What you need and what you don’t need to do before a date?


For many women, preparing for a date turns into a whole ceremony. After all, one wants to make a good impression on a man. This is especially true of the first meetings. You need to think through everything to the smallest detail. The main thing is not to overdo it!

There are several recommendations that will help you prepare for your date:

  • No panic! Many women are very nervous before a date. And this is one of the main mistakes. Excessive stress will only harm the training - it will take more time and energy. You need to set aside five minutes, sit down or lie down, close your eyes, relax and tune in to a positive wave.
  • Good mood. An invigorating shower can create it. At the same time, treat your body with a refreshing lotion or cream. Just do not experiment on this day with new untested tools. They can cause allergic reactions and ruin a date.
  • Fully armed. Everything must be foreseen! Carry out depilation (including bikini zones), correct eyebrows, make a softening face mask, pedicure. Who knows how your evening will end. You need to be ready for anything. If you have very fair skin, a couple of tanning sessions will come in handy. Just keep a sense of proportion. Excessively exotic looks can scare a man away.
  • Miss Charm. Think over your image in advance. Choose outfit, underwear, accessories. Do not forget about hair, makeup and manicure. You should not use bright aggressive colors. They will add vulgarity to your image. Also, you do not have to zealous with fixing means. Hair should look natural. Remember, the overall silhouette should be neat, harmonious and feminine.
  • Your fragrance. To conquer a man, you must "include" all his feelings. Therefore, the choice of perfume is very important. It should complement the image. It’s good if you have several aroma options in your arsenal. It’s easier to find your way around. Just do not pour half a bottle on yourself. Otherwise, the head will not only hurt you.
  • About food. Before a date, it’s better not to eat a lot. This will not add to your vivacity and will provoke undesirable for a date processes in the body. A light snack is what you need.

On a date, you should feel free. This is precisely the purpose of the preparation. Indeed, comfortable and easy communication is very important for a man. Even if any unpleasant situations arise, do not despair. Be yourself and smile more often.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova


Watch the video: What You NEED To Do BEFORE a First Date (July 2024).