple. For 1 hour of classes, a minimum of 700 Kcal is burned - this is an amazing result that cannot be achieved with other physical activities.

It has been proven that training speeds up metabolism. When metabolism works to the maximum, the cells of the body are saturated with oxygen, due to which fat is burned. Water aerobics will also be useful for those women who can not get rid of cellulite. The vibration of the water during the occupation resembles massage, the problem areas of the abdomen and buttocks are smoothed out.

Water aerobics: contraindications to classes, restrictions

Despite all the benefits of this kind of physical activity, there are several categories of people who should be careful with water aerobics.

1. Water can put pressure on the chest, making breathing difficult. Classes are not recommended for people with asthma.

2. Those who have previously suffered a heart attack should definitely consult a doctor before doing water aerobics.

3. If you are allergic to chlorine, swimming in the pool is contraindicated.

4. With osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by nausea and frequent dizziness, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a doctor.

If you have health problems, in no case should you attend classes without a medical examination, this can be fraught with serious problems with the body. Be sure to show the trainer a certificate from the doctor, so he will select the optimal level of load individually.

How is the lesson

Classes are held in small groups from 7 to 15 people. Each individual receives a certificate from the doctor that he is healthy, otherwise he will not be allowed to the pool. To give the training more positive emotions, exercises are performed to the music.

The trainer conducts lessons in the pool with a temperature of 28 degrees. The water level can be either to the waist or chest. When purchasing a subscription, this nuance must be clarified.

Training consists of three main stages.

1. The first stage is stretching exercises and warm-ups.

2. The second stage - cardio exercises, exercises for flexibility and endurance, general wellness.

3. The last stage is a hitch, relaxing recovery exercises.

A properly constructed workout evenly distributes the load across all muscle groups. A person will not feel tired, on the contrary, a surge of strength and vigor.

Group Level

Before enrolling a person in a group for aqua aerobics, the trainer must inquire about the level of his training and the purpose of the visit. It is possible that a woman will try such exercises for the first time, then it would be better for her to join newcomers in order to feel more comfortable.

1. Training for beginners does not imply heavy loads. These are the most basic exercises, for example, swinging the legs back and forth, jumping. The trainer pays special attention to the first few classes of how a person feels in the water, whether he is standing correctly, breathing - this is extremely important. The average training duration is not more than 45 minutes.

2. For people with average training, training is different. The emphasis is on jumping, rhythmic movements, cardio exercises. The trainer focuses on the development of flexibility, strengthening the cardiovascular system and muscles. The average training duration is 1 hour.

3. A group of "experienced" have to do warm-ups on land, swim, do exercises at a fast pace in order for the muscles to work. At the end of the workout - stretching exercises.

At the end of any class in aqua aerobics, the useful properties of which are beyond doubt, the trainer is recommended to swim for 5-7 minutes. This will relax the muscles. Light stretching exercises are also recommended.

When to wait for the first results

When a person acquires a subscription to classes with any kind of physical activity, he is interested in the question of how many workouts to wait for the first results. Water aerobics in this regard is considered more effective than other classes.

Noticeable improvements will be visible after the first lesson. A person will get rid of a headache, will feel fine, tiredness and sleep problems will disappear. After 2-3 lessons, muscles begin to ache - they will become stronger.

In order for aqua aerobics to benefit the body as much as possible, you need to deal constantly. One lesson is not enough to lose weight and solve health problems. The trainer is recommended to practice at least 3 months 3 times a week. This will improve your overall health, tone the body, get rid of stretch marks (especially after childbirth).

What else you need to know about water aerobics

Water aerobics will harm the body in two cases:

• if the person does not follow the basic rules of behavior in the pool;

• if a person conceals the presence of health problems.

Personal hygiene in water aerobics is very important. Before you start attending classes, you must undergo a medical examination. After him, the doctor issues a certificate stating that he allows the person to attend classes. Any illness of an individual is transmitted to other members of the group. In no case should you conceal the presence of health problems. This is negligence, which can lead to serious problems.

Water aerobics is different from other types of physical activity. Exercising in the water invigorates, strengthens the immune system, allows you to lose weight and make the dermis more elastic. In addition, water aerobics is very interesting. If health allows you to attend classes, they will only benefit.


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