Egg diet for 4 weeks: advantages and disadvantages of the technique. Egg diet: detailed menu for a month, results


An egg diet for 4 weeks guarantees significant weight loss if you follow its menu.

The methodology is quite strict, you will have to be patient in order to withstand it. The main product on which the diet will be built is ordinary chicken eggs. They saturate the body with protein, "make" normalize metabolic processes. The next two weeks of the diet will be aimed at consolidating the result. The main thing here is not to break, otherwise the lost weight will come back.

Such a diet is ideal for those who have willpower and a strong desire to find a beautiful figure. The technique promises an amazing result - for the entire duration of the menu, you can lose up to 25 kg.

The positive aspects of weight loss techniques

1. The ration of the method of weight loss allows you to normalize blood sugar levels. In addition, chicken eggs "interrupt" the craving for sweets. If you clearly follow the menu, you can get rid of the "dependence" on chocolate and other confectionery.

2. The dishes are simple, tasty and satisfying. A person does not need to add spices and sauces to them, which are "empty calories."

3. It is known that breakfast is an extremely important meal, it is with it that the day begins. Having eaten in the morning 1 whole grapefruit and 2 chicken eggs, a person will feel full for a long time. At the same time, the total calorie content of breakfast is negligible.

4. The diet menu includes vegetables, fruits, rich in fiber and other beneficial substances. Such a diet will saturate the body with important vitamins and minerals.

5. The diet does not require large expenses and complex dishes, everything is as simple as possible. You will not need to spend much time at the stove.

What are the disadvantages of a chicken egg diet

Despite the many advantages of an egg diet for 4 weeks, one should not forget about its disadvantages. There are a lot of them, it is important to take into account all the nuances in order not to harm your body.

1. Chicken egg protein contains albumin. In combination with grapefruit, it can provoke skin rashes, itching and allergies. If after a few days following the menu such ailments were noticed, you need to immediately stop the diet, otherwise there will be a serious risk of deterioration of the digestive organs.

2. A carbohydrate-free diet. Some may experience such ailments as general tiredness, dry skin, and constant headaches.

Egg diet: a detailed menu for every week

The egg diet, the detailed menu of which will be presented later, is designed for a month. If a person suffers from a large amount of excess weight, he needs to prepare in advance for difficulties, because any diet provokes stress for the body.

Egg diet: a detailed menu for the first week

Breakfast is the same for every day - it is 2 boiled eggs (without salt) and 1 citrus. Grapefruit is best, but you can also take an orange. Have to eat 3 times a day. Snacks are not needed, as the diet is quite nutritious.

First day

1. Lunch. You can eat 2-3 of any fruit except bananas. It can be oranges, apples or pears, for example.

2. Dinner. In the evening, it is advisable to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, so that the digestive system has time to process food. For dinner, a piece of boiled meat (chicken) or fish is perfect.

Second day

1. Lunch. Chicken without peel - boiled or cooked in the oven. The main thing is not to add spices and sauces to it.

2. Dinner. Salad made from carrots, cucumbers, tomato, lettuce. It is recommended to fill the dish with low-fat sour cream. The optimal serving is 150 grams.

The third day

1. Lunch. Lightly salted cheese - 100-150 grams.

2. Dinner. Cucumber and dill salad seasoned with low-fat sour cream.

Fourth day

1. Lunch. 2-3 green apples, you can eat them raw or bake.

2. Dinner. 50 grams of leaf lettuce (it speeds up the metabolism) and 100 grams of boiled fillet of low-fat fish.

Fifth day

1. Lunch. Boiled vegetables. You can take any, except for potatoes.

2. Dinner. 1 whole grapefruit, 50 grams of leaf lettuce.

Sixth day

1. Lunch. Green apples (2-3 pieces), a cup of natural coffee.

2. Dinner. 50 grams of lettuce, a slice (100 grams) of fried chicken breast.

Seventh day

1. Lunch. Boiled fish and canned green peas, a total portion of 200 grams.

2. Dinner. 1 cup low-fat kefir, half an orange.

Egg diet: a detailed menu for the second week

Breakfast is repeated as it was the previous week.

Day 1

1. Lunch. Boiled chicken breast (peel off), 50 grams of lettuce.

2. The evening. Boil 2 eggs and eat with half a medium grapefruit.

Day 2

1. Lunch. Any meat belonging to low-fat varieties, or fish - 150 grams.

2. Dinner is the same as on the previous day.

Day 3

1. Lunch. Vegetable salad (you can take everything except potatoes), seasoned with vegetable oil - a portion of 150 grams.

