Nutritionists called the perfect combination of foods that are beneficial to the body


Many of us, getting up from the dining table, felt heaviness in the stomach, and sometimes even slight nausea. According to most experts, the reason lies in the wrong combination of products. The body spends a lot of energy on the digestion of most "heavy" foods, which is why you feel weak and tired, although satiety should be satisfying. In order to avoid this, doctors recommend a closer look at a balanced diet system.

So products containing starch (potatoes, cereals, grain bread) are best combined with vegetables. And vegetable side dishes (unless, of course, they include potatoes and corn) are ideal for combining with products containing animal proteins - fish, meat, cheese. It is also recommended to add a little chopped almonds or pine nuts to the green salad.

Separately from all products you need to consume fresh fruits. But there is one “but”: you need to do this only on an empty stomach or three hours after lunch, since the fruits can cause fermentation and provoke bloating. At one time, it is recommended to use products from the same category. If you are unable to resist mixing products from different categories, then it is better to use such dishes for dinner, because the body will have enough time to digest this food and allow you to wake up healthy and alert in the morning.

It’s important to remember that the foods you eat at the end of the day should be low in calories.

Here, for example, looks like the perfect menu:

Breakfast. Sausage with mustard. Mustard seed oil is able to normalize metabolic processes in the body, and by spreading mustard on a sausage, you can mitigate a possible blow to your taklia.

Dinner. Meat with lemon. The meat must be baked or grilled. Since meat is the main supplier of iron in the body, and lemon - vitamin C, it is difficult to imagine a better combination of products.

An afternoon snack. Cabbage and caraway seeds. Cabbage rich in fiber is able to improve bowel function, and cumin, thanks to the presence of essential oils in it, quickly removes toxins and wastes from the body.

Dinner. Fish with broccoli. This is almost an ideal combination for dinner, since broccoli contains a lot of calcium, which is not able to be absorbed without vitamin D, in excess present in fish.


Watch the video: The Power of Nutrition - Luke Corey, RD, LDN. UCLA Health Sports Performance powered by EXOS (July 2024).