2. The evening. Half a medium orange or grapefruit, 1 boiled chicken egg.

Day 4

1. Lunch. Granular low-fat cottage cheese (100 grams is enough), 1 boiled egg.

2. The evening. 250 ml of kefir (the main thing is not to buy too fat), 1 boiled egg.

Day 5

1. Lunch. Salad of tomato and dill, seasoned with low-fat sour cream - 200 grams.

2. The evening. 250 ml of kefir, the fat content of which is not more than 1% and 1 boiled egg.

Day 6

1. Lunch. 1 orange and the same tomato salad as the previous day.

2. The evening. Fruit salad (apples, pears, tangerines). You do not need to fill the dish, the optimal serving size is 150 grams.

Day 7

1. Lunch. Fish fillet (it is better to take hake, this fish is lean and non-nutritive) - 150 grams, half an orange.

2. The evening. Any vegetables are boiled, or you can make them steamed (potatoes are excluded).

Diet for the third week: consolidation of the result

The third week of the weight loss technique is similar to separate nutrition. The bottom line is to eat 1 specific product daily (the amount is not limited). At this stage, a person will already lose most of the excess weight, now the result needs to be fixed.

1. The first day is a fruit day. Allowed apples, pears, oranges. One fruit is selected and eats throughout the day at any time.

2. The second day - a vegetable day. You can cook zucchini, steamed carrots. Potatoes are prohibited.

3. The third day - vegetables and fruits. Any except bananas and potatoes.

4. The fourth day is a fish day. You need to purchase low-fat fish fillet, boil it and eat it until the evening at any time.

5. The fifth day - meat day. Chicken fillet is best for a diet - it is affordable, characterized by low calorie content, satisfying.

6. The sixth day - a repeat of the meat day.

7. The seventh day is an apple day.

The right way out of the diet: last week's menu

The last week of the weight loss technique is very important, it will help to “get out” of the diet correctly, maintain the result and normalize the metabolism. The main thing here is not to break, there is still quite a bit to enjoy your slim figure.

1. Day 1. During the day it is allowed to eat 150 grams of cucumber and tomato salad, 200 grams of boiled beef meat.

2. Day 2. For a day - a salad with cabbage and greens, seasoned with sour cream (300 grams), 2 grapefruit, 3 boiled eggs.

3. Day 3. Boiled vegetables (except for potatoes) - 200 grams, 2 boiled eggs, 2 medium oranges.

4. Day 4. Boiled chicken meat (250-300 grams), 1 large grapefruit, 2 boiled eggs.

5. Day 5. 150 grams of lettuce leaves, 1 large grapefruit, tomato salad with sour cream.

6. Day 6. 200 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet.

7. Day 7. Low-fat kefir (drink at least 1 liter), boiled fish (portion not more than 200 grams), salad with cabbage (200 grams).

For each day, a list of foods that need to be consumed throughout the day is presented. Between meals, it is recommended to observe a time interval of 2 hours, so that the digestive system works normally.

You must strictly follow the egg diet, a detailed menu of which was presented in order to get the desired result.

Important nuances of weight loss techniques

1. As with any diet, it is very important to follow a drinking regimen. An egg diet allows the use of coffee, it is also recommended to drink green tea. In addition to these drinks per day, you must consume 1.5 liters of pure still water. This is very important for the proper functioning of all body systems. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks are prohibited.

2. In order for the method of weight loss to give the best result, you need to play sports every day. You can start with a simple charge for 20-30 minutes. When after 3-4 days a person gets used to the load, you can do morning and evening runs (15 minutes each).

3. Since the diet of the presented method of weight loss limits some products, the body will not receive all the substances necessary for it. To improve health, it is recommended to drink multivitamins. They will replenish the balance of nutrients in the body.

4. At the end of the diet you need to be very careful, it is advisable to build your diet in such a way that no more than 2000 Kcal is released per day, otherwise the lost weight will return.

5. During the diet, it is very important to rest well, not to overwork. The body experiences stress from losing weight, and lack of sleep will negatively affect its work.

Are there any contraindications to the egg diet

The method of losing weight has not many contraindications, but they are worth paying attention to.

It is forbidden to follow the method of weight loss in the following cases:

• if you are allergic to chicken eggs;

• for allergies to citrus fruits;

• during pregnancy and during lactation;

• for diseases of the kidneys and liver.

An egg diet for 4 weeks gives amazing results. However, in order to avoid an unpleasant reaction of the body, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor.


